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Business & Government Advanced read

The Flaws of Policies Requiring Human Oversight of Government Algorithms

Policymakers around the world are increasingly considering how to prevent government uses of algorithms from producing injustices. One mechanism that has become a centerpiece of global efforts to regulate government algorithms is to require human oversight of algorithmic decisions.
Tl;dr it doesn't work.

[Simple] Data Privacy in the Crosshairs

But how do Americans feel about data privacy? According to Pew Research, they do not trust governments and companies to do the right thing with data. A 2019 survey found 81% of people feel they have very little or no control over data collected by companies, while 84% felt the same about government.

Sobre interfaces de programação de aplicativos (APIs) para a transformação digital

A Comissão Europeia compreende o papel fundamental que as APIs desempenham na esfera digital e está a adquirir um conhecimento profundo dos aspectos da sua adoção nas organizações. Esta coleção JoinUp apresenta uma série de resultados que investigam esses aspectos.

Veja também esta publicação: Interfaces de programação de aplicativos em governos: por que, o quê e como.

About Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the digital transformation

The European Commission understands the key role that APIs play in the digital sphere, and it is gaining deep understanding aspects of its adoption in organizations. This JoinUp collection presents a series of outputs that investigate on these aspects.

Also check out this publication. Application Programming Interfaces in Governments: Why, what and how

White Paper on Information and Communications 2020 (in Japanese)

White paper released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) mentioned MyData and MyData Japan as overseas initiatives of personal data utilization.

White Paper on Information and Communications 2020 (em japonês)

O white paper divulgado pelo Ministério de Assuntos Internos e Comunicações (MIC) mencionou MyData e MyData Japan como iniciativas no exterior de utilização de dados pessoais.

“SARS-CoV-2 Tracking under GDPR” by noyb

In the wake of the Corona crisis, many governments and non-governmental institutions consider the usage of infection tracking systems to fight the pandemic. They float different ideas how these systems shall look like. While reviewing some of those ideas, noyb (European Center for Digital Rights) has prepared this ad hoc paper on legal requirements for virus trackingsystems.