Bem-vindo ao MyData Weekly Digest, um site de notícias dedicado a produzir a melhor cobertura de dentro da abordagem centrada no ser humano no gerenciamento de dados pessoais... show more >>
Bem-vindo ao MyData Weekly Digest, um site de notícias dedicado a produzir a melhor cobertura de dentro da abordagem centrada no ser humano no gerenciamento de dados pessoais. Ele fornece informações recuperadas principalmente do MyData Global Slack Channel desde junho de 2019. Postagens e comentários são de propriedade do respectivo usuário indicado em cada entrada. MyData é uma idéia e uma visão alternativa para o uso ético de dados pessoais. É também um movimento, uma comunidade e uma organização global sem fins lucrativos. Leia mais aqui:
A OwnYourData e a comunidade MyData compartilham os mesmos valores para uma sociedade digital justa, sustentável e próspera. Veja a declaração de missão OwnYourData para obter mais informações e considere apoiar o movimento MyData. Se você tiver alguma sugestão, não hesite em contactar-me em mdwd (at) << show less
A great article about data economy mentioning many iniatives that are part of MyData movement like Decode and Fair data economy.
Business & Government Intermediate read
The proposal to link the EU’s facial recognition databases would likely connect them to the U.S. as well, in a massive consolidation of biometric data.
Bruce Schneier has joined a company called Inrupt as Chief of Security Architecture that is working to bring Tim Berners-Lee's distributed data ownership model that is Solid into the mainstream - think of Inrupt basically as the Red Hat of Solid.
New proposals around data and artificial intelligence will be subject to restrictions that rivals in China and the United States do not face.
The fourth edition of EU Datathon, the open data competition, has been launched on 19 February and you can submit your project description until March 3rd.
Study of people across six countries finds German users would charge most for sharing personal data. This article is based on this paper: How Much is Privacy Worth Around the World and Across Platforms?.
Ruoss et al. published the first method to train AI systems with mathematically provable certificates of individual fairness. Full source code is available on Github.
DAPSI is a €5.6M fund powered by the European Commission, solely dedicated to Data Portability.
If a benefit of PersonalAI is privacy, where do you get the training data from? @Iain and @Oguzhan Gencoglu joined the discussion and many interesting points were raised as well as current solutions referenced.
We organise (collectively) this year 4 regional conferences, out of which Europe 2020 conference in Berlin in September is the biggest one. We need your support and offer 20% of every partnership agreement you help to secure. This is a great way to earn some revenue for the hub’s activities!
For the last 6 months I’ve been working on a tech product which stops third party embeds like chat widgets, social share buttons and youtube videos from dropping cookies until people interact with them. We’ve just launched today and we’d love your support and feedback.
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