Informação relevante

Individuals Simple read

It's Been Two Years Since Covid-19 Became a Pandemic

Today, March 11, 2022, marks two years since covid-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. We've had lockdowns, vaccines, and arguments about how to move forward and live with this virus. We've watched the pandemic through numbers and data and memorials to the many lives lost, officially now over six million. It is likely this figure is a vast undercount. A study published in The Lancet this week estimated that the true number may be three times higher, at 18.2 million.

Individuals Simple read

Faz dois anos desde que a COVID-19 se tornou uma pandemia

O dia 11/03 marca os dois anos desde que a COVID-19 foi declarada como uma pandemia pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Nós passamos por lockdowns, vacinas e discussões sobre como seguir em frente e viver com esse vírus. Nós assistimos a essa pandemia através de números, dados e memoriais sobre as muitas vidas perdidas, oficialmente mais de seis milhões. É provável que este número seja uma grande sub-representação. Um estudo publicado no The Lancet na última semana estima que o verdadeiro número possa ser três vezes maior, contabilizando 18,2 milhões de mortes.

Individuals Intermediate read

The medicalization of freedom

How anti-science movements use the language of personal liberty and how we can address it. Looking back, the initial spread of COVID-19 in early 2020 illustrates that clinicians, epidemiologists and behavioral scientists around the world greatly underestimated the scope and intensity of resistance to mitigation measures that would follow. Many in the medical community have remained wedded to the view that direct observation of the soaring volume of death and morbidity associated with coronavirus infections will convert most people into adherents of mitigation measures. Hence, most public health communications on mask-wearing, social distancing, and vaccination stubbornly focus on and attempt to leverage efficacy data, patient testimonies, and the clout of clinicians, politicians, athletes and social media influencers, to increase public uptake.

Freedoms are most intimately and persistently felt as, and equated with, human rights. However, without strategic integration, freedom becomes an individualistic paradigm focused on personal gain, disengaged from collectivist public health efforts. The embrace of mitigation should be promoted as an expression of freedom and support of human rights, a communal paradigm focused on maintaining personal health and dignity.

Individuals Intermediate read

A new low for global democracy

Global democracy continued its precipitous decline in 2021, according to the latest edition of the Democracy Index. The annual survey, which rates the state of democracy across 167 countries on the basis of five measures—electoral process and pluralism, the functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—finds that more than a third of the world’s population live under authoritarian rule while just 6.4% enjoy a full democracy.

Business & Government Simple read

Is the Five-Day Work Week Dying?

The traditional idea of going to the office five days a week or working 9 to 5 may be dying. Some companies are making room for more creative and flexible approaches to getting workers to do their jobs.

Individuals Intermediate read

The end of the pandemic will not be televised

Pandemic ending is more of a question of lived experience, and thus is more of a sociological phenomenon than a biological one. And thus dashboards—which do not measure mental health, educational impact, and the denial of close social bonds—are not the tool that will tell us when the pandemic will end.

Developers Simple read

Decades of Research: the Story of How mRNA Vaccines Were Developed

The stunning Covid vaccines manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna drew upon long-buried discoveries made in the hopes of ending past epidemics. Even as the Omicron variant fuels a new wave of the pandemic, the vaccines have proved remarkably resilient at defending against severe illness and death. And the manufacturers, Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna, say that mRNA technology will allow them to adapt the vaccines quickly, to fend off whatever dangerous new version of the virus that evolution brings next.

Individuals Advanced read

How social capital helps communities weather the COVID-19 pandemic

Why have the effects of COVID-19 been so unevenly geographically distributed in the United States? This paper investigates the role of social capital as a mediating factor for the spread of the virus. Because social capital is associated with greater trust and relationships within a community, it could endow individuals with a greater concern for others, thereby leading to more hygienic practices and social distancing.

Individuals Simple read

China's Locked Down City Thrown Into Chaos After Covid App Crash

China's Covid-19 health code system that strictly governs people's movements crashed in Xi'an this week, worsening conditions in the locked-down city where the country's worst outbreak since Wuhan has been unfolding. The crash has complicated efforts to weed out cases through mass testing, created hurdles for people seeking care at hospitals and led to the suspension of a top official, the latest among a slew of bureaucrats to be punished as Beijing fumes over the situation.

Individuals Intermediate read

Real-time alerting system for COVID-19 and other stress events using wearable data (Study, 26p)

Early detection of infectious diseases is crucial for reducing transmission and facilitating early intervention. In this study, we built a real-time smartwatch-based alerting system that detects aberrant physiological and activity signals (heart rates and steps) associated with the onset of early infection and implemented this system in a prospective study.

Individuals Simple read

Israel Authorizes Use of Phone Tracking Tech To Contain Spread of Omicron Covid Variant

Rights groups petitioned Israel's top court on Monday to repeal new COVID-19 measures that authorize the country's domestic intelligence service to use counter-terrorism phone tracking technology to contain the spread of the Omicron virus variant. Announcing the emergency measures on Saturday, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said the phone tracking would be used to locate carriers of the new and potentially more contagious variant in order to curb its transmission to others. Israeli rights groups say the emergency measures violate previous Supreme Court rulings over such surveillance, used on-and-off by the country's Shin Bet domestic intelligence agency since March, 2020.

Business & Government Simple read

Chatbots As Medical Assistants In COVID-19 Pandemic

All healthcare workers are on the frontline during the covid pandemic. They face an overwhelming workload and risk their health and wellbeing every day. Moreover, doctors and nurses still have patients with other diseases and must take care of them on a high level nevertheless. So, healthcare providers are looking for the opportunity to turn from classical consultation treatment and look for new solutions. One of these solutions is a chatbot.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Inside the Rise and Fall of Clubhouse

More than any other startup, Clubhouse epitomizes the venture-capital-backed euphoria that swept the tech industry since lockdowns shut millions of people inside and pushed them online for connection, entertainment, and information. Marc Andreessen has called the app "the Athenian agora come to life," referring to the hub of democracy in ancient Greece. It has raised more than $100m from his firm and other top VCs, garnering a $4bn valuation. But with vaccinations rising and more people returning to normal life, Clubhouse has been hit particularly hard. Daily downloads of the app have plunged more than 90% since a peak in June, while daily average users are down almost 80% since February.

Business & Government Advanced read

Improving the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19

During an evolving outbreak or pandemic, non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) including physical distancing, isolation, and mask use may flatten the peak in communities. However, these strategies rely on community understanding and motivation to engage to ensure appropriate compliance and impact.

Business & Government Advanced read

How an outbreak became a pandemic

A chronological analysis of crucial junctures and international obligations in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: Understanding the spread of SARS-CoV-2, how and when evidence emerged, and the timing of local, national, regional, and global responses is essential to establish how an outbreak became a pandemic and to prepare for future health threats.

Individuals Simple read

Europe Once Again at Centre of Covid Pandemic, Says WHO

Uneven vaccine coverage and a relaxation of preventive measures have brought Europe to a "critical point" in the pandemic, the World Health Organization has said, with cases again at near-record levels and 500,000 more deaths forecast by February.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Study Discovers Workers Maintained the Same Productivity With Shorter Work Weeks

Researchers in Iceland conducted two trials of a shorter work week that involved about 2,500 workers. They found that the experiment was an "overwhelming success"— workers were able to work less, get paid the same, while maintaining productivity and improving personal well-being: Participants in the study reduced their hours by three to five hours per week without losing pay.

Business & Government Advanced read

COVID-19 pandemic: A review of smart cities initiatives to face new outbreaks

While the world still struggles against the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments and organisations are discussing how new technologies can be exploited to relieve its impacts and how future pandemics can be avoided or minimised. Among the envisioned solutions, the development of more efficient and widespread smart city initiatives can improve the way critical data is retrieved, processed, stored, and disseminated, potentially improving the detection and mitigation of outbreaks while reducing the execution time when taking critical actions.

Business & Government Simple read

The pandemic is testing the limits of face recognition

Government use of face ID systems exploded during the pandemic—but tying it to critical services has left some people locked out at the moment they needed help the most.

Individuals Simple read

Vaccine Questions and How Data Empowerment Happens

A clearly defined question is an important starting point in claims-making for people’s right to data and an important step on the path to data empowerment.

Individuals Intermediate read

Making sense of digital contact tracing apps for the next pandemics

In an interview with AlgorithmWatch, Prof. Susan Landau discusses why we need to resist fear in the face of pandemic uncertainty and the normalization of health surveillance technologies — and why the time to have a broad democratic discussion about their future uses is now.

Essas pessoas trabalhando de casa têm um segredo: elas têm dois empregos

Eles estavam entediadas. Ou preocupados com demissões. Ou cansados de trabalhar apenas por um pequeno aumento a cada ano. Eles receberam uma outra oferta de emprego e agora têm um segredo. Um pequeno e dedicado grupo de trabalhadores de escritório, em ramos como o bancário ou de seguros, afirmam ter encontrado uma forma de dobrar seus salários: trabalhar em dois empregos em tempo integral na modalidade remota, não contar a ninguém e, na maior parte das vezes, tampouco trabalham muito. Sozinhos em seus home offices, eles se dividem entre dois notebooks. Jogam "Tetris" com seus calendários, tentando evitar reuniões sem fim. Às vezes entram em duas reuniões ao mesmo tempo. Usam seus dias de licença - em alguns casos, ilimitados - para lidar com um ocasional grande projeto ou para reforçar sua atuação em um novo emprego. Muitos desses trabalhadores afirmam não trabalhar mais de 40 horas por semana, combinando suas duas ocupações. E tampouco pedem desculpas por se aproveitarem de um sistema que já se aproveita deles.

Individuals Intermediate read

These People Who Work From Home Have a Secret: They Have Two Jobs

They were bored. Or worried about layoffs. Or tired of working hard for a meager raise every year. They got another job offer. Now they have a secret. A small, dedicated group of white-collar workers, in industries from tech to banking to insurance, say they have found a way to double their pay: Work two full-time remote jobs, don't tell anyone and, for the most part, don't do too much work, either. Alone in their home offices, they toggle between two laptops. They play "Tetris" with their calendars, trying to dodge endless meetings. Sometimes they log on to two meetings at once. They use paid time off -- in some cases, unlimited -- to juggle the occasional big project or ramp up at a new gig. Many say they don't work more than 40 hours a week for both jobs combined. They don't apologize for taking advantage of a system they feel has taken advantage of them.

Documentação Digital de Certificados de COVID-19 da OMS

A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) emitiu uma documentação digital de certificados de COVID-19, incluindo:

  • a lista de informações que devem cer incluídos em um certificado de vacinação, ligado com o recurso de FHIR (ainda em desenvolvimento);
  • instruções com descrição sobre os casos de uso e fluxo de trabalho.

A tirania das planilhas

Tim Harford discute um notório incidente com o Excel no ano passado, quando o Reino Unido perdeu o controle sobre 16.000 casos de COVID-19 devido ao limite de colunas em arquivo .xls. O autor apresenta uma história das planilhas, datando desde 1396, quando Francesco di Marco Datini inventou o duplo registro de livros. Um texto muito agradável.

[Simple] The Tyranny of Spreadsheets

In discussing the notorious Excel incident last year when the UK lost track of 16,000 Covid cases due to a .xls row limit, Tim Harford presents a history of the spreadsheet, dating all the way back to Francesco di Marco Datini and double-entry bookkeeping in 1396. A delightful piece of writing.

[Simple] Why vaccine-shy French are suddenly rushing to get jabbed

The government’s decision to allow only the fully vaccinated to enter restaurants, bars, trains and other spaces has caused a spike in inoculations.

Por que franceses receosos com as vacinas estão se apressando para tomarem suas doses

A decisão do governo de permitir que apenas indivíduos totalmente vacinados possam frequentar restaurantes, bares, trens e outros espaços causou um pico no número de vacinações semanais

Os "passaportes de vacinação" contra a COVID não serão necessários para os serviços essenciais no Canadá

O Quebec irá demandar que seus cidadãos portem um "passaporte de vacinação" a partir de 1º de setembro, que serviria para excluir aqueles que ainda não receberam as duas doses. O ministro da Saúde, Christian Dubé, destacou que os passaportes só serão obrigatórios em regiões que experienciem surtos e que não serão necessários para acessar serviços essenciais.

[Simple] COVID 'vaccine passports' won't be needed for essential services in Canada

Quebec will require its citizens to carry a “vaccine passport” as of Sept. 1 that would serve to exclude those who have not received two doses. Health Minister Christian Dubé stressed the passports would only be mandated in regions that experience outbreaks and would not be needed to access essential services.

Como os cabos subterrâneos de fibra óptica monitoram os humanos movimentando-se acima deles

As vibrações de carros e pedestres criam sinais únicos nesses cabos. Agora cientistas utilizaram esse recurso para mostrar como a COVID-19 afetou nossas vidas.

[Simple] How Underground Fiber Optics Spy on Humans Moving Above

Vibrations from cars and pedestrians create unique signals in cables. Now scientists have used the trick to show how Covid-19 brought life to a halt.

[Advanced] Health Passes and the Design of an Ecosystem of Ecosystems

Ever since the Covid pandemic started in 2020, various groups have seen verifiable credentials as a means for providing a secure, privacy-respecting system for health and travel data sharing. This post explores the ecosystem of ecosystems that is emerging as hundreds of organizations around the world rise to the challenge of implementing a globally interoperable system that also respects individual choice and privacy.

Passaportes Sanitários e a construção de um ecossistema de ecossistemas

Desde que a pandemia do COVID-19 começou em 2019, diversos grupos enxergaram nas credenciais verificáveis uma maneira de promover um sistema de compartilhamento de dados de viagens e de saúde que respeite a privacidade e valorize a segurança. Essa publicação explora o ecossistema de ecossistemas que está emergindo à medida que centenas de organizações ao redor do planeta se defrontam com o desafio de implementar um sistema interoperável gobalmente que também respeite a escolha individual e a privacidade.

Business & Government Advanced read

Professional Social Media Usage and Work Engagement Among Professionals in Finland Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed work life profoundly and concerns regarding the mental well-being of employees’ have arisen. Organizations have made rapid digital advancements and have started to use new collaborative tools such as social media platforms overnight. Our study aimed to investigate how professional social media communication has affected work engagement before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of perceived social support, task resources, and psychological distress as predictors and moderators of work engagement.

Uso profissional de redes sociais e engajamento no trabalho entre profissionais na Finlândia, antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19

A pandemia de COVID-19 alterou profundamente nossa vida laboral e muitas preocupações surgiram acerca do bem-estar mental de funcionários. As empresas fizeram rápidos avanços digitais e começaram a utilizar novas ferramentas colaborativas, como as redes sociais, da noite para o dia. Nossa pequisa investiga como o uso profissional de comunicações através de redes sociais afetou o engajamento no trabalho antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Também buscou-se investigar o papel do apoio social, das task resources, e da aflição psicológica como preditores e moderadores do engajamento no trabalho.

[Intermediate] Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants

All viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, change over time. Most changes have little to no impact on the virus’ properties. However, some changes may affect the virus’s properties, such as how easily it spreads, the associated disease severity, or the performance of vaccines, therapeutic medicines, diagnostic tools, or other public health and social measures.

Rastreando variantes do SARS-CoV-2

Todos os vírus, inclusive o SRS-CoV-2, causador do COVID-19, mudam com o tempo. A maior parte das mudanças não impacta de forma expressiva as propriedades do vírus. No entanto, algumas dessas mudanças podem afetar características como a facilidade de transmissão, a severidade da doença ou a efetividade de vacinas, medicamentos, ferramentas de diagnóstico ou outras medidas sociais e de saúde pública.

[Simple] AI start-up potted Coronavirus before anyone else had a clue

On December 30, 2019, BlueDot, a Toronto-based startup that uses a platform built around artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data to track and predict the outbreak and spread of infectious diseases, alerted its private sector and government clients about a cluster of “unusual pneumonia” cases happening around a market in Wuhan, China.

Uma start-up de IA detectou o Coronavirus antes de todos

BlueDot é uma start-up de Toronto que usa uma plataforma construída em torno de inteligência artificial, aprendizado de máquina e big data para rastrear e prever o aparecimento e a disseminação de doenças contagiosas. No dia 30 de dezembro de 2019, a empresa alertou seus clientes públicos e privados acerca do surgimento de muitos casos de uma "pneumonia incomum" nas proximidades de um mercado em Wuhan, China.

Certificado digital de COVID da União Europeia: gateway da UE é ativado com a conexão de sete países um mês antes da data limite

No dia 1 de junho, o Certificado digital de COVID da União Europeia alcançou mais um importante marco: a implementação do sistema técnico a nível europeu, o que permite a verificação dos certificados de forma segura e privada. O certificado da UE foi proposto pela Comissão para que se retomem as viagens seguras neste verão. Ele será gratuito, seguro e acessível a todos. Disponível tanto em formato digital quanto no papel, ele será uma prova que determinada pessoa foi vacinada contra a COVID-19, testou negativo, ou recuperou-se da infecção.

[Simple] The UK Has a Plan for a New ‘Pandemic Radar’ System

Disease surveillance schemes to catch the next rising virus already exist—they’re just not communicating with each other.

O Reino Unido tem planos para um novo sistema de "Radar Pandêmico"

Os esquemas de detecção de doenças para deter os vírus do futuro já existem - eles só não estão se comunicando entre si.

[Simple] EU Digital COVID Certificate: EU Gateway goes live with seven countries one month ahead of deadline

Today, the EU Digital COVID Certificate has reached another important milestone with the go-live of the technical system at EU level, which allows to verify certificates in a secure and privacy-friendly way. The EU certificate was proposed by the Commission to resume safe travelling this summer. It will be free of charge, secure and accessible to all. Available in digital format or on paper, it will be a proof that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19, tested negative, or recovered from an infection.

[Simple] EU Digital COVID Certificate: EU Gateway goes live with seven countries one month ahead of deadline

Today, the EU Digital COVID Certificate has reached another important milestone with the go-live of the technical system at EU level, which allows to verify certificates in a secure and privacy-friendly way. The EU certificate was proposed by the Commission to resume safe travelling this summer. It will be free of charge, secure and accessible to all. Available in digital format or on paper, it will be a proof that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19, tested negative, or recovered from an infection.

[Intermediate] Four ways to accelerate the creation of data ecosystems

Public and private organizations rapidly set up data ecosystems to help fight COVID-19. McKinsey describes how companies can fast-track their ecosystem development.

Quatro maneiras de se acelerar a criação de ecossistemas de dados

Organizações públicas e privadas rapidamente estabeleceram ecossistemas de dados para ajudar no combate à COVID-19. McKinsey descreve como as empresas podem acelerar o desenvolvimento de seus ecossistemas.

[Advanced] Privacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

Vaccine passports are being considered by some governments and businesses as a means of allowing a return to something more closely resembling normal life. Canada’s Privacy Commissioners have decided to make a statement at this time in an effort to ensure that privacy is considered at the earliest opportunity as part of any discussions about vaccine passport development.

Privacidade e os passaportes de vacina do COVID-19

Os passaportes de vacina já estão sendo considerados por alguns governos e empresas como uma forma de se permitir o retorno a algo parecido com a "vida normal". Os Comissários de Privacidade do Canadá decidiram fazer uma declaração nesse momento para garantir que a privacidade seja considerada como parte de toda e qualquer discussão sobre o desenvolvimento de passaportes de vacina.

A Inglaterra lançará passaporte de vacina digital

O aplicativo do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (NHS, sigla em inglês) lançado na segunda-feira 17 de maio, será usado para demonstrar o status de vacinação contra a COVID-19 dos usuários. No entanto, orientações no site do governo do Reino Unido afirmam: "Não existem muitos países que aceitem prova de vacinação hoje em dia. Então, por enquanto, a maior parte das pessoas ainda deverá seguir outras regras quando viajando em países estrangeiros - como apresentar um teste negativo antes de embarcar."

[Simple] England to launch digital vaccine passport

The NHS app launched on Monday May 17th will be used to demonstrate COVID-19 vaccination status. However, guidance on the UK government website says: “There are not many countries that currently accept proof of vaccination. So for the time being, most people will still need to follow other rules when travelling abroad – like getting a negative pre-departure test.”

COVID-19: que essa seja a última pandemia

Desde setembro de 2020, o Independent Panel tem examinado de forma sistemática, rigorosa e compreensiva por que o COVID-19 se tornou uma crise sanitária e socio-econômica global. Agora, o painel apresenta resultados e recomendações de ações que restrinjam a pandemia do COVID-19 e garantam que qualquer futuro surto de doença infecciosa não se torne mais uma pandemia catastrófica.

[Intermediate] COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic

Since September 2020, the Independent Panel has systematically, rigorously and comprehensively examined why COVID-19 became a global health and socio-economic crisis. Now it presented its findings and recommendations for action to curb the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure that any future infectious disease outbreak does not become another catastrophic pandemic.

[Simple] Lawsuit Filed Over Contact Tracing Data Breach

A federal lawsuit has been filed against Pennsylvania and a vendor contracted by the state's Department of Health (DOH) over a data breach that exposed the personal health information (PHI) of thousands of Pennsylvanians.

Abertura de ação judicial devido ao vazamento de dados sobre rastreamento de contatos

Uma ação judicial federal foi aberta contra o Estado da Pensilvânia e uma empresa contratada por seu Departamento de Saúde devido a um vazamento de dados que expôs as informações pessoais de saúde (personal health information) de milhares de cidadãos.

[Intermediate] 10 Design Considerations for Vaccine Credentials

This blog post describes ten separable concerns for COVID-19 vaccine credentials, and responsive design strategies.

10 considerações relativas a design para credenciais de vacina

Esse post de blog descreve dez questões individuais sobre as credenciais de vacina para COVID-19, e oferece estratégias de design adequadas.

Webinar: Reabrir a sociedade usando tokens físicos para rastreamento de contato de COVID19 (Vídeo: 1:14h)

Gravação de um webinar do dia 28 de abril com especialistas em rastreio de contato, clientes, policy makers e empresários que discutiram como tokens físicos para rastreamento de contato de COVID-19 podem ser usados em casos específicos para reagir de forma rápida a novos surtos da doença.

[Advanced] Webinar: Reopen society using physical COVID-19 contact tracing tokens (Video: 1:14h)

Recording from a webinar on April 28 with contact tracing experts, customers, policy makers and entrepreneurs that discussed how physical COVID-19 contact tracing tokens can be used in targeted use cases to quickly react to local outbreaks.

Pesquisa sobre o impacto da presença de anticorpos contra o SARS-CoV-2 na reinfecção de trabalhadores da saúde na Inglaterra

Taxas de infecção por SARS-CoV-2 entre trabalhadores da saúde na Inglaterra positivos para anticorpos comparados com negativos para anticorpos:um estudo de coorte amplo, multicentrado e prospectivo. Caso você tenha tido COVID, as chances de ser infectado de novo são menores na maioria dos indivíduos - mas a pesquisa não afirma nada sobre pessoas que já foram vacinadas.

[Advanced] SARS-CoV-2 Infection Rates of Antibody-Positive

Full title: SARS-CoV-2 infection rates of antibody-positive compared with antibody-negative health-care workers in England: a large, multicentre, prospective cohort study. in short: If you had COVID, less chances to get infected again in most individuals - but does not tell anything about vaccinated people.

A Casa Branca deixa a criação de "passaportes" de vacina sob responsabilidade do setor privado 

Andy Slavitt (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) afirmou durante uma reunião sobre o COVID-19 na Casa Branca: "[...] o governo aqui não está vendo como parte de seu papel a criação de um passaporte ou o armazenamento de dados dos cidadãos. Nós observamos esse processo como algo que o setor privado está fazendo e continuará fazendo. O que é importante para nós, e nós estamos conduzindo um processo interagencial para revisar esses detalhes, é que alguns critérios importantes sejam estabelecidos para essas credenciais" Mais notícias sobre a COVID-19 discutidas no Slack: Líderes mundiais fazem apelo por um tratado internacional pandêmico Dados de povos indígenas durante a COVID-19: do externo ao interno Estado de Nova York lança passaportes COVID-19 baseados na tecnologia de blockchain da IBM More corona news discussed on Slack:

[Simple] White House leaves vaccine "passports" to private sector

Andy Slavitt (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) said during a White House COVID-19 briefing: "[...] the government here is not viewing its role as the place to create a passport, nor a place to hold the data of citizens. We view this as something that the private sector is doing and will do. What's important to us, and we're leading an interagency process right now to go through these details, are that some important criteria be met with these credentials."

More corona news discussed on Slack:

[Intermediate] What COVID-19 testing will look like in a post-vaccine world (Video: 42min)

Too many groups put digital business ahead of public health: Axios hosted a virtual event on what COVID-19 testing will look like in a post-vaccine world, featuring conversations with Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Dr. Michael Mina, Johns Hopkins senior scholar Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota Dr. Michael Osterholm.

[Simple] Covid: The countries that nailed it, and what we can learn from them

Covid-19 has shaken the world, with more than 2.5 million deaths and 115 million cases confirmed. This article collects the best examples of strategies for combating the virus.

[Simple] EU outlines proposed COVID 'vaccine passport'

As the vaccination roll-out accelerates around the world, many countries are starting to think about how they can enable vaccinated citizens to travel and visit public places such as restaurants and sports stadiums. The EU has unveiled its proposed digital vaccine passport in time for the summer tourism season.
Other Vaccine Passport articles this week were:

União Europeia descreve proposta de 'passaporte de vacina' da COVID

À medida que a implantação da vacinação se acelera em todo o mundo, muitos países estão começando a pensar em como podem permitir que os cidadãos vacinados viajem e visitem locais públicos, como restaurantes e estádios esportivos. A União Europeia revelou sua proposta de passaporte digital para a vacina a tempo para a temporada turística de verão. Outros artigos do passaporte de vacina esta semana foram:

[Simple] How the West Lost COVID

How did so many rich countries get it so wrong? How did others get it so right?

Como o Ocidente Perdeu para o COVID

Como tantos países ricos o trataram de forma tão errada? E como outros o trataram tão corretamente?

Vacinas de COVID-19 vs Variantes—Determinando Quanta Imunidade É Suficiente

Com os casos de COVID-19 resultantes da infecção pelas variantes da SARS-CoV-2 acumulando por todo o Reino Unido e ao redor do mundo, uma questão surge: Como podemos afirmar que as vacinas de COVID-19 desenvolvidas até o momento são eficazes para nos proteger dessas novas variações?

[Intermediate] COVID-19 Vaccines vs Variants—Determining How Much Immunity Is Enough

As COVID-19 cases resulting from infection with SARS-CoV-2 variants accumulate in the US and around the world, one question looms large: How well do the COVID-19 vaccines developed so far protect against these novel coronavirus spinoffs?

[Simple] Backed by Google, epidemiologists launch a sweeping Covid-19 data platform enables open access to more than 5 million anonymized Covid-19 records from 160 countries. Each record can contain dozens of data points about the case, including demographics, travel history, testing dates, and outcomes.

Apoiados pelo Google, epidemiologistas lançam uma abrangente plataforma de dados sobre o COVID-19 

A permite o acesso aberto a mais de 5 milhões de registros anônimos sobre o Covid-19 em 160 países. Cade registro poder conter dúzias de informações sobre o caso, incluindo demográficos, históricos de viagem, datas de testes e resultados. 

[Simple] Backed by Google, epidemiologists launch a sweeping Covid-19 data platform enables open access to more than 5 million anonymized Covid-19 records from 160 countries. Each record can contain dozens of data points about the case, including demographics, travel history, testing dates, and outcomes.

[Simple] Yuval Noah Harari: Lessons from a year of Covid

In a year of scientific breakthroughs — and political failures — what can we learn for the future?

 Yuval Noah Harari: Lições de um ano com COVID-19

Após um ano de avanços científicos - e falhas na política - o que podemos aprender  para o futuro?

[Simple] Yuval Noah Harari: Lessons from a year of Covid

In a year of scientific breakthroughs — and political failures — what can we learn for the future?

[Simple] EU to propose 'green pass' vaccine certificate this month

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Monday said the EU executive would propose a digital vaccination passport later this month. Members states will then decide whether to press ahead with the scheme to allow each other to recognize citizens' proof of vaccination.

[Simple] The Great Unbundling

From Ben Evans: "Covid brought shock and a lot of broken habits to tech, but mostly, it accelerates everything that was already changing. For that and lots of other reasons, tech is becoming a regulated industry, but if we step over the slogans, what does that actually mean? Tech is entering its second 50 years."

[Simple] European leaders to debate EU-wide vaccine passports

As governments roll-out mass COVID-19 vaccination programmes, debate has grown on the issue of vaccine passports and status apps.

[Simple] Can Verifiable Credentials Be The Key To Safely Reopening The Economy?

I sat down with Kaliya Young and Lucy Yang, directors of CCI, an open community, which brings together more than 300 technologists, academics and healthcare professionals from more than 100 organizations. CCI recently joined Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH) to make a difference in a space that demands technological innovation and efficacy.

[Intermediate] The coronavirus is here to stay — here’s what that means

A Nature survey shows many scientists expect the virus that causes COVID-19 to become endemic, but it could pose less danger over time.

[Intermediate] Covid-19: Variants vs Vaccines

The B117 variant will probably take over between February and March in most developed countries. That’s without taking into account the Brazilian and South African variants. In the race between the variants and the vaccines, the variants are the hare and the vaccines are the tortoise.

[Intermediário] Covid-19: Variantes vs Vacinas

A variante B117 provavelmente assumirá o controle entre fevereiro e março na maioria dos países desenvolvidos. Isso sem levar em conta as variantes brasileira e sul-africana. Na corrida entre as variantes e as vacinas, as variantes são a lebre e as vacinas são a tartaruga.

[Intermediate] The Case for No-Covid

As many countries continue to struggle with a third wave of COVID-19 all governments and public health authorities will need to remain open to new ideas for controlling the pandemic.

[Intermediário] O Caso da Não-Covid

Como muitos países continuam lutando com uma terceira onda de COVID-19, todos os governos e autoridades de saúde pública precisarão permanecer abertos a novas ideias para controlar a pandemia.

[Intermediate] What Medical Data Is Israel Sharing With Pfizer - and Is It Protected?

Israel is considered a world leader in medical data, which is partly why it has received priority access to the COVID-19 vaccines. Experts agree that the Pfizer deal offers reasonable protection of citizens’ personal data - but some parts of the deal prompt questions that need answering.

[Intermediário] Quais dados médicos Israel está compartilhando com a Pfizer - e estão protegidos?

Israel é considerado um líder mundial em dados médicos, o que é em parte o motivo pelo qual recebeu acesso prioritário às vacinas COVID-19. Os especialistas concordam que o acordo da Pfizer oferece proteção razoável aos dados pessoais dos cidadãos - mas algumas partes do acordo levantam questões que precisam de resposta.

[Simples] Cingapura revela dados de privacidade da Covid disponíveis para a polícia

Cingapura admitiu que os dados de seu programa de rastreamento de contatos Covid também podem ser acessados ​​pela polícia, revertendo as garantias de privacidade anteriores. Tal abordagem irá desgastar a confiança do público nas respostas de saúde futuras e, portanto, impedir sua eficácia.

[Simple] Singapore reveals Covid privacy data available to police

Singapore has admitted data from its Covid contact tracing programme can also be accessed by police, reversing earlier privacy assurances. Such an approach will erode public trust in future health responses and therefore impede their efficacy.

[Intermediário] Colaboração de dados na era do COVID

Na quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2020, o GovLab organizou um painel de discussão sobre "Colaboração de dados na era do COVID-19" na MyData Conference 2020. Facilitado por Stefaan Verhulst (cofundador e chefe de P&D do GovLab), os painelistas Kelly Jin (cidade de Nova York), Claudia Juench (Fundação Cloudera), Dave Greene (Microsoft) e JoAnn Stonier (Mastercard) discutiram maneiras como a resposta ao COVID-19 poderia informar os esforços para promover a reutilização de dados intersetoriais de forma responsável, sistemática e sustentável.

(Intermediate) Data Collaboration in the Age of COVID

On Thursday, December 10, 2020, the GovLab hosted a panel discussion on “Data Collaboration in the Age of COVID-19” at the MyData Conference 2020. Facilitated by Stefaan Verhulst (Co-Founder and Chief R&D at The GovLab), panelists Kelly Jin (City of New York), Claudia Juench (Cloudera Foundation), Dave Greene (Microsoft), and JoAnn Stonier (Mastercard) discussed ways the COVID-19 response could inform efforts to foster cross-sector data reuse in a responsible, systematic, and sustainable way.

[Simples] Epidemiologista olha para o passado para prever a segunda pós-pandemia 'loucos anos 20'

O Dr. Nicholas Christakis escreve que, após esta pandemia, as pessoas buscarão interações sociais extensas e prevê um segundo “rugido de 20 anos”. As preocupações com a privacidade e a vontade de compartilhar dados também mudarão depois que a atual pandemia acabar?

(Simple) Epidemiologist looks to the past to predict second post-pandemic 'roaring 20s'

Dr Nicholas Christakis writes that after this pandemic people will seek extensive social interactions and predicts a second “roaring 20s”. Will privacy concerns and willingness to share data also change after the current pandemic is over?

[Intermediário] IBM e Salesforce unem forças para ajudar organizações e indivíduos a verificar a vacinação e o estado de saúde

IBM Digital Health Pass e Salesforce para ajudar empresas, escolas e governos em seu esforço para reabrir com segurança após a pandemia COVID-19. Mais uma passagem de saúde com análises centradas na organização.

[Intermediate] IBM and Salesforce Join Forces to Help Organizations and Individuals Verify Vaccine and Health Status

IBM Digital Health Pass and Salesforce to help businesses, schools and governments as they strive to reopen safely in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet another health pass with organisation centric analytics.

[Simple] Vaccination Campaign at Nursing Homes Faces Obstacles and Confusion

Walgreens and CVS staff will soon begin vaccinations at tens of thousands of long-term care facilities. Some staff and residents are wary, and there are thorny issues of consent.

[Simples] Campanha de vacinação em asilos enfrenta obstáculos e confusão

A equipe da Walgreens e da CVS em breve começará a vacinação em dezenas de milhares de instituições de cuidados de longa duração. Alguns funcionários e residentes estão cautelosos e há questões preocupantes acerca do consentimento.

[Intermediate] WHO Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Infrastructure

Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas, WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced yesterday an international partnership to build a trusted COVID-19 Vaccination Certification Infrastructure, accelerating recovery from the global pandemic.

[Intermediário] Infraestrutura de vacinação COVID-19 Digital da OMS

O primeiro-ministro da Estônia, Jüri Ratas, o diretor-geral da OMS, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, anunciou ontem uma parceria internacional para construir uma infraestrutura confiável de certificação de vacinação COVID-19, acelerando a recuperação da pandemia global.

[Intermediate] Covid-19 spurs national plans to give citizens digital identities

MOSIP, an open-source platform developed in India, will be central to many of those efforts

[Intermediário] Covid-19 estimula planos nacionais para fornecer identidades digitais aos cidadãos

MOSIP, uma plataforma de código aberto desenvolvida na Índia, será fundamental para muitos desses esforços

The UK has approved a COVID vaccine — here’s what scientists now want to know

The Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine has passed safety and efficacy tests — but scientists still have many questions about how this and other vaccines will perform as they’re rolled out to millions of people.

O Reino Unido aprovou uma vacina COVID - aqui está o que os cientistas agora querem saber

A vacina Pfizer – BioNTech passou nos testes de segurança e eficácia - mas os cientistas ainda têm muitas dúvidas sobre como esta e outras vacinas irão funcionar quando forem lançadas para milhões de pessoas.

IATA Travel Pass Key to Reopening Borders Safely

IATA announced that it is in the final development phase of the IATA Travel Pass, a digital health pass that will support the safe reopening of borders.

Chave IATA Travel Pass para reabrir fronteiras com segurança

A IATA anunciou que está na fase final de desenvolvimento do IATA Travel Pass, um passe de saúde digital que apoiará a reabertura segura das fronteiras.

Coronavirus: The Swiss Cheese Strategy

How Any Country Can Learn to Dance and Stop the Coronavirus.

Individuals Intermediate read

ODI Report: Data about children’s lives in the pandemic

‘Data about children’s lives in the pandemic’ looks at the impact of the pandemic on children’s lives, and the wellbeing of parents and teachers, through the lens of new data made available to the ODI, as well as various open data sources and in-depth qualitative research.

Relatório ODI: dados sobre a vida das crianças na pandemia

'Dados sobre a vida das crianças na pandemia' analisa o impacto da pandemia nas vidas das crianças e no bem-estar dos pais e professores, através das lentes dos novos dados disponibilizados ao ODI, bem como várias fontes de dados abertas e aprofundar a pesquisa qualitativa.

Coronavírus: A Estratégia do Queijo Suíço

Como qualquer país pode aprender a dançar conforme o ritmo e deter o coronavírus.

Reguladores de medicamentos da UE se preparam para os riscos potenciais das vacinas COVID

A Agência Europeia de Medicamentos e os reguladores nacionais irão monitorar os dados de uma ampla gama de fontes.

EU drugs regulators prepare for COVID vaccines’ potential risks

The European Medicines Agency and national regulators will monitor data from a wide range of sources.

Health Data Sharing to Support Better Outcomes

This Special Publication outlines a number of potentially valuable policy changes and actions that will help drive toward effective, efficient, and ethical data sharing, including more compelling and widespread communication efforts to improve awareness, understanding, and participation in data sharing.

Welcome Back to the Office. Please Wear This Tracking Device.

A boom in contact tracing devices could herald a new era of worker surveillance.

Compartilhamento de dados de saúde para oferecer melhores resultados

Esta Publicação Especial descreve uma série de mudanças de política potencialmente valiosas e ações que ajudarão a impulsionar o compartilhamento de dados ético, eficiente e eficaz, incluindo esforços de comunicação mais abrangentes e abrangentes para melhorar a conscientização, compreensão e participação no compartilhamento de dados.

Bem-vindo de volta ao escritório. Use este dispositivo de rastreamento.

Uma explosão de dispositivos de rastreamento de contato pode anunciar uma nova era de vigilância do trabalhador.

EU switches on cross-border interoperability for first batch of COVID-19 contacts tracing apps

National apps whose backends are now linked through the gateway service are Germany’s Corona-Warn-App, the Republic of Ireland’s COVID tracker, and Italy’s Immuni app.

A UE ativa a interoperabilidade transfronteiriça para o primeiro lote de aplicativos de rastreamento de contatos COVID-19

Os aplicativos nacionais cujos back-ends agora estão vinculados por meio do serviço de gateway são o Corona-Warn-App da Alemanha, o rastreador COVID da República da Irlanda e o aplicativo Immuni da Itália.

Crie confiança na saúde digital

A rápida implantação de abordagens de saúde digital na atual pandemia global COVID-19 negligenciou a priorização da privacidade de dados e é uma oportunidade perdida de construir a confiança dos usuários nessas tecnologias para surtos futuros e saúde cotidiana.

E aqui outro artigo: "A confiança do paciente deve estar no topo da lista de prioridades dos pesquisadores"

Build trust in digital health

The rapid rollout of digital health approaches in the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic has neglected to prioritize data privacy and is a missed opportunity for building users’ trust in these technologies for future outbreaks and quotidian healthcare.

And here another paper: "Patient trust must come at the top of researchers’ priority list"

Algorithm spots 'Covid cough' inaudible to humans

An algorithm built in the US correctly identified people with Covid-19 by the sound of their coughs.

Algoritmo identifica 'tosse covid' inaudível para humanos

Um algoritmo criado nos EUA identificou corretamente as pessoas com Covid-19 pelo som de suas tosses.

Coronavirus: o gateway de interoperabilidade da UE entra em operação

Para explorar todo o potencial de rastreamento de contatos e aplicativos de alerta para quebrar a cadeia de infecções por coronavírus além das fronteiras e salvar vidas, a Comissão, a convite dos Estados-Membros da UE, criou um sistema em toda a UE para garantir a interoperabilidade - um chamado de 'gateway'. Após uma fase piloto bem-sucedida, o sistema vai ao ar hoje com a primeira onda de aplicativos nacionais agora vinculados a este serviço: o Corona-Warn-App da Alemanha, o rastreador COVID da Irlanda e o immuni da Itália. Juntos, esses aplicativos foram baixados por cerca de 30 milhões de pessoas, o que corresponde a dois terços de todos os downloads de aplicativos na UE.

Coronavirus: EU interoperability gateway goes live

To exploit the full potential of contact tracing and warning apps to break the chain of coronavirus infections across borders and save lives, the Commission, at the invitation by EU Member States, has set up an EU-wide system to ensure interoperability – a so-called ‘gateway'. After a successful pilot phase, the system goes live today with the first wave of national apps now linked through this service: Germany's Corona-Warn-App, Ireland's COVID tracker, and Italy's immuni. Together, these apps have been downloaded by around 30 million people, which corresponds to two-thirds of all app downloads in the EU.

Dados de rastreamento de contato coletados de bares e restaurantes estão sendo vendidos

As empresas que coletam dados de pubs e restaurantes para ajudá-los a cumprir suas obrigações de rastreamento de contatos estão coletando informações confidenciais dos clientes para vender.

Contact-tracing data harvested from pubs and restaurants being sold on

Companies collecting data for pubs and restaurants to help them fulfil their contact-tracing duties are harvesting confidential customer information to sell.

This Overlooked Variable Is the Key to the Pandemic

How to do backward contact tracing is now the question… The key is in the venue-based tracking, which offers quicker and easier returns

Avaliação baseada em medição da API de notificação de exposição do Google/Apple para detecção de proximidade em um bonde elétrico

Este artigo descreve os resultados de um estudo de medição de aplicativo de rastreamento de contato Covid-19 realizado em um projeto padrão de bonde suburbano europeu. As medições indicam que no bonde há pouca correlação entre a intensidade do sinal recebido pelo Bluetooth e a distância entre os aparelhos. O artigo aplica as regras de detecção usadas pelos aplicativos italiano, suíço e alemão aos dados de medição e também caracterizou o impacto no desempenho das mudanças nos parâmetros usados ​​nessas regras de detecção.

Measurement-based evaluation of Google/Apple Exposure Notification API for proximity detection in a light-rail tram

This paper describes results of a Covid-19 contact tracing app measurement study carried out on a standard design of European commuter tram. The measurements indicate that in the tram there is little correlation between Bluetooth received signal strength and distance between handsets. The paper applies the detection rules used by the Italian, Swiss and German apps to measurement data and also characterised the impact on performance of changes in the parameters used in these detection rules.

Esta variável negligenciada é a chave para a pandemia

Como fazer o rastreamento de contato reverso agora é a questão... A chave está no rastreamento com base no local, que oferece retornos mais rápidos e fáceis.

Covid-19 Data Is Coming to Google Maps

Google will deploy a function that can display color-coded overlays of the concentraiton of COVID-19 positive cases. Such data are mainly open data from Johns Hopkins, the New York times, and Wikipedia.

Dados da Covid-19 estão chegando ao Google Maps

O Google implantará uma função que pode exibir sobreposições codificadas por cores da concentração de casos COVID-19 positivos. As informações utilizadas são principalmente vindas de dados abertos do Johns Hopkins, do New York Times e da Wikipedia.

Rastreamento de proximidade em um ecossistema de capitalismo de vigilância

Aplicativos de rastreamento de proximidade foram propostos como um auxiliar no tratamento da crise do COVID-19. Alguns desses aplicativos aproveitam a atenuação de beacons Bluetooth de dispositivos móveis para construir um registro de encontros próximos entre dois proprietários de dispositivos. Os protocolos subjacentes são conhecidos por sofrerem de ataques de falsos positivos e de reidentificação. Apresentamos evidências de que a dificuldade do invasor em montar tais ataques foi superestimada.

Proximity Tracing in an Ecosystem of Surveillance Capitalism

Proximity tracing apps have been proposed as an aide in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Some of those apps leverage attenuation of Bluetooth beacons from mobile devices to build a record of proximate encounters between a pair of device owners. The underlying protocols are known to suffer from false positive and re-identification attacks. We present evidence that the attacker's difficulty in mounting such attacks has been overestimated.

Novo aplicativo Covid-19 da Finlândia avisa à primeira ministra sobre exposição

Após o novo aplicativo para detectar o índice de exposição ao coronavírus alertar que a primeira ministra da Finlândia talvez tivesse sido exposta, autoridades anunciaram na quinta-feira que Sanna Marin trabalhará remotamente até segunda ordem. A Finlândia lançou seu aplicativo em 1º de setembro e, desde então, foi baixado aproximadamente 1,8 milhão de vezes, igual a um terço da população de 5,5 milhões da Finlândia.

Finland's New Covid-19 App Warns PM of Exposure

Finland's prime minister will work remotely until further notice, officials announced on Thursday, after the country's new coronavirus app warned that she may have been exposed. Finland launched its app on September 1 and it has since been downloaded approximately 1.8 million times, equal to one-third of Finland's 5.5 million population.

Preventing future waves of COVID-19

McKinsey's perspectives on the coronavirus outbreak, the twin threats to lives and livelihoods, and how organizations can prepare for the next normal.

Prevenindo ondas futuras de COVID-19

As perspectivas da McKinsey sobre o surto de coronavírus, as ameaças gêmeas a vidas e meios de subsistência e como as organizações podem se preparar para o próximo normal.

Rastreadores de Políticas sobre o COVID-19

Uma coleção global de rastreadores de políticas e dados da COVID-19 que abrange diversas áreas, como intervenções não-farmacêuticas, respostas de políticas econômicas e sociais, medidas públicas, política e cobertura da mídia.

covid19 policy trackers

A global collection of COVID19 policy trackers and data. It covers a diversity of areas like non-pharamaceutical interventions, economic and social policy responses, public attitudes, politics and media coverage.

Desigualdade digital durante uma pandemia

Um estudo quantitativo das diferenças nos resultados e usos da Internet relacionados ao COVID-19 entre a população em geral.

Digital Inequality During a Pandemic

A quantitative study of differences in COVID-19–related internet uses and outcomes among the general population.

Cellphone Data Shows How Las Vegas Is “Gambling With Lives” Across the US

Las Vegas casinos, open for months now, are a likely hotbed for the spread of COVID-19. For many reasons, contact tracing has proved next to impossible as tourists return to homes across the U.S.

Dados de celulares mostram como Las Vegas está “brincando com vidas” nos EUA

Os cassinos de Las Vegas, abertos há meses, são um provável foco para a disseminação do COVID-19. Por muitos motivos, o rastreamento de contatos provou-se quase impossível, pois os turistas voltam para suas casas nos EUA.

COVID-19 ‘health passport’ for travel and events

Spikes in coronavirus across the world are once again impacting the tourism industry. But one start-up has a possible solution – an app which acts as a health passport to prove travellers are virus-free.

COVID-19: ‘passaporte de saúde’ para viagens e eventos

Picos de coronavírus em todo o mundo estão mais uma vez impactando a indústria do turismo. Mas uma startup tem uma solução possível - um aplicativo que atua como um passaporte de saúde para provar que os viajantes estão livres do vírus.

Incredibly bold move from Apple

COVID risk score introduced by Apple (iOS 13.6) might be illegal in Switzerland because national apps' safteguards are circumvented.

Mudança incrivelmente ousada da Apple

A pontuação de risco COVID19 introduzida pela Apple (iOS 13.6) pode ser ilegal na Suíça porque as salvaguardas dos aplicativos nacionais são contornadas.

Covid-19 e o modelo de mercado de ensino superior

Uma forma de comparar as políticas de ensino superior de países sob condições de pandemia é considerar o que aconteceria no ensino superior se os valores estivessem alinhados com o ‘bem comum’.

Covid-19 and the market model of higher education

One way to compare the higher education policies of countries under pandemic conditions is to consider what would happen in higher education if values aligned to the ‘common good’.

Mudança de paradigma de SEAM para HAACS

Richard Whitt descreve a necessidade da mudança de um paradigma de SEAM (vigiar, extrair, analisar, manipular, em tradução) para um dos HAACS (autonomia humana/agência via sistema de computador).

Shifting paradigm from SEAM to HAACS

Richard Whitt describes the need to shift from a paradigm of SEAM (surveil, extract, analyse, manipulate) to one of the HAACS (Human autonomy/agency via computer system)

O grande mistério dos aplicativos de rastreamento de coronavírus

A Alemanha e a Suíça não sabem ao certo como seus aplicativos estão funcionando, pois os dados estão fora dos limites.

The great coronavirus-tracing apps mystery

Germany and Switzerland are not sure how well their apps are working as the data is out of bounds.

The looming disaster of immunity passports and digital identity

Immunity Passports have become a much hyped tool to cope with this pandemic and the economic crisis. Essentially, with immunity passports those who are 'immune' to the virus would have some kind of certified document - whether physical or digital.

O desastre iminente de passaportes de imunidade e identidade digital

Os Passaportes de Imunidade tornaram-se uma ferramenta muito popular para lidar com esta pandemia e a crise econômica. Essencialmente, com passaportes de imunidade, aqueles que são "imunes" ao vírus teriam algum tipo de documento certificado - físico ou digital.

Precisamos mudar a forma como compartilhamos nossos dados pessoais on-line em tempos de COVID-19

O COVID-19 ressalta com que urgência precisamos de uma nova abordagem para organizar e compartilhar dados pessoais, escreve Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

We Need to Change How We Share Our Personal Data Online in the Age of COVID-19

COVID-19 underscores how urgently we need a new approach to organizing and sharing personal data writes Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

The coronavirus shutdown through the eyes of the recently unemployed

With extraordinary speed, the coronavirus has torn through nearly every corner of the economy. Workers across nine industries reflect in this article on paying the bills, filling their days, and facing an economy dramatically changed.

O apagão do coronavírus pelos olhos dos recém-desempregados

Com uma velocidade extraordinária, o coronavírus atingiu quase todos os cantos da economia. Trabalhadores de nove setores refletem sobre o pagamento das contas, o preenchimento de seus dias e o enfrentamento de uma economia radicalmente alterada neste artigo.

Covid-19 is here to stay. People will have to adapt

You may have lost interest in the pandemic. It has not lost interest in you.

Covid-19 está aqui para ficar. E as pessoas terão que se adaptar.

Você pode ter perdido o interesse na pandemia, mas ela não perdeu o interesse em você.

Coronavirus: Member States agree on an interoperability solution for mobile tracing and warning apps

Member States, with the support of the Commission, have agreed on a set of technical specifications to ensure a safe exchange of information between national contact tracing apps based on a decentralised architecture. This concerns the vast majority of tracing apps that were already – or are about to be – launched in the EU. Once the technical solution is deployed, such national apps will work seamlessly when users travel to another EU country which also follows the decentralised approach. This means an important additional step towards interoperability of mobile apps for tracing coronavirus infections, as Member States begin to lift travel restrictions across borders in time for summer vacation.

Coronavírus: Estados-Membros concordam com solução de interoperabilidade para aplicativos móveis de rastreamento e aviso

Os Estados-Membros, com o apoio da Comissão, concordaram com um conjunto de especificações técnicas para garantir um intercâmbio seguro de informações entre aplicativos nacionais de rastreamento de contatos com base em uma arquitetura descentralizada. Isso diz respeito à grande maioria dos aplicativos de rastreamento que já foram - ou estão prestes a ser lançados - na UE. Uma vez implantada a solução técnica, esses aplicativos nacionais funcionarão perfeitamente quando os usuários viajarem para outro país da UE, que também segue a abordagem descentralizada. Esse é um passo importante para a interoperabilidade de aplicativos móveis no rastreamento de infecções por coronavírus, à medida que os Estados-Membros começam a suspender as restrições de viagem antes das férias de verão.

Não haverá uma segunda onda grande de Covid19, mas vários surtos

Peter Piot, o Fleming que aconselha a Comissão Europeia sobre a pesquisa do novo coronavírus, disse ao VRT News sobre como uma possível segunda onda de novas infecções por coronavírus deve ser combatida.

There won’t be one large second wave of Covid19, but a number of flare-ups

The Fleming that advises the European Commission on research into the novel coronavirus Professor Peter Piot has told VRT News of how a possible second wave of novel coronavirus infections should be tackled.

SwissCovid: a critical analysis of risk assessment by Swiss authorities

Paul-Olivier wrote a paper outlining the privacy and security risks associated to the Google/Apple Exposure Notification API. This is very Swiss centric but applicable to many different countries of course.

UK virus-tracing app switches to Google-Apple model

The Apple-Google design has been promoted as being more privacy-centric.

Covid-19 na Suíça: uma análise crítica da avaliação de riscos pelas autoridades suíças

Paul-Olivier escreveu um artigo descrevendo os riscos de privacidade e segurança associados à API de Notificação de Exposição do Google / Apple. Isso é muito focado na Suíça, mas é aplicável a muitos países diferentes, é claro.

Aplicativo de rastreamento de vírus do Reino Unido muda para o modelo Google-Apple

O design Apple-Google foi promovido como sendo mais centrado na privacidade.

Why Now Is the Time for “Open Innovation”

Covid-19 has shown how companies can work together to solve problems.

Por que agora é a hora da "inovação aberta"?

O Covid-19 mostrou como as empresas podem trabalhar juntas para resolver problemas.

Minnesota está usando tecnologia contact-tracing para rastrear manifestantes, à medida que os protestos aumentam

Os protestos de Minnesota continuam aumentando e inspirando manifestações semelhantes em todo o país, após a polícia matar um homem desarmado de Minneapolis nesta semana, chamado George Floyd. As autoridades de Minnesota dizem que estão usando o contact-tracing (rastreamento de contatos) para entender melhor quem são os manifestantes e de onde eles são.

Minnesota is now using contact tracing to track protestors

Minnesota officials say they’re using contact tracing to better understand who the protestors are and where they’re coming from.

A Post-COVID-19 Digital Bretton Woods

When world leaders came together in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944, they laid the foundation for a model of global governance that would last for more than 70 years. To manage the far-reaching implications of digital technology and hyper-globalization, we must now pick up where they left off.

Five ways a COVID-19 contact-tracing app could make things worse

There is a good chance that people will over-trust an app to keep them safe, which could inadvertently increase social contact. This is a well-documented psychological effect called “automation bias”.

Pan-European Hackathon

Now is your chance to help tackle coronavirus! #EUvsVirus

Recommendation on apps for contact tracing

European Commission and the High Representative have set out plans for a robust and targeted EU response to support partner countries' efforts in tackling the coronavirus pandemic.

Recover from the Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis

This is a brilliant resource for business owners to help with COVID planning and impact minimisation.

You Really Don’t Want to Sell Your Data

Without fundamental legal rights underpinning the relationship between those who control data and those subject to it, data ownership will erode the control of those who need it most.

Funding Opportunities

This is a list of upcoming funding opportunities:

  • a curated list of open calls, funding opportunities, useful tools, collaborative actions and many more initiatives to help fight the Coronavirus situation by Martel Innovate
  • Mozilla announced the creation of a COVID-19 Solutions Fund as part of the Mozilla Open Source Support Program (MOSS)
  • NGI: DAPSI (deadline: April 22nd, webinar) and TRUST (3rd call, deadline: May 4th)

“SARS-CoV-2 Tracking under GDPR” by noyb

In the wake of the Corona crisis, many governments and non-governmental institutions consider the usage of infection tracking systems to fight the pandemic. They float different ideas how these systems shall look like. While reviewing some of those ideas, noyb (European Center for Digital Rights) has prepared this ad hoc paper on legal requirements for virus trackingsystems.

Projects using personal data to combat SARS-CoV-2

The GDPRhub maintains a page to collect different approaches by government and private projects to use personal data to combat SARS-CoV-2.

MyData vs COVID-19

A blog post on MyData vs COVID-19 describing who we are, what we do and why people should join the efforts now!

The moment you realise the world has changed: re-thinking the EDPS Strategy

Covid-19 is a game changer. Thinking about the EDPS’ strategy for the next five years, we have to look again at our text.

Save our NHS

What is your personal connection with your healthcare service & the professionals that work within it?

Data Stewards Network: A Call for Action

Toward building the data infrastructure and ecosystem we need to tackle pandemics and other dynamic societal and environmental threats.

EU Funding for Innovative solutions to tackle Coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission is calling for startups and SMEs to apply urgently to the next round of funding from the European Innovation Council

Controlling coronavirus with apps

Smartphone tracking of the pandemic - a help or a threat to privacy?

MyData and Coronavirus

Some thoughts here about how bottom up, human-centric 'MyData' would vastly improve how global pandemics can be managed for all parties. Clearly we won't get to build much for this time around, albeit my prototype only took 20 minutes; but one has to assume there will be a Covid 20 and beyond.


Civitas is a personalized risk and relief app built for the pandemic and other emergencies. It connects you to physical, medical, mental, and financial resources relevant to you.


MyLog14 is a mobile app for people to efficiently log and manage personal data without sacrificing the security of personal records.