Informação relevante

Developers Simple read

Trusted Third Parties vs Self-Sovereign Identity

An option to overcome the privacy and security problems of Trusted Third Parties and make the data more usable for its holders is Self-Sovereign Identity.

Business & Government Advanced read

Data Co-Operatives through Data Sovereignty

Against the widespread assumption that data are the oil of the 21st century, this article offers an alternative conceptual framework, interpretation, and pathway around data and smart city nexus to subvert surveillance capitalism in light of emerging and further promising practical cases. This article illustrates an open debate in data governance and the data justice field related to current trends and challenges in smart cities, resulting in a new approach advocated for and recently coined by the UN-Habitat programme ‘People-Centred Smart Cities’.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Data Sovereignty International Forum 2021 (Video, 3:44 hours)

The recording of Korea's Data Sovereignty Forum with the topic: Making the Fair Data World Together. Find more information on the official website here.

[Advanced] Palantir and GAIA-X

GAIA-X was envisioned as data infrastructure and an open digital ecosystem “initiated by Europe, for Europe” to support the global competitiveness of European companies and in November 2020, Palantir joined GAIA-X. One might ask why a company like Palantir Technologies, founded in Silicon Valley with global headquarters in Denver, Colorado, should consider its participation in the project as important, appropriate, and consistent with the stated goals of promoting European “data sovereignty and data availability.”

Artigo: Soberania de dados e infraestruturas de software são os principais capacitadores para a próxima fase da economia de dados europeia

Para atingir os objetivos da estratégia europeia de dados, é necessário fazer da soberania dos dados um princípio de design e desenvolver uma infraestrutura leve para o compartilhamento de dados.

White paper: Data sovereignty and soft infrastructures are key enablers for the next phase of the European data economy

In order to achieve the goals of the European data strategy it is necessary to make data sovereignty a design principle and develop a soft infrastructure for data sharing ...

Ornstein: jogadores processam a empresa em centenas de milhões pelo uso de suas estatísticas

Centenas de jogadores de futebol ingleses estão tomando medidas legais pelo uso de dados sobre seu desempenho e rastreamento sem consentimento ou compensação.

Ornstein: Players to sue for hundreds of millions over use of their statistics

Lawsuit over the ownership of personal statistics and tracking data. Hundreds of Enlglish football players are taking legal action over the use of their performance and tracking data without consent or compensation.

Amazon coletou dados de seus próprios vendedores para lançar produtos concorrentes

Na quarta-feira, o Congresso dos Estados Unidos interrogou os CEOs do Google, Apple, Facebook e Amazon, e examinou questões relacionadas ao domínio do GAFA no mercado. Os dados foram um dos tópicos subjacentes a essas investigações.

Amazon Scooped Up Data from Its Own Sellers to Launch Competing Products

On Wednesday, US Congress was grilling the CEOs of Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon, and examined issues related to GAFA's dominance in the market.
Data was one of the underlying threads in that inquiries.

Mudança de paradigma de SEAM para HAACS

Richard Whitt descreve a necessidade da mudança de um paradigma de SEAM (vigiar, extrair, analisar, manipular, em tradução) para um dos HAACS (autonomia humana/agência via sistema de computador).

Shifting paradigm from SEAM to HAACS

Richard Whitt describes the need to shift from a paradigm of SEAM (surveil, extract, analyse, manipulate) to one of the HAACS (Human autonomy/agency via computer system)

Data Sovereignty, Privacy and Are You Being Misled? A checklist.

One important thing to note is that security/privacy issues are not just about personal data, but also culturally sensitive data, commercially sensitive data or intelligence sensitive data. It’s also important to note that while I mention some indigenous issues in this article this is not intended to be a criticism or to be patronising to any indigenous groups: all of the issues raised are widespread among many other types of organisations and to individuals of any background.

Māori Data Sovereignty Network

Our data, our sovereignty, our future. This vision drove the establishment of Te Mana Raraunga as the Māori Data Sovereignty Network. We advocate for Māori rights and interests in data to be protected as the world moves into an increasingly open data environment.

Perguntas feitas

[Intermediate] Data Sovereignty Now Survey

It’s your data… but are you bothered? How many of us really think about all the data we are producing, or what happens to it? And what does data sovereignty mean to you? Please spare a few minutes of your time to help us learn from one another by sharing your opinions in this anonymised survey on this important topic.