Informação relevante

The Data Dollar Store - Um Experimento Social de Compra de Dados da Kaspersky Lab

Uma grande quantidade de white papers, pesquisas e conferências transmitiram a mesma mensagem: proteger os dados pessoais é importante.

Esta ideia genial de pedir-lhe para pagar pessoalmente com os seus dados torna-o realmente "pessoal"!

カスペルスキーラボによるデータショッピングの社会実験「The Data Dollar Store」


The Data Dollar Store - A Data Shopping Social Experiment by Kaspersky Lab

Huge amount of white papers, researches and conferences had been conveying the same message that protecting personal data is important.

This genius idea of asking you to pay with your data in person makes it really "personal"!


この記事では、Paul Jurcysさんが個人データの「所有権」のトピックをさらに掘り下げています。

  • どのデータがあなたにとって最も価値がありますか?
  • データのどのセグメントを匿名にしたいですか?
  • 個人データのどのセグメントを第三者と共有したいですか?

Propriedade de dados pessoais: considerações econômicas

Com este artigo, Paul Jurcys continua a mergulhar mais fundo no tópico de "propriedade" de dados pessoais.

  • Quais dados são mais valiosos para você?
  • Quais segmentos de seus dados você prefere manter anônimos?
  • Quais segmentos de seus dados pessoais você gostaria de compartilhar com terceiros?

Personal Data Ownership: Economic Considerations

With this article Paul Jurcys continues to dive deeper into personal data ‘ownership’ topic.

  • What data is most valuable to you?
  • What segments of your data would you prefer to keep anonymous?
  • What segments of your personal data would you be willing to share with third parties?

Put Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory Into Practice With Outcome-Driven Innovation (Video: 44:31min)

Tony Ulwik is one of the globally most recognised knowledge experts in systematic innovation approach. Here is one video that summarises he's methods.

Colocar em prática a teoria de trabalhos a serem realizados com inovação orientada a resultados (Vídeo: 44:31min)

Tony Ulwik é um dos especialistas em conhecimento mais reconhecidos mundialmente na abordagem de inovação sistemática. Aqui está um vídeo que resume seus métodos.


Tony Ulwikは、体系的なイノベーションアプローチの知見では、世界で最も認められている専門家の1人です。彼のメソッドをまとめた動画です。

Why the Data Economy Needs Standards to Thrive (Video: 3:26min)

Although not visible or understood by the average customer, standards keep the economy running. Standards describe and define the importance of a process, product, service or system. Standards provide a level playing field for industry and help build trust between participants in supply chains. Read more about this at the Centre for International Governance Innovation.

Open-source standard data profiles and personal data licenses

Prifina has today released an open standard data profile and other developer tools in the open-source GitHub repository called “Liberty. Equality. Data.

FOSS: Open Advice

Here is an interesting resource (from 2011) about open software and community for all that build related solutions/communities.

The (not so) Global Forum on AI for Humanity

Earlier this week, I traveled to Paris to attend the Global Forum on Artificial Intelligence for Humanity (GFIAH). The by-invitation event featured one day of workshops addressing issues such as AI and culture, followed by a two days of panels on developing trustworthy AI, data governance, the future of work, delegating decisions to machines, bias and AI, and future challenges. The event was a part of the French government's effort to take the lead on developing a new AI regulatory framework that it describes as a 'third way', distinct from the approach to AI in China and the United States.

Silicon Valley is terrified of California’s privacy law. Good.

Silicon Valley is terrified. In a little over three months, California will see the widest-sweeping state-wide changes to its privacy law in years. California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) kicks in on January 1 and rolls out sweeping new privacy benefits to the state’s 40 million residents — and every tech company in Silicon Valley.

Who has more data on you than Facebook, Google or Amazon?

Who is this party that knows more about you and collects more of your data?

Perguntas feitas

Standards for MyData Data Models

Who knows best about the status of standards for MyData data model(s) and about any existing open standards? Inputs so far are about Data Types from @harrihoo, the Kantara initiative from @Lal Chandran, and the JLINC Lab from @Iain.

Comments for “User Account as a Service”

I'm planning to write an updated version of this Medium post, so I would appreciate any questions, comments, suggestions or any other views from the community.

Is there a MyData End-Users Forum?

Is there a channel or other place outside of slack that is targeted for discussions between and with actual MyData end-users (for the sake of clarity of my question I’m using this terminology now).

MyData Open Source Projects

What are the most known/active open source software projects and/or communities actively developing MyData based solutions?

MyData view towards Web 3.0

What is MyData global view towards Web 3.0? This term (sometimes called 'the intelligent web') has some history challenges of misuse in vague ways in past due to not really having place to belong and marketing/biz side trying to establish it to mean different things.


Add and vote up suggestions for Liberty. Equality. Data.