Informação relevante

Business & Government Simple read

EU digital passport scheme: using blockchain to decentralise Europe’s circular economy

The European Commission recently launched phase two of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, EBSI, which intends to use distributed ledger technology to meet the EU’s climate targets. The project’s latest phase targets a convergence of EU digital and green initiatives with the creation of digital product passports, viewed as critical for developing and sustaining the circular economy.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Beauty Is Not in the Eye of the Beholder

Goldman Sachs released this report with the purpose of providing a thorough, balanced and objective examination of the digital asset ecosystem. Such an undertaking was not easy: The technology underlying blockchains is revolutionary, complex and rapidly evolving. The industry uses new jargon. There is a significant amount of misinformation and disinformation.

Individuals Simple read

Blockchain Technology: The Path to Utopia or Dystopia?

Blockchain technology, like many tech developments, was born out of a utopian ideal. It came from a vision for a cashless society that maximized individual autonomy with freedom from oversight and taxation. However, the potential for blockchain to fetter us to a system using our records is innate to a tamper-resistant, extremely durable, and verifiable record. Here, we adopt a contrarian viewpoint and discuss the drawbacks of blockchain technology that come from its strengths rather than its weaknesses. The concern with the scenarios we outline is not that it will come true but that it can.

Business & Government Simple read

New Blockchain-Based Solution For Smart Cities

Telecommunications company Orange has partnered with Polish blockchain company Smartkey to improve access controls to buildings and city services across Poland. Several city governments already use Orange’s IoT platform to remotely manage city services such as street lighting control. The partnership builds upon this technology by integrating Smartkey’s blockchain solution, which ensures that the data from the IoT sensors cannot be falsified after its creation. When combined, the two platforms will enable authorized city residents to gain quicker access to specific buildings and city and commercial services. Eighty cities will participate in the initial rollout.

Nova solução baseada em Blockchain para Cidades Inteligentes

A empresa de telecomunicações Orange se aliou à empresa polonesa de Blockchain Smartkey para melhorar os controles de acesso a prédios e serviços municipais na Polônia. Diversas prefeituras já utilizam a plataforma de Internet das Coisas (IoT) da Orange para administrar serviços municipais, como a iluminação pública, de forma remota. A parceria é desenvolvida sobre essa tecnologia, integrando-se a solução de blockchain da Smartkey, o que permite que os dados dos sensores IoT não possam ser falsificados depois de sua criação. Quando combinadas, as duas plataformas permitirão que cidadãos residentes autorizados ganhem acesso mais rápido a prédios e serviços (comerciais e municipais) específicos. Oitenta cidades vão participar da fase inicial de implantação.

[Avançado] Healthchain: uma nova estrutura sobre a preservação da privacidade de registros eletrônicos de saúde usando a tecnologia blockchain

A privacidade dos registros eletrônicos de saúde (EHRs) está enfrentando um grande obstáculo com a terceirização de dados privados de saúde na nuvem, pois existe o perigo de vazamento de informações de saúde para partes não autorizadas. Na verdade, os EHRs são armazenados em bancos de dados centralizados, o que aumenta a área de cobertura do risco à segurança e exige confiança em uma única autoridade que não pode proteger os dados de ataques internos com eficácia. Esta pesquisa se concentra em garantir a privacidade do paciente e a segurança dos dados, enquanto compartilha os dados confidenciais entre organizações iguais ou diferentes, bem como provedores de saúde em um ambiente distribuído.

[Advanced] Healthchain: A novel framework on privacy preservation of electronic health records using blockchain technology

The privacy of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is facing a major hurdle with outsourcing private health data in the cloud as there exists danger of leaking health information to unauthorized parties. In fact, EHRs are stored on centralized databases that increases the security risk footprint and requires trust in a single authority which cannot effectively protect data from internal attacks. This research focuses on ensuring the patient privacy and data security while sharing the sensitive data across same or different organisations as well as healthcare providers in a distributed environment.

Uma estrutura baseada em blockchain para compartilhamento de registros médicos eletrônicos com controle de acesso refinado

Bom trabalho Universidade de Wuhan. É ótimo ver engenheiros chineses trabalhando em plataformas relacionadas a dados pessoais. No entanto, precisava de um passo extra para se tornar mais centrado no ser humano. O paciente deve ter controle total, não o médico.

A blockchain-based framework for electronic medical records sharing with fine-grained access control

Good job Wuhan University. It is great to see Chinese engineers working on personal data related platform. However, needed one extra step to become more human-centric. The patient should have the full control not the doctor.

Clouded data: Privacy and the promiseof encryption

Interesting paper highlighting the different reconfiguration of the notion of privacy taking place under various technical schemes: blockchain, multiparty computation, fully homomorphic encryption, differential privacy

Perguntas feitas

[Intermediate] Open NGI Calls: Ontochain and Trublo

ONTOCHAIN 2nd open call is open!
ONTOCHAIN is a project funded by the European Commission to empower internet innovators to develop blockchain-based knowledge management solutions that form part of its novel protocol suite and software ecosystem.

Apply to Trublo Open Call #2
We are looking for the most innovative research projects which aim to develop new software, platforms or tools for distributed trust. The TRUBLO Programme invites academics and R&D research teams, startups and SMEs to develop blockchain based solutions and applications ensuring the exchange of trustworthy and reliable content on social networks and media.