Bem-vindo ao MyData Weekly Digest, um site de notícias dedicado a produzir a melhor cobertura de dentro da abordagem centrada no ser humano no gerenciamento de dados pessoais... show more >>
Bem-vindo ao MyData Weekly Digest, um site de notícias dedicado a produzir a melhor cobertura de dentro da abordagem centrada no ser humano no gerenciamento de dados pessoais. Ele fornece informações recuperadas principalmente do MyData Global Slack Channel desde junho de 2019. Postagens e comentários são de propriedade do respectivo usuário indicado em cada entrada. MyData é uma idéia e uma visão alternativa para o uso ético de dados pessoais. É também um movimento, uma comunidade e uma organização global sem fins lucrativos. Leia mais aqui:
A OwnYourData e a comunidade MyData compartilham os mesmos valores para uma sociedade digital justa, sustentável e próspera. Veja a declaração de missão OwnYourData para obter mais informações e considere apoiar o movimento MyData. Se você tiver alguma sugestão, não hesite em contactar-me em mdwd (at) << show less
Silicon Valley is terrified. In a little over three months, California will see the widest-sweeping state-wide changes to its privacy law in years. California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) kicks in on January 1 and rolls out sweeping new privacy benefits to the state’s 40 million residents — and every tech company in Silicon Valley.
Apple's updated operating system will now show you how often your location has been recorded and by which apps. It will do this proactively via a pop up, which shows a map of where you have been tracked, including the option to allow or limit it.
No doubt unintentionally, the debate about return of results has taken on a striking resemblance to the 1520–1547 debate about translation of the English vernacular Bible. (Very US law but the section on the Bible is great.)
Big tech companies want to share data about you with your doctors.
The Finnish State Development Company Vake launches the MyData Accelerator during autumn 2019 in collaboration with the Technology Industries of Finland. We invite companies, public organisations and others to join the Accelerator – everyone who has enthusiasm and true interest in developing a MyData service or data resources as well as user validation at the end of the accelerator period. Our goal is to accelerate the development of the whole Finnish MyData ecosystem by means of peer and expert sparring.
@carolecadwalla from the Guardian wants to find out what acutally happend inside Facebook during Brexit and US elections. And how can we make the underlying data public?
Dear @board-members, find here a well-tested and heavily used open source software for e-voting.
The MyData 2019 conference is over and it was again great: participants from 45 countries, 200+ presenters, 3 days packed with discussions, meeting new people, and of course the best MyData conference crew that made this possible - Thank You!
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