Informação relevante

Business & Government Simple read

Do you know where your data is?

When we first began the Me2B Alliance, our central thesis was that technology was unknowable by everyday people. And we held, perhaps, a tacit corollary that industry abused and exploited the natural opacity and unknowability of technology. What we’ve learned, however, over the course of creating our yardstick to measure the behavior of technology, and applying that yardstick to websites and apps, is that there is an appreciable amount of “unknowability” on the part of technology makers as well.

Developers Intermediate read

Measuring the Ethical Behavior of Technology (Video: 40min)

This session will share the results and learnings of the creation and development of an ethical “yardstick” for respectful technology, including its application to websites and mobile apps. The speakers will also explore learnings from everyday people in the validation research around the certification mark as well as share recommendations for tech makers.

Measuring the Ethical Behavior of Technology (Video: 40min)

Este painel da RSA Conference compartilhou os resultados e aprendizados da criação e desenvolvimento de um critério definido para uma tecnologia respeitosa, inclusive para sites e aplicativos móveis. Os palestrantes também exploraram os aprendizados de pessoas comuns na validação da pesquisa sobre a marca de certificação, assim como também compartilharam recomendações para desenvolvedores de tecnologias.

Relacionamentos e Acordos "Me2B"

Atualmente não existe um vocabulário adequado para descrever as experiências das pessoas no mundo digital, o que impede conversas e entendimento sobre o que está de fato ocorrendo - e que perigos espreitam. A Me2B Alliance desenvolveu um conjunto de termos para ajudar a cobrir essa lacuna. O conceito de "Relacionamento Me2B" é central para esse vocabulário: um relacionamento que pessoas ("Me") têm com provedores de produtos e serviços ("B"). Também central é o conceito de Acordo Me2B, que são trocas de valores entre pessoas e negócios.

[Intermediate] Me2B Relationships and Me2B Deals

There currently isn’t an adequate vocabulary to describe people’s experiences in the digital world, which impedes understanding and conversations around what’s actually happening, and what harms are lurking. The Me2B Alliance has developed a set of terms to help bridge this gap. Central to the vocabulary is the concept of Me2B Relationships, which are the relationships people (Me’s) have with purveyors of products or services (B’s), and the concept of Me2B Deals, which are exchanges of value between a person (Me’s) and a business (“B”).

Perguntas feitas

MyData Glosary

Is there somewhere a glossary of terms for MyData? I think it is absolutely necessary to have clarity on terminology (as some of you already pointed out in the comments to the design checklist), so I am planning to make a MyData and Design glossary for the accelerator. @Iain responds with a pointer to a similar task at the Me2B Alliance.