Informação relevante

[Advanced] Blueprint on Digital Transformation of Health and Care for the Ageing Society

Consider to use a personas matrix to develop your personas set. It is a useful conceptual tool that would help you reflect on your personas decision-making and to better structuring your personas set based on some criteria — in particular, this tool helps to think on what the right criteria for your personas set might be and to iterate your work.

Plano sobre transformação digital da saúde e cuidado para a sociedade em envelhecimento

Considere utilizar uma matriz de personas para desenvolver seu conjunto de personas. Trata-se de uma ferramente conceitual muito útil que te ajudaria a refletir sobre a tomada de decisões de suas personas e a melhor estruturar seu conjunto baseado em alguns critérios - em particular, essa ferramenta ajuda a pensar sobre quais devem ser os critérios corretos para seu conjunto de personas e a reiterar seu trabalho.

[Avançado] Um olhar mais atento sobre a formação de nossos personagens no After Dark

A recente publicação do relatório After Dark encerrou nossos meses de pesquisa de design centrado no ser humano com a ONU Mulheres, que teve como premissa a compreensão das experiências das mulheres viajando e usando o transporte público à noite. Para entender melhor as necessidades, preocupações, atitudes e comportamentos dessas mulheres, criamos um conjunto de personagens com base em percepções que coletamos nas três cidades que pesquisamos, bem como nas anedotas de mulheres que trabalham em funções braçais, em empregos noturnos.

(Intermediate) Applying human-centred design principles to data governance

A democratic approach to policy-making calls for reliable and timely information to ensure effective decision making. The Government of Indonesia in light of this has introduced the Satu Data Initiative to improve the quality of data governance, not just for policy-making but also to increase transparency with open data for citizens.

[Intermediário] Aplicação de princípios de design centrados no ser humano para governança de dados

Uma abordagem democrática à formulação de políticas exige informações confiáveis ​​e oportunas para garantir uma tomada de decisão eficaz. O Governo da Indonésia, à luz disso, introduziu a Satu Data Initiative para melhorar a qualidade da governança de dados, não apenas para a formulação de políticas, mas também para aumentar a transparência com dados abertos para os cidadãos.

(Advanced) A closer look at the making of our After Dark personas

The recent publication of the After Dark report wrapped up our months long human centered design research with UN Women, which was premised on understanding the experiences of women travelling and using public transportation in the evening time. To better understand these women’s needs, concerns, attitudes and behaviours, we created a set of personas based on insights we gathered across the three cities we surveyed, as well as the anecdotes of women working blue collar, night-shift jobs.

Mantendo o 100 quando se trata de design de IA centrado no ser humano

Don Norman estava certo - o design centrado no ser humano é prejudicial. A mesma má interpretação e má prática de design que levou Norman a reinventar uma nova teoria de design para cancelar sua popularização do design centrado no homem agora surgiu na pressa de rotular um novo movimento de IA centrado no homem.

Keeping it 100 When it Comes to Human-Centered AI Design

Don Norman was right— human-centered design is harmful. The same design misinterpretation and malpractice that pushed Norman to reinvent a new design theory so as to cancel out his popularization of human-centered design has now cropped up in the rush to label a new movement of human-centered AI.

People-Centered (Not Tech-Driven) Design

Technology driven design usually fails. Examples are given to support why people-centered design is inevitable.

Design centrado nas pessoas (e não direcionado à tecnologia)

O design impulsionado pela tecnologia geralmente falha. Por isso, trouxemos exemplo justificar porque o design centrado nas pessoas é inevitável.

On Design Thinking

This is a very well-written article on the belief that there is a universal and standardised design methodology capable to fit design problems of any kind.

Pensando no Design

Este é um artigo muito bem escrito sobre a crença de que existe uma metodologia de design universal e padronizada capaz de atender a qualquer tipo de problema de design.

Privacy Icons and Legal Design

Data ecosystem is rapidly shifting towards user-centric model. What factors affect how people perceive the value of their personal data?

Ícones de Privacidade e Design Jurídico

O ecossistema de dados está mudando rapidamente para o modelo centrado no usuário. Quais fatores afetam a maneira como as pessoas percebem o valor de seus dados pessoais?

Colocar em prática a teoria de trabalhos a serem realizados com inovação orientada a resultados (Vídeo: 44:31min)

Tony Ulwik é um dos especialistas em conhecimento mais reconhecidos mundialmente na abordagem de inovação sistemática. Aqui está um vídeo que resume seus métodos.

Put Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory Into Practice With Outcome-Driven Innovation (Video: 44:31min)

Tony Ulwik is one of the globally most recognised knowledge experts in systematic innovation approach. Here is one video that summarises he's methods.

The Jobs-to-be-Done Canvas

Helping a product team see a market through a Jobs-to-be-Done lens is often a transformational experience. This training canvas can help.

A tela de “Trabalhos-a-serem-Concluídos”

Ajudar uma equipe de produtos a enxergar o mercado através de uma lente de trabalhos a serem realizados geralmente é uma experiência transformacional. Essa tela de treinamento pode ajudar.

Five ways a COVID-19 contact-tracing app could make things worse

There is a good chance that people will over-trust an app to keep them safe, which could inadvertently increase social contact. This is a well-documented psychological effect called “automation bias”.

Operator Design Questions

It is of limited value to discuss building blocks and reference models of operators in an abstract way. As a way forward, we would like to focus on a number of design questions that touch upon technical, legal, business and societal perspectives. the discussion should clarify how operators can and should adhere to the MyData principles.

Users would tell Facebook their bank balance for $8.44 a month

Study of people across six countries finds German users would charge most for sharing personal data. This article is based on this paper: How Much is Privacy Worth Around the World and Across Platforms?.

Product Development with Consequence Scanning

Digital technologies introduce change rapidly and their potential for impact comes with responsibility. Introducing a dedicated agile practice for considering the consequences of technology within an iterative development cycle.

MyData Design Checklist

I am working with Jogi for the Vake MyData Accelerator in Finland. Our aim is to bring the Design & User dimension to the core of the solutions the participating companies are developing. In an effort to give useful tools to implement MyData principles, I have started to draft a 'MyData Design Checklist'. This is the very first rough draft, and I would be very thankful for any feedback. And if you have worked on something similar, please do share your experiences.

Quantified Life (Video: 13:17min)

I have always found this video about self tracking very well done as it also addresses privacy implications for individuals and society coming from this practice besides highlighting the opportunities.

MyData Webinar #2: Design

The #2 MyData Webinar about Design is now available at and in our YouTube channel.

Vake launches a MyData Accelerator

The Finnish State Development Company Vake launches the MyData Accelerator during autumn 2019 in collaboration with the Technology Industries of Finland. We invite companies, public organisations and others to join the Accelerator – everyone who has enthusiasm and true interest in developing a MyData service or data resources as well as user validation at the end of the accelerator period.

Moving Beyond User-centered Design (PDF)

Jodi Forlizzi from the Carnegie Mellon University writes 'If I could wave a magic wand, I would use it to make the HCI community move beyond user-centered design to a notion of stakeholder-centered design.'

Perguntas feitas

Call for Proposals: Interaction21

The Interaction Design Association (IxDA) focuses on interaction design issues for the practitioner and invites you to submit proposals until September 26th.

Chamada de propostas: Interaction21

A Interaction Design Association (IxDA) se concentra em questões de design de interação para o praticante e convida você a enviar propostas até 26 de setembro.

MyData Design Challenges Map

It is always a good idea having a clear picture of the challenges at hand and since still many see design as a synonymous of UI/UX (which indeed is much broader!) it is perhaps time for mapping the MyData design challenges out. I’ve collected my personal thoughts on a shared board and your contribution is very welcome!

MyData Glosary

Is there somewhere a glossary of terms for MyData? I think it is absolutely necessary to have clarity on terminology (as some of you already pointed out in the comments to the design checklist), so I am planning to make a MyData and Design glossary for the accelerator. @Iain responds with a pointer to a similar task at the Me2B Alliance.

@Initiators: Participate to Design Thematic Group

As you might have seen across different MyData conferences, the design has been quite steadily been developed as one of the important tracks. Some are planning to establish now a thematic group around design and will host a session at the MyData conference to raise interest and clarify the goals and action plans for the group together with likeminded people. You are invited to participate in the meetup and also to get to know the initiators and their plans.