Informação relevante

Business & Government Simple read

U.S., EU Reach Preliminary Deal on Data Privacy

The U.S. and the European Union reached a preliminary deal to allow data about Europeans to be stored on U.S. soil, heading off a growing threat to thousands of companies' trans-Atlantic operations.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Personal Digital Twins

The European Commission has already issued (and is working on) several documents that set the stage for data policies, from the basic General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) specifically looking at Personal Data, to the Data Governance Act (DGA), to the definition of European Data Spaces (Gaia-X) and the European Digital Identity Wallets (eIDAS 2.0). The EU is now starting to work on Personal Digital Twins governance as a way to protect the individual (privacy) and the whole society in accordance with western values of societal wellbeing.

Business & Government Simple read

EU Takes Aim at Big Tech's Power With Landmark Digital Act

The European Union agreed on Thursday to one of the world's most far-reaching laws to address the power of the biggest tech companies, potentially reshaping app stores, online advertising, e-commerce, messaging services and other everyday digital tools.

Individuals Simple read

eIDAS and the European Digital Identity Wallet

In 2021 the European Commission announced the European digital identity wallet. This article explains the basic concepts, highlights the significance of this development and provides an overview of the status quo.

Business & Government Intermediate read

The Digital Public Space is still a largely empty promise

The Declaration on European Digital Rights and Principles proposed by the Commission does not do enough for shaping the European online ecosystem as a digital public space, and not just a market. The "Digital Public Space" principle should be expanded upon to secure a stronger focus on societal objectives and collective rights.

Business & Government Intermediate read

O Espaço Público Digital ainda é, em grande medida, uma promessa vazia

A Declaração sobre Direitos e Princípios Digitais Europeus proposta pela Comissão Europeia não faz o suficiente para moldar o ecossistema online europeu como um espaço público digital e não apenas um mercado. O princípio do "Espaço Público Digital" deve ser expandido para garantir um foco maior nos objetivos sociais e nos direitos coletivos.

Business & Government Intermediate read

EU Data Act – making data portability actionable

The EU Commission published the long-awaited Data Act on February 23, 2022. This is a progressive legislative proposal to increase access to data for the users of connected products suchs as Iot devices and related services. It is a significant move towards realising the MyData principle of portability, access, and re-use as well as the principle of interoperability. It will potentially also move the needle towards the shift from formal to actionable rights in terms of the right of data portability. With such a progressive agenda, the proposal will certainly also face significant opposition and counter-lobbying from those who stand to benefit from the status quo.

MyData Global is supportive of the Data Act proposal as a whole. And even in a good proposal, there is always room for some improvements, and here are our top picks to make the Data Act live up to its potential to create more human-centric, fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital societies for Europe and beyond

Business & Government Intermediate read

Meta Threatens To Pull Facebook and Instagram From Europe If It Can't Target Ads

Meta states in an SEC filing it is considering leaving Europe if it can no longer exchange data from European users with the United States, following the Schrems II decision. It's customary for regulatory filings to preemptively declare a wide variety of possible future hazards, and in that spirit a recently-filed Meta financial statement cites a ruling by the EU's Court of Justice (in July of 2020) voiding a U.S. law called the Privacy Shield (which Meta calls one legal basis for its current dara-transferring practices).

In the meantime Meta writes that it does not plan to withdraw from Europe.

Business & Government Simple read

EU Data Act’s proposed rules for data sharing, cloud switching, interoperability

The Data Act is horizontal legislation for non-personal data that the European Commission plans to present on 23 February. The new rules will apply to the manufacturers of connected products, digital service providers and users in the EU.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Europe’s Digital Decade: Digital Targets for 2030

In 2021, the European Commission presented a vision and avenues for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030. The Commission proposes a Digital Compass for the EU's digital decade that evolves around four cardinal points: Skills, Infrastructure, Business, and Government.

Business & Government Intermediate read

WhatsApp Gets EU Ultimatum After New Terms Spark Backlash

Meta Platforms' WhatsApp was given a month to answer European Union concerns over new terms and services that sparked outrage among consumers and privacy campaigners: WhatsApp must provide "concrete commitments" to address EU concerns about a possible lack of "sufficiently clear information" to users, or the exchange of user data between WhatsApp and third parties, the European Commission said Thursday. "WhatsApp must ensure that users understand what they agree to and how their personal data is used," EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said in a statement.

Individuals Intermediate read

Commission puts forward declaration on digital rights and principles for everyone in the EU

The draft declaration on digital rights and principles aims to give everyone a clear reference point about the kind of digital transformation Europe promotes and defends. It will also provide a guide for policy makers and companies when dealing with new technologies. The rights and freedoms enshrined in the EU's legal framework, and the European values expressed by the principles, should be respected online as they are offline. Once jointly endorsed, the Declaration will also define the approach to the digital transformation which the EU will promote throughout the world.

Business & Government Advanced read

Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe

Europe’s digital transformation of the economy and society is framed by the European strategy for data through the establishment of a common European data space based on domain-specific data spaces in strategic sectors such as environment, agriculture, industry, health and transportation. Acknowledging the key role that emerging technologies and innovative approaches for data sharing and use can play to make European data spaces a reality, this document presents a set of experiments that explore emerging technologies and tools for data-driven innovation, and also deepen in the socio-technical factors and forces that occur in data-driven innovation. Experimental results shed some light in terms of lessons learned and practical recommendations towards the establishment of European data spaces.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Electronic Signature Laws & Regulations - The European Union

Also to be remembered with eIDAS, it’s not only about electronic identification, but heavily on digital signing. A good analysis including ‘failures’, derogations and national deviations is available here.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Despite EU Court Rulings, Facebook Says US Is Safe To Receive Europeans' Data

Despite the European Union's highest court twice declaring that the United States does not offer sufficient protection for Europeans' data from American national security agencies, the social media giant's lawyers continue to disagree, according to internal documents seen by POLITICO. Their conclusion that the U.S. is safe for EU data is part of Facebook's legal argument for it to be able to continue shipping data across the Atlantic.

Developers Intermediate read

Common European Mobility Data Space

Unlocking the potential of mobility data is essential to accelerating the transition towards more sustainable and smarter mobility. Building a common European data space for mobility will facilitate access, pooling and sharing of transport and mobility data, building on existing and future initiatives.

Business & Government Intermediate read

TEHDAS Results

The TEHDAS (Towards European Health Data Space) project develops joint European principles for the secondary use of health data. The work involves 25 countries and you can find project results here.

Business & Government Advanced read

MyData and the European Union’s latest data developments

The European Union (EU) is a global regulatory powerhouse in the data rights space, with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) being the most well known example. The upcoming Data Governance Act may be the next globally influential, data-related regulation benefiting citizens at home and abroad. In this blog, MyData Chair, Antti “Jogi” Poikola explains the EU Data Governance Act and how it supports achieving the goals in the MyData Declaration.
As a reference here the original commission proposal (from Nov 25, 2020), the parliament proposal (from July 2021), and the current council proposal (from Sep 24, 2021).

Business & Government Advanced read

Digital Colonialism (Report, 50 pages)

The global battle for control of the digital economy is typically portrayed as one fought by only two titans: US and China, but that does not mean that the EU has been standing still. As this briefing documents, the EU has been making strong efforts to catch up using trade negotiations and trade rules to assert its own interests. In the process, the EU is trying to climb up on the backs of the developing countries, undermining the chance for all to equitably share in the benefits of technological development.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Europe fit for the Digital Age: Commission proposes new rules and actions for excellence and trust in Artificial Intelligence

The Commission proposes today new rules and actions aiming to turn Europe into the global hub for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI). The combination of the first-ever legal framework on AI and a new Coordinated Plan with Member States will guarantee the safety and fundamental rights of people and businesses, while strengthening AI uptake, investment and innovation across the EU. New rules on Machinery will complement this approach by adapting safety rules to increase users' trust in the new, versatile generation of products.

Business & Government Intermediate read

State of the Union: Commission proposes a Path to the Digital Decade

Today, the Commission proposed a Path to the Digital Decade, a concrete plan to achieve the digital transformation of our society and economy by 2030. The proposed Path to the Digital Decade will translate the EUʼs digital ambitions for 2030 into a concrete delivery mechanism. It will set up a governance framework based on an annual cooperation mechanism with Member States to reach the 2030 Digital Decade targets at Union level in the areas of digital skills, digital infrastructures, digitalisation of businesses and public services. It also aims to identify and implement large-scale digital projects involving the Commission and the Member States.

Comitê Parlamentar da UE adota lei para 'desenvolver uma economia de dados europeia'

A proposta legislativa que definirá regras de governança de dados para dados industriais ao redor da UE recebeu a luz verde no Comitê do Parlamento Europeu na sexta-feira, 16 de julho. Leia o Comunicado de Imprensa do Parlamento Europeu e leia a versão atual da Lei de Governança de Dados aqui.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Parliament committee adopts act ‘to build up a European data economy’

The legislative proposal that will define data governance rules for industrial data across the EU received the green light in the relevant European Parliament committee on Friday (16 July).
Read the European Parliaments press release and get the current version of the Data Governance Act here.

Parlamento Europeu aprova derrogação de "ePrivacy"

O Parlamento Europeu aprovou a Derrogação de ePrivacy, que permite que os provedores de e-mails e serviços de mensagem automaticamente busquem todas as mensagens pessoais contendo materiais que retratem a exploração sexual de menores e apresentem os casos suspeitos à polícia. A delegação do Partido Pirata no Grupo dos Verdes/Aliança Livre Europeia (Greens/EFA) condena essa medida de vigilância automatizada, que significa na prática o fim da privacidade nas correspondências digitais. Os parlamentares do Partido Pirata planejam entrar com uma ação legal. Patrick Breyer (membro do Partido Pirata Alemão no Parlamento Europeu) afirmou: "Isso prejudica as crianças muito mais do que as protege".

Business & Government Advanced read

European Parliament approved ePrivacy Derogation

The European Parliament approved the ePrivacy Derogation, allowing providers of e-mail and messaging services to automatically search all personal messages containing material depicting child sex abuse and report suspected cases to the police. The European Pirates Delegation in the Greens/EFA group strongly condemns this automated mass surveillance, which effectively means the end of privacy in digital correspondence. Pirate Party MEPs plan to take legal action. Patrick Breyer (German Pirate Party Member of the European Parliament): “This harms children rather than protecting them”

[Intermediate] Vestager Warns Apple Against Using Privacy, Security To Limit Competition

Europe's tech chief Margrethe Vestager on Friday warned iPhone maker Apple against using privacy and security concerns to fend off competition on its App Store, reasons CEO Tim Cook gave for not allowing users to install software from outside the Store.

Vestager adverte a Apple sobre usar a privacidade e a segurança para limitar a competição

A chefe de tecnologia na europa, Margrethe Vestager advertiu a Apple contra o uso de preocuações com rivacidade e segurança como uma forma de limitar a competição em sua App Store, motivos que o CEO da empresa, Tim Cook, deu para não permitir que usuários instalem softwares que não estejam disponíveis na loja online.

Business & Government Intermediate read

EU Privacy Watchdogs Seek AI Biometrics and Facial Recognition Ban in Public Spaces

Two of the European Union’s leading independent data protection watchdogs, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), are jointly calling for a widespread ban on the use of AI-driven biometric identification in public places. More than just a facial recognition ban, the proposal calls for automated systems recognizing “gait, fingerprints, DNA, voice, keystrokes and other biometric or behavioral signals” to be kept out of all of the EU’s publicly accessible spaces.

"Guardiões" da privacidade na UE buscam banir o uso de IA para reconhecimento facial e biométrico em espaços públicos

Dois dos mais importantes guardiões independentes da privacidade na União Europeia, o Comitê Europeu para a Proteção de Dados (EDPB, em inglês) e a Autoridade Europeia para Proteção de Dados (EDPS, em inglês), emitiram um comunicado conjunto defendendo a interdição completa do uso de identificação biométrica conduzida por IA em espaços públicos. Mais do que o banimento do reconhecimento facial, o comunicado defende que quaisquer sistemas autmatizados de reconhecimento da "maneira de andar, impressões digitais, DNA, voz, teclagem e outros sinais de comportamento biométricos" estejam totalmente fora dos espaços públicos da União Europeia.

Fluxos de dados e a Década Digital

Um novo estudo comissionado pelo DIGITALEUROPE e conduzido pela Frontier Economics mostra que nossas decisões de políticas sobre transferências de dados internacionais terão efeitos consideráveis no crescimento da economia e de empregos na Europa até 2030, impactando as metas da Década Digital Europeia: a UE pode ter mais €2 trilhões até 2030 caso proteja as transferências internacionais de dados.

[Intermediate] Data flows and the Digital Decade

A new study commissioned by DIGITALEUROPE and conducted by Frontier Economics shows that our policy decisions on international data transfers now will have significant effects on growth and jobs across the whole European economy by 2030, impacting Europe’s Digital Decade goals: The EU can be €2 trillion better off by 2030 if we secure cross-border data transfers.

[Intermediate] The “Secure Platform” concept for Europe

The article discusses the technical requirements needed to protect our personal data and to ensure a safer digital world. It presents solutions for creating an open and secure IT infrastructure where data privacy can always be guaranteed.

O conceito de "Plataforma Segura" para a Europa

O artigo discute os requisitos técnicos necessários para proteger nossos dados pessoais e garantir um mundo digital mais seguro. Ele apresenta soluções para se criar uma infraestrutura de TI aberta e segura onde a privacidade de dados possa sempre ser garantida.

[Intermediate] European Digital Identity

The European Digital Identity will be available to EU citizens, residents, and businesses who want to identify themselves or provide confirmation of certain personal information. It can be used for both online and offline public and private services across the EU. Every EU citizen and resident in the Union will be able to use a personal digital wallet.

[Intermediate] European Digital Identity

The European Digital Identity will be available to EU citizens, residents, and businesses who want to identify themselves or provide confirmation of certain personal information. It can be used for both online and offline public and private services across the EU. Every EU citizen and resident in the Union will be able to use a personal digital wallet.

Certificado digital de COVID da União Europeia: gateway da UE é ativado com a conexão de sete países um mês antes da data limite

No dia 1 de junho, o Certificado digital de COVID da União Europeia alcançou mais um importante marco: a implementação do sistema técnico a nível europeu, o que permite a verificação dos certificados de forma segura e privada. O certificado da UE foi proposto pela Comissão para que se retomem as viagens seguras neste verão. Ele será gratuito, seguro e acessível a todos. Disponível tanto em formato digital quanto no papel, ele será uma prova que determinada pessoa foi vacinada contra a COVID-19, testou negativo, ou recuperou-se da infecção.

[Simple] EU Digital COVID Certificate: EU Gateway goes live with seven countries one month ahead of deadline

Today, the EU Digital COVID Certificate has reached another important milestone with the go-live of the technical system at EU level, which allows to verify certificates in a secure and privacy-friendly way. The EU certificate was proposed by the Commission to resume safe travelling this summer. It will be free of charge, secure and accessible to all. Available in digital format or on paper, it will be a proof that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19, tested negative, or recovered from an infection.

[Simple] EU Digital COVID Certificate: EU Gateway goes live with seven countries one month ahead of deadline

Today, the EU Digital COVID Certificate has reached another important milestone with the go-live of the technical system at EU level, which allows to verify certificates in a secure and privacy-friendly way. The EU certificate was proposed by the Commission to resume safe travelling this summer. It will be free of charge, secure and accessible to all. Available in digital format or on paper, it will be a proof that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19, tested negative, or recovered from an infection.

A Lei de Governança de Dados europeia sob uma perspectiva da soberania de dados

Estamos entusiasmados para divulgar nossos pontos de vista sobre como a Lei de Governança de Dados (Data Governance Act) pode ajudar a fazer com que a economia digital europeia avance na prática. Portanto, organizamos um Webinar no dia 25 de maio.

Business & Government Intermediate read

The European Data Governance Act from a data sovereignty perspective

We are keen to share our thoughts on how the Data Governance Act (DGA) can help to advance Europe’s digital economy in practice. Therefore, we organised a live webinar on 25 May 2021.

A CPD irlandesa "lida" com 99,93% das queixas sobre a GDPR - sem tomar decisões?

A CPD (Comissária de Proteção de Dados) irlandesa, Helen Dixon, admite em audiência no Parlamento Irlandês que "lida" com as queixas sobre a GDPR não tomando decisões sobre elas, violando, portanto, a lei da União Europeia. O milagre de longa data das queixas "auto-resolvidas" sobre a GDPR foi revelado por Dixon: a CPD simplesmente interpreta a palavra "lidar" de forma a significar que a autoridade pode simplesmente descartar as queixas sobre o direito fundamental à privacidade. Ela argumentou abertamente "De fato, não existe nenhuma obrigação na Lei de 2018 para que a CPD produza decisões no caso de qualquer queixa".

Business & Government Intermediate read

Irish DPC "handles" 99,93% of GDPR complaints, without decision?

The Irish DPC (Data Protection Commissioner) acknowledges in Irish Parliament hearing it "handles" GDPR complaints by not deciding about them, in violation of EU law.

The long-standing miracle of "self-resolving" GDPR complaints was then lifted by Helen Dixon: The DPC simply interprets the word "handle" to mean that the DPC can also simply dispose of complaints on the fundamental right to privacy. She openly argued “In fact, there is no obligation on the DPC under the 2018 Act to produce a decision in the case of any complaint.”

Novo "grupo de trabalho ad-hoc" sobre passaportes de vacina começa seus trabalhos - em segredo

Discussões entre Estados-membros da UE sobre como abordar os planos para certificados digitais de vacinação estão sendo realizadas em um novo "grupo de trabalho ad-hoc", um formato que não é propenso a promover a transparência - particularmente quando se considera que o grupo já afirmou que não irá manter "atas propriamente ditas"

[Intermediate] New “ad-hoc working group” on vaccine passports starts work – in secret

Discussions amongst EU member states on how to approach plans for digital vaccination certificates are taking place in a new "ad-hoc working group", a format that is not likely to foster transparency - particularly given that the group has said it will not be keeping "minutes as such".

Serviços de Confiança para crianças na Europa

Identificação Eletrônica e Serviços de Confiança para Crianças na Europa: criando um mundo digital mais seguro para crianças por toda a União Europeia

Business & Government Intermediate read

Trust Services for Children in Europe

Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Children in Europe. Creating a safer digital world for children throughout the European Union.

Europa busca limitar o uso da IA na sociedade

O uso de reconhecimento facial para vigilância, ou de algoritmos que manipulem o comportamento humano, serão banidos de acordo com propostas de regulações da UE sobre a inteligência artificial.

Business & Government Simple read

Europe seeks to limit use of AI in society

The use of facial recognition for surveillance, or algorithms that manipulate human behaviour, will be banned under proposed EU regulations on artificial intelligence.

Pedras videntes: a pandemia revela o alcance alarmante da Palantir na Europa

O COVID-19 deu à misteriosa empresa de tecnologia norte-americana de Peter Thiel novas oportunidades de operar na Europa de maneiras que alguns especialistas consideram preocupantes

[Intermediate] Seeing stones: pandemic reveals Palantir's troubling reach in Europe

Covid has given Peter Thiel’s secretive US tech company new opportunities to operate in Europe in ways some campaigners find worrying.

Developers Intermediate read

Urban Mobility Operating System

An EU funded 24-month project developing a service platform that lifts the barriers between different mobility solutions and ecosystems.

[Simple] EU outlines proposed COVID 'vaccine passport'

As the vaccination roll-out accelerates around the world, many countries are starting to think about how they can enable vaccinated citizens to travel and visit public places such as restaurants and sports stadiums. The EU has unveiled its proposed digital vaccine passport in time for the summer tourism season.
Other Vaccine Passport articles this week were:

União Europeia descreve proposta de 'passaporte de vacina' da COVID

À medida que a implantação da vacinação se acelera em todo o mundo, muitos países estão começando a pensar em como podem permitir que os cidadãos vacinados viajem e visitem locais públicos, como restaurantes e estádios esportivos. A União Europeia revelou sua proposta de passaporte digital para a vacina a tempo para a temporada turística de verão. Outros artigos do passaporte de vacina esta semana foram:

A União Europeia deveria regular IA com base em direitos, não riscos

Em poucos meses a Comissão Europeia está pronta para apresentar sua regulação sobre Inteligência Artificial (IA) ( Embora diversos pronunciamentos da sociadade civil e outros players sobre o perigo de aplicar uma abordagem baseada em riscos para regular a IA, a Comissão Europeia parece determinada em ir nesta direção. A Comissão já se pronunciou em seu Paper de 2020 sobre Inteligência Artificial, afirmando sua intenção de aplicar uma regulação fundamentada em riscos.

However, a risk-based approach to regulation is not adequate to protect human rights. Our rights are non-negotiable and they must be respected regardless of a risk level associated with external factors.

[Intermediate] The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks

In only a few months the European Commission is set to present a regulation on artificial intelligence (AI). Despite numerous statements from civil society and other actors about the dangers of applying a risk-based approach to regulating AI, the European Commission seems determined to go in this direction. The Commission already said in its 2020 White Paper on Artificial Intelligence that it wanted to apply a risk-based approach.

However, a risk-based approach to regulation is not adequate to protect human rights. Our rights are non-negotiable and they must be respected regardless of a risk level associated with external factors.

A Opinião Conjunta do EDPB e EDPS sobre a Proposta de Data Governance

O Comitê Europeu para Proteção de Dados (EDPB) e a Autoridade Europeia para a Proteção de Dados (EDPS) publicaram sua opinião conjunta sobre a proposta do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho Europeu de Data Governance, o Data Governance Act. Em resumo, a opinião não é favorável. E aqui há um sumário sobre suas críticas: ( by Zohar.

Business & Government Advanced read

EDPB-EDPS Joint Opinion on Data Governance Proposal

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published their joint opinion on the proposal of the European Parliament and of the Council on Euorpean Data Governance (Data Governance Act). In a nutshell: they don't like it. And here also a great summary of the critique points by Zohar.

[Intermediate] Schrems II a summary – all you need to know

On 16 July 2020, the European Court of Justice issued the Schrems II judgement with significant implications for the use of US cloud services. Customers of US cloud service providers must now themselves verify the data protection laws of the recipient country, document its risk assessment and confer with its customers. This article will explain what the Schrems II judgement entails for your business.

Um sumário do Schrems II – tudo que você precisa saber

No dia 16 de julho, a Corte Europeia de Justiça abordou o julgamento do caso Schrems II com severas implicações pelo uso dos serviços da Nuvem estadunidense. Prestadores do serviço de Nuvem dos Estados Unidos devem verificar por si mesmos as leis de proteção de dados de seus respectivos países, documentando suas avaliações de risco e as conferindo com os seus clientes. Esse artigo irá explicar quais implicações do citado julgamento podem impactar o seu negócio.

[Simple] EU to propose 'green pass' vaccine certificate this month

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Monday said the EU executive would propose a digital vaccination passport later this month. Members states will then decide whether to press ahead with the scheme to allow each other to recognize citizens' proof of vaccination.

[Simple] European leaders to debate EU-wide vaccine passports

As governments roll-out mass COVID-19 vaccination programmes, debate has grown on the issue of vaccine passports and status apps.

[Advanced] Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR

The long-awaited report "Assessment of the EU Member States' Rules on Health Data in the Light of GDPR" has finally been published. Based on a string of workshops and consultations in the first half of 2020, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the fragmented approach on the use and re-use of health data across Member States. (also available: Country fiches for all EU member states)

Business & Government Advanced read

Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR

The long-awaited report "Assessment of the EU Member States' Rules on Health Data in the Light of GDPR" has finally been published. Based on a string of workshops and consultations in the first half of 2020, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the fragmented approach on the use and re-use of health data across Member States. (also available: Country fiches for all EU member states)

[Advanced] Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR

The long-awaited report "Assessment of the EU Member States' Rules on Health Data in the Light of GDPR" has finally been published. Based on a string of workshops and consultations in the first half of 2020, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the fragmented approach on the use and re-use of health data across Member States. (also available: Country fiches for all EU member states)

[Avançado] Visão de MyData sobre a Lei de Governança de Dados da UE

Rumo a intermediários de dados interconectados e centrados no ser humano: a resposta global da MyData à Lei de Governança de Dados em 8 de fevereiro de 2021.

Business & Government Advanced read

MyData's View on EU Data Governance Act

Towards interconnected and human-centric data intermediaries: MyData Global response to Data Governance Act on February 8th 2021.

Business & Government Intermediate read

The EU's Data Governance Act just part of data sharing puzzle

The proposed new EU Data Governance Act (DGA) is a positive step towards to enabling data-driven innovation. It has the potential to revolutionise data sharing between organisations to the benefit of businesses and society more generally.

[Intermediário] A Lei de Governança de Dados da UE apenas parte do quebra-cabeça de compartilhamento de dados

A proposta da nova Lei de Governança de Dados da UE (DGA) é um passo positivo para permitir a inovação baseada em dados. Ele tem o potencial de revolucionar o compartilhamento de dados entre organizações para o benefício das empresas e da sociedade em geral.

Business & Government Advanced read

Digital Markets Act: Summary from a DataUnion Perspective

It looks like big platform operators will have to give both business users and endusers the right to port their data in realtime through APIs - third parties will be also allowed to do this on behalf of (at least) business users.

Business & Government Advanced read

Revision of the eIDAS Regulation–European Digital Identity

With eIDAS, the EU has laid the foundations and a predictable legal framework for people, companies (in particular SMEs) and public administrations to safely access services and carry out transactions online and across border. Despite undisputed achievements, the potential of electronic identification and authentication under eIDAS remains underexploited.

[Intermediate] From Strategy to Practice – Data Intermediaries in the EU

Several members of the Privacy Icons Forum (PIF) participated at the session “From Strategy to Practice – Data Intermediaries in the EU” held during the MyData 2020 online Conference on December 11, 2020 and hosted by Zohar Efroni.

Business & Government Advanced read

The EU’s Digital Markets Act: There Is A Lot To Like, but Room for Improvement

Electronic Frontier Foundation: The European Commission has released its public draft of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which, along with the Digital Services Act (DSA,) represents the first major overhaul of EU Internet legislation in the 21st Century. Like the DSA, the DMA takes aim at the monopolisation of the tech sector and proposes sweeping pro-competition regulations with serious penalties for noncompliance.

[Advanced] Palantir and GAIA-X

GAIA-X was envisioned as data infrastructure and an open digital ecosystem “initiated by Europe, for Europe” to support the global competitiveness of European companies and in November 2020, Palantir joined GAIA-X. One might ask why a company like Palantir Technologies, founded in Silicon Valley with global headquarters in Denver, Colorado, should consider its participation in the project as important, appropriate, and consistent with the stated goals of promoting European “data sovereignty and data availability.”

[Advanced] Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-Based Digital Government

Declaration signed at the ministerial meeting during the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 8 December 2020.

[Advanced] Making sense of the new common EU electronic ID

Say welcome to the EUeID - a GDPR-compliant verifiable credential of citizenship anywhere in the EU.

[Avançado] Compreender o novo ID eletrônico comum da UE

Dê as boas-vindas ao EUeID - uma credencial de cidadania verificável em conformidade com o GDPR em qualquer lugar da UE.

[Avançado] Declaração de Berlim sobre Sociedade Digital e Governo Digital Baseado em Valor

Declaração assinada na reunião ministerial durante a Presidência Alemã do Conselho da União Europeia em 8 de dezembro de 2020.

[Intermediário] O que a Lei de Governança de Dados da UE significa para cidades inteligentes?

Uma nova abordagem para compartilhamento de dados delineada pela Comissão Europeia (CE) na semana passada poderia acelerar as iniciativas de cidades inteligentes. Os benefícios potenciais incluem soluções mais avançadas para os desafios da mudança climática, saúde e mobilidade; melhor capacidade de transportar inovação entre as cidades; e novos serviços personalizados para residentes.

Business & Government Intermediate read

What does the EU's Data Governance Act mean for smart cities?

A new approach to data sharing outlined by the European Commission (EC) last week could accelerate smart city initiatives. Potential benefits include more advanced solutions to climate change, health and mobility challenges; better ability to port innovation between cities; and new personalised services for residents.

MyData operators set to accelerate the proposed European Data Governance Act

This article takes a look at the key takeaways from the Data Governance Act and elaborates on how a MyData operator satisfies the functional and governance needs of a transparent and trustworthy data economy.

Operadores MyData prontos para acelerar a proposta de Lei Europeia de Governança de Dados

Este artigo analisa as principais conclusões da Lei de Governança de Dados e descreve como um operador MyData atende às necessidades funcionais e de governança de uma economia de dados transparente e confiável.

Lei de governança de dados da UE: consulta agora em 8 semanas

E há várias declarações sobre esta Lei de Governança de Dados: Euractiva, Sitra e Brussels Morning com uma declaração de Teemu.

Eu Data Governance Act: Now 8 Weeks Consultation

And there are multiple statements about this Data Governance Act: Euractiva, Sitra, Brussels Morning newspaper with a statement of Teemu

EDPS: Preliminary Opinion on the European Health Data Space

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published it's Preliminary Opinion on European Health Data Space.

EDPS: Parecer Preliminar sobre o Espaço Europeu de Dados sobre Saúde

A Autoridade Europeia para a Proteção de Dados (EDPS) publicou o seu Parecer Preliminar sobre o Espaço Europeu de Dados de Saúde.

Reguladores de medicamentos da UE se preparam para os riscos potenciais das vacinas COVID

A Agência Europeia de Medicamentos e os reguladores nacionais irão monitorar os dados de uma ampla gama de fontes.

EU drugs regulators prepare for COVID vaccines’ potential risks

The European Medicines Agency and national regulators will monitor data from a wide range of sources.

Key insights from the leaked EU Data Governance Act

Leaked copy of the European Commission’s Data Governance Act reveals key insights into how the Commission will seek to implement its European Strategy for Data.

Principais insights do vazamento da Lei de Governança de Dados da UE

Uma cópia vazada da Lei de Governança de Dados da Comissão Europeia revela os principais insights sobre como a Comissão buscará implementar sua Estratégia Europeia de Dados.

EU switches on cross-border interoperability for first batch of COVID-19 contacts tracing apps

National apps whose backends are now linked through the gateway service are Germany’s Corona-Warn-App, the Republic of Ireland’s COVID tracker, and Italy’s Immuni app.

A UE ativa a interoperabilidade transfronteiriça para o primeiro lote de aplicativos de rastreamento de contatos COVID-19

Os aplicativos nacionais cujos back-ends agora estão vinculados por meio do serviço de gateway são o Corona-Warn-App da Alemanha, o rastreador COVID da República da Irlanda e o aplicativo Immuni da Itália.

MyData view on the leaked EU Data Governance Act

More than 20 experts from the MyData community compiled a collective response to the act. Many of them representing personal data intermediaries. The official publication of the European Commission proposal is expected within a few weeks.

MyData view on the leaked EU Data Governance Act

More than 20 experts from the MyData community compiled a collective response to the act. Many of them representing personal data intermediaries. The official publication of the European Commission proposal is expected within a few weeks.

Visão do MyData sobre o vazamento da Lei de Governança de Dados da UE

Mais de 20 especialistas da comunidade MyData compilaram uma resposta coletiva ao ato. Muitos deles representam intermediários de dados pessoais. A publicação oficial da proposta da Comissão Europeia está prevista para dentro de algumas semanas.

ICO toma medidas contra a Experian após investigação de corretagem de dados

O Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) ordena que a agência de referência de crédito Experian Limited faça mudanças fundamentais na forma como trata os dados pessoais das pessoas em seus serviços de marketing direto. O aviso de execução segue uma investigação de dois anos pela ICO sobre como Experian, Equifax e TransUnion usaram dados pessoais em seus negócios de corretagem de dados para fins de marketing direto.

ICO takes enforcement action against Experian after data broking investigation

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) orders the credit reference agency Experian Limited to make fundamental changes to how it handles people’s personal data within its direct marketing services. The enforcement notice follows a two-year investigation by the ICO into how Experian, Equifax and TransUnion used personal data within their data broking businesses for direct marketing purposes.

Business & Government Intermediate read

How the EU plans to rewrite the rules for the internet

The EU’s Digital Services Act is likely to become a battlefield for European digital policy and could be a standard-setting law for the global digital sphere.

Como a UE planeja reescrever as regras para a internet

A Lei de Serviços Digitais da UE provavelmente se tornará um campo de batalha para a política digital europeia e pode ser uma lei que estabelece padrões para a esfera digital global.

Coronavirus: o gateway de interoperabilidade da UE entra em operação

Para explorar todo o potencial de rastreamento de contatos e aplicativos de alerta para quebrar a cadeia de infecções por coronavírus além das fronteiras e salvar vidas, a Comissão, a convite dos Estados-Membros da UE, criou um sistema em toda a UE para garantir a interoperabilidade - um chamado de 'gateway'. Após uma fase piloto bem-sucedida, o sistema vai ao ar hoje com a primeira onda de aplicativos nacionais agora vinculados a este serviço: o Corona-Warn-App da Alemanha, o rastreador COVID da Irlanda e o immuni da Itália. Juntos, esses aplicativos foram baixados por cerca de 30 milhões de pessoas, o que corresponde a dois terços de todos os downloads de aplicativos na UE.

Coronavirus: EU interoperability gateway goes live

To exploit the full potential of contact tracing and warning apps to break the chain of coronavirus infections across borders and save lives, the Commission, at the invitation by EU Member States, has set up an EU-wide system to ensure interoperability – a so-called ‘gateway'. After a successful pilot phase, the system goes live today with the first wave of national apps now linked through this service: Germany's Corona-Warn-App, Ireland's COVID tracker, and Italy's immuni. Together, these apps have been downloaded by around 30 million people, which corresponds to two-thirds of all app downloads in the EU.

Artigo: Soberania de dados e infraestruturas de software são os principais capacitadores para a próxima fase da economia de dados europeia

Para atingir os objetivos da estratégia europeia de dados, é necessário fazer da soberania dos dados um princípio de design e desenvolver uma infraestrutura leve para o compartilhamento de dados.

White paper: Data sovereignty and soft infrastructures are key enablers for the next phase of the European data economy

In order to achieve the goals of the European data strategy it is necessary to make data sovereignty a design principle and develop a soft infrastructure for data sharing ...

Individuals Intermediate read

The European Commission's "2 years of GDPR" report

Data protection as a pillar of citizens’ empowerment and the EU’s approach to the digital transition - two years of application of the General Data Protection Regulation.

O relatório da Comissão Europeia: "2 anos de GDPR"

A proteção de dados como um pilar da capacitação dos cidadãos e a abordagem da UE para a transição digital foi inovadora - dois anos de aplicação do Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados.

Sobre interfaces de programação de aplicativos (APIs) para a transformação digital

A Comissão Europeia compreende o papel fundamental que as APIs desempenham na esfera digital e está a adquirir um conhecimento profundo dos aspectos da sua adoção nas organizações. Esta coleção JoinUp apresenta uma série de resultados que investigam esses aspectos.

Veja também esta publicação: Interfaces de programação de aplicativos em governos: por que, o quê e como.

About Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the digital transformation

The European Commission understands the key role that APIs play in the digital sphere, and it is gaining deep understanding aspects of its adoption in organizations. This JoinUp collection presents a series of outputs that investigate on these aspects.

Also check out this publication. Application Programming Interfaces in Governments: Why, what and how

Irlanda pede que o Facebook pare de enviar dados do usuário para os EUA

Um regulador de privacidade da União Europeia enviou ao Facebook uma ordem preliminar para suspender as transferências de dados para os EUA sobre seus usuários da UE, informou o WSJ na quarta-feira, citando pessoas familiarizadas com o assunto. Um desafio operacional e legal para a empresa que poderia abrir um precedente para outras tecnologias gigantes.

Ireland To Order Facebook To Stop Sending User Data To US

A European Union privacy regulator has sent Facebook a preliminary order to suspend data transfers to the U.S. about its EU users, WSJ reported Wednesday, citing people familiar with the matter, an operational and legal challenge for the company that could set a precedent for other tech giants.

Data Trusts and the EU Data Strategy

O projeto de estratégia de dados da UE estabeleceu o objetivo de promover uma economia europeia de dados, protegendo os direitos individuais e incorporando considerações éticas na governança de dados. Os fundos de confiança de dados oferecem uma ferramenta para preencher a lacuna entre as aspirações de compartilhar dados e as preocupações com os direitos individuais. E Viivi compartilhou um artigo com a visão dos EUA sobre o financiamento espaços de dados pessoais como um fundo pela União Europeia, que está lançando um mercado para dados pessoais. Isso é o que significa privacidade.

Data Trusts and the EU Data Strategy

The EU’s draft data strategy set out its aim to promote a European data economy, while protecting individual rights and embedding ethical considerations in data governance. Data trusts offer a tool for bridging the gap between aspirations to share data and concerns about individual rights.
And Viivi shared an article with the US view on the EU funding personal data spaces as a trust: The EU is launching a market for personal data. Here’s what that means for privacy.

CJEU invalidates “Privacy Shield” in US Surveillance case

The EU's Court of Justice has just invalidated the "Privacy Shield" data sharing system between the EU and the US, because of overreaching US surveillance.

CJEU invalida "Privacy Shield" no caso de vigilância nos EUA

O Tribunal de Justiça da UE acaba de invalidar o sistema de compartilhamento de dados "Privacy Shield" entre a UE e os EUA, devido à supervisão excessiva dos EUA.

Coronavirus: Member States agree on an interoperability solution for mobile tracing and warning apps

Member States, with the support of the Commission, have agreed on a set of technical specifications to ensure a safe exchange of information between national contact tracing apps based on a decentralised architecture. This concerns the vast majority of tracing apps that were already – or are about to be – launched in the EU. Once the technical solution is deployed, such national apps will work seamlessly when users travel to another EU country which also follows the decentralised approach. This means an important additional step towards interoperability of mobile apps for tracing coronavirus infections, as Member States begin to lift travel restrictions across borders in time for summer vacation.

Coronavírus: Estados-Membros concordam com solução de interoperabilidade para aplicativos móveis de rastreamento e aviso

Os Estados-Membros, com o apoio da Comissão, concordaram com um conjunto de especificações técnicas para garantir um intercâmbio seguro de informações entre aplicativos nacionais de rastreamento de contatos com base em uma arquitetura descentralizada. Isso diz respeito à grande maioria dos aplicativos de rastreamento que já foram - ou estão prestes a ser lançados - na UE. Uma vez implantada a solução técnica, esses aplicativos nacionais funcionarão perfeitamente quando os usuários viajarem para outro país da UE, que também segue a abordagem descentralizada. Esse é um passo importante para a interoperabilidade de aplicativos móveis no rastreamento de infecções por coronavírus, à medida que os Estados-Membros começam a suspender as restrições de viagem antes das férias de verão.

Shoshana Zuboff encontra Margrethe Vestager: uma conversa sobre uma futura Europa digital

Ouça a primeira conversa pública entre Shoshana Zuboff e Margrethe Vestager sobre a maneira européia de moldar a era digital e muitos outros tópicos interessantes.

Shoshana Zuboff meets Margrethe Vestager: A conversation about a future digital Europe

Listen to the first public conversation between Shoshana Zuboff and Margrethe Vestager about: The European way to shape the digital age and many other interesting topics.

Making data portability more effective for the digital economy

This report by the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) provides recommendations on how to make personal data portability more effective. The authors warn that the current legal framework requires clarifications to better empower European citizens in a data-driven society.

Tornando a portabilidade de dados mais eficaz para a economia digital

Este relatório do Centro de Regulação da Europa (CERRE) fornece recomendações sobre como tornar a portabilidade de dados pessoais mais eficaz. Os autores alertam que o atual quadro jurídico requer esclarecimentos para melhor capacitar os cidadãos europeus em uma sociedade baseada em dados.

Pan-European Hackathon

Now is your chance to help tackle coronavirus! #EUvsVirus

Recommendation on apps for contact tracing

European Commission and the High Representative have set out plans for a robust and targeted EU response to support partner countries' efforts in tackling the coronavirus pandemic.

The moment you realise the world has changed: re-thinking the EDPS Strategy

Covid-19 is a game changer. Thinking about the EDPS’ strategy for the next five years, we have to look again at our text.

EU Funding for Innovative solutions to tackle Coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission is calling for startups and SMEs to apply urgently to the next round of funding from the European Innovation Council

EU Datathon

The fourth edition of EU Datathon, the open data competition, has been launched on 19 February and you can submit your project description until March 3rd.

Europe is fighting tech battle with one hand tied behind its back

New proposals around data and artificial intelligence will be subject to restrictions that rivals in China and the United States do not face.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Leaked Reports Show EU Police Are Planning a Pan-European Network of Facial Recognition Databases

The proposal to link the EU’s facial recognition databases would likely connect them to the U.S. as well, in a massive consolidation of biometric data.

EU Data Strategy

The European Commission unveiled its data strategy to make EU a global leader in AI & data economy. Notably, MyData was referenced as an example to give individuals the tools and means to decide at a granular level what is done with their data.
Teemu also compiled a list of key documents: EU Data Strategy PDF, AI White Paper PDF, MyData Notes on Data Strategy and AI, MyData Comments on Data Strategy and AI, MyData Blogpost

Shaping a digital future for Europe (Speech by Margrethe Vestager)

As we stand at the start of a new decade, and look ahead to that digital future, the one thing we can say for sure is that none of us – not even the greatest experts – knows exactly how technology is about to change our lives. That’s partly because the digital world is so innovative – and innovation is uncertain by its very nature. But it’s also because the digital future will be powerfully shaped by our own choices and actions.

A Preliminary Opinion on data protection and scientific research

A statement from the European Data Protection Supervisor (lead by Wojciech Wiewiorówski) about personal data protection and scientific research.

EU court boost for activist in Facebook data transfer fight

EU regulators must make more effort to stop tech companies from transferring data to countries with weaker data-protection standards, an advisor to the European Union’s top court said Thursday. It’s the latest in a lengthy and complex legal case involving an Austrian privacy campaigner and Facebook.

Data portability and services incubator (DAPSI)

DAPSI goal is to make significantly easier for citizens to have any data which is stored with one service provider transmitted directly to another provider, addressing the challenge of personal data portability on the internet as foreseen under the GDPR.

A Human-Centric Digital Manifesto for Europe

The digital revolution is radically changing every aspect of human life in the 21st century and it’s essential that regulators address the challenges this transformation brings. The new European Commission should look beyond digital single market issues, and focus on creating new rights-based policies and regulations based on freedom, democracy, equality, and rule of law to ensure that existing offline rights are protected online.

'Digital' becomes a top priority for the EU Commission

Today, President-elect of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, revealed the list of nominated commissioners who will constitute the new College of Commissioners of the European Union for the next five years. The least we can say is that she has set the bar very high when it comes to regulating the digital economy. None less than three commissioners have been tasked with overseeing the digital economy within the European Union: Margrethe Vestager (digital watchdog), Didier Reynders (data protection commissioner), and Sylvie Goulard (promoter of the Digital Single Market)

Perguntas feitas

Individuals Advanced read

European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children

The EU is updating its’ “European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children“. Feedback is now open for 4 weeks (until 28 October).

Business & Government Advanced read

Apply to NGI DAPSI Open Call #3

The Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI) offers a vibrant 9-month supporting programme, powered by the European Commission, with a €2.5 million fund for internet innovators developing solutions in the Data Portability field.

Business & Government Advanced read

Call for Papers: Practices of “data-driven innovation” in the European Public Sector

How do policies for data-driven innovation unfold in practice, both in the public sector and among its affected publics, and what can researchers, practitioners and policymakers learn from current applications?
Deadline for abstracts is 30 September 2021.

[Intermediate] Open NGI Calls: Ontochain and Trublo

ONTOCHAIN 2nd open call is open!
ONTOCHAIN is a project funded by the European Commission to empower internet innovators to develop blockchain-based knowledge management solutions that form part of its novel protocol suite and software ecosystem.

Apply to Trublo Open Call #2
We are looking for the most innovative research projects which aim to develop new software, platforms or tools for distributed trust. The TRUBLO Programme invites academics and R&D research teams, startups and SMEs to develop blockchain based solutions and applications ensuring the exchange of trustworthy and reliable content on social networks and media.

[Advanced] Gatekeeper 2nd Open Call launched

The GATEKEEPER project is an EU-funded initiative under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Its main objective is to create a GATEKEEPER that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, elderly citizens and the communities they live in. This connection between stakeholders will promote an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for older adults.

[Advanced] Horizon Europe Calls Calendar now available

We have developed a definitive Horizon Europe calendar, the only one that includes all the call dates of the new Framework Programme. Download it now!

Business & Government Advanced read

EU Data Act: 1st consultation phase has started.

The Commission is committed to ensuring fairness in how the value from using data is shared among businesses, consumers and accountable public bodies. This initiative, known as the ‘Data Act’, aims to facilitate access to and use of data, including business-to business and business-to-government, and to review the rules on the legal protection of databases.

The Commission would like to hear your views!

[Advanced] Open consultation on the European Health Data Space

The European Commission published the open consultation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) - an important building block of the European Health Union. The EHDS aims to make full use of digital health to provide high-quality healthcare and reduce inequalities. It will promote access to health data for prevention, diagnosis and treatment, research and innovation, as well as for policy-making and legislation. The EHDS will place individuals' rights to control their own personal health data at its core. The consultation will remain open for responses until 26 July 2021.

[Advanced] Advisory Forum of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

The Commission is launching a selection procedure to appoint the representatives of non-governmental organisation representing patients, professional bodies or academia to the Advisory Forum of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

[Advanced] Pilot Project — Digital European Platform of Quality Content Providers

This call for tenders is for the production of a feasibility study identifying the challenges and opportunities in the creation of data space(s) with the aim of fostering data and digital transition across the European news (and content) sectors.

EU Data Portability Services Incubator: 2nd Call Now Open

DAPSI offers a total of EUR 5,6M in equity-free funding in three open calls to internet innovators to develop technology solutions and services in the Data Portability field. You will participate in a 2-stage programme. Each selected project can receive a cash investment of up to €150.000*, tailored technical and business resources, access to top infrastructure and much more!

Incubadora de serviços de portabilidade de dados da UE: 2ª chamada aberta

A DAPSI oferece um total de 5,6 milhões de euros em financiamento livre de capital em três convocatórias abertas para inovadores da Internet para desenvolver soluções e serviços de tecnologia na área de portabilidade de dados. Você participará de um programa de 2 etapas. Cada projeto selecionado pode receber um investimento em dinheiro de até € 150.000 *, recursos técnicos e de negócios personalizados, acesso à infraestrutura de ponta e muito mais!

Financiamento: construindo um futuro de baixo carbono e resistente ao clima

Capacitar os cidadãos a agir em relação às mudanças climáticas, para o desenvolvimento sustentável e a proteção ambiental por meio da educação, ciência cidadã, iniciativas de observação e engajamento cívico.

Funding: Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future

Enabling citizens to act on climate change, for sustainable development and environmental protection through education, citizen science, observation initiatives, and civic engagement.

European Commission launches consultation to seek views on Digital Services Act package

The consultation seeks to gather views, evidence and data from people, businesses, online platforms, academics, civil society and all interested parties to help us shaping the future rulebook for digital services. The consultation, open until 8 September, covers issues such as safety online, freedom of expression, fairness and a level-playing field in the digital economy.

Comissão Europeia lança consulta para buscar opiniões sobre o pacote Digital Services Act

A consulta busca reunir opiniões, evidências e dados de pessoas, empresas, plataformas on-line, acadêmicos, sociedade civil e todas as partes interessadas para nos ajudar a moldar o futuro livro de regras para serviços digitais. A consulta, aberta até 8 de setembro, aborda questões como segurança on-line, liberdade de expressão, justiça e condições equitativas na economia digital.

Participate in the “EU Survey on Data Strategy”

It would be important that as many of us as possible could respond to this EC survey related to the data strategy and raise MyData thinking there.

Business & Government Intermediate read

European Commission starts a consultation on GDPR

The Eropean Commission starts a consultation on GDPR with tight dates (1-29 April) and Iain suggested to submit an official collaborated MyData response to this. Please join collaboratively editing this MyData document.

Shaping Europe’s digital future

The EC would like to hear your views on its European strategy for data. The results of this survey will feed into possible Commission initiatives on access to and re-use of data in the coming months. The aim of the European strategy for data is to create a single European data space – a genuine single market for data, open to data from across the world. Anyone considering contributing to the consultation?

US vs Europe: Difference in City Data use?

I met the Communication Officer for UN Technology Innovation Lab Finland, Dorn Townsend, who is planning to write a story to New York Times and World Economic Forum and he asks: “... I’m trying to understand why North American cities use aggregated social data for city planning whereas it hasn’t caught on so much here, and was wondering if it’s because of the new digital privacy laws ... If you have any articles you'd recommend I’d be grateful.”