Informação relevante

Developers Intermediate read

Machine Readable Governance is the Key to Scaling Decentralized Trust

Where do you put a trust registry in a decentralized digital ecosystem? Not where it turns into a wrench!

Business & Government Simple read

A tale of personal data, trust and consent

Eurocities is the network of more than 200 cities in 38 countries, representing 130 million people. Here is a story on a project from Finland with MyData.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Europe fit for the Digital Age: Commission proposes new rules and actions for excellence and trust in Artificial Intelligence

The Commission proposes today new rules and actions aiming to turn Europe into the global hub for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI). The combination of the first-ever legal framework on AI and a new Coordinated Plan with Member States will guarantee the safety and fundamental rights of people and businesses, while strengthening AI uptake, investment and innovation across the EU. New rules on Machinery will complement this approach by adapting safety rules to increase users' trust in the new, versatile generation of products.

Centenas de presos em grande operação policial global utilizando um aplicativo de mensagens

A definição geral de confiança é a disposição de correr algum risco dependendo de outra pessoa. Alguns criminosos escolheram confiar em um aplicativo sem nenhuma garantia de responsabilidade ou segurança criptográfica do provedor do serviço - o FBI

[Simple] Hundreds arrested in massive global crime sting using messaging app

The general definition of trust is the willingness to take a risk relying on somebody else. Some criminals chose to trust a social app without ensuring either accountability or cryptographic assurance from the service provider (FBI).

Serviços de Confiança para crianças na Europa

Identificação Eletrônica e Serviços de Confiança para Crianças na Europa: criando um mundo digital mais seguro para crianças por toda a União Europeia

Business & Government Intermediate read

Trust Services for Children in Europe

Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Children in Europe. Creating a safer digital world for children throughout the European Union.

Estudo sobre Serviços de Confiança Nórdico-Bálticos

"Serviços de confiança digital" incluem assinaturas eletrônicas, certificados de segurança e similares, essenciais para a confiança em serviços online. Estudo sobre os Serviços de Confiança Nórdico-Bálticos fornece uma visão geral sobre o "cenário de serviços de confiança" nos países Nórdicos e Bálticos. A conclusão: mesmo países muito similares cultural e legalmente podem desenvolver tendências muito diferentes para confiar nas coisas e diferentes formas de implementar as mesmas funções de identidade. 

[Advanced] Study on Nordic-Baltic Trust Services

“Digital trust services” includes electronic signatures, security certificates and similar, essential for the trust in online services. Study on Nordic-Baltic Trust Services provides insight and overview of the Nordic-Baltic “trust services landscape”. The bottom line: even culturally and legally very similar countries can develop vastly different tendencies to trust things and different implementations for the same function of identity.

[Advanced] GLEIF Advances Digital Trust and Identity for Legal Entities Globally

Following a series of 2020 research initiatives, GLEIF (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation) has invited stakeholders from across the digital economy to engage in a cross industry development program to create an ecosystem and credential governance framework, together with a technical supporting infrastructure, for a verifiable LEI (vLEI - verifiable Legal Entity Identifier), a digitally verifiable credential containing the LEI.

[Avançado] GLEIF aumenta a confiança digital e a identidade de pessoas jurídicas em todo o mundo

Após uma série de iniciativas de pesquisa em 2020, a GLEIF (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation) convidou as partes interessadas de toda a economia digital a se engajar em um programa de desenvolvimento de vários setores para criar um ecossistema e uma estrutura de governança de credenciais, juntamente com uma infraestrutura de suporte técnico, para um LEI verificável (vLEI - identificador de entidade legal verificável), uma credencial verificável digitalmente contendo o LEI.

Crie confiança na saúde digital

A rápida implantação de abordagens de saúde digital na atual pandemia global COVID-19 negligenciou a priorização da privacidade de dados e é uma oportunidade perdida de construir a confiança dos usuários nessas tecnologias para surtos futuros e saúde cotidiana.

E aqui outro artigo: "A confiança do paciente deve estar no topo da lista de prioridades dos pesquisadores"

Build trust in digital health

The rapid rollout of digital health approaches in the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic has neglected to prioritize data privacy and is a missed opportunity for building users’ trust in these technologies for future outbreaks and quotidian healthcare.

And here another paper: "Patient trust must come at the top of researchers’ priority list"

Podcast: How remote working changes the dynamics of trust (29min)

As our offices continue to exist virtually, this episode in the BBC Radio series "The Digital Human" looks at how working remotely changes the dynamics of trust between employee and employer and with ourselves.

Podcast: Como o trabalho remoto muda a dinâmica da confiança (29min)

Como nossos escritórios continuam a existir virtualmente, este episódio da série da BBC Radio "The Digital Human" analisa como trabalhar remotamente muda a dinâmica de confiança entre o funcionário e o empregador e conosco.

Reclaiming Data Trusts

The idea of using trusts to improve data governance is relatively new, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise; in a time of waning public trust in mass data collection and use, people are looking to scholarship and legal precedent for new solutions.

Data Trusts: Ethics, Architecture and Governance for Trustworthy Data Stewardship

A data trust works within the law to provide ethical, architecturaland governancesupport for trustworthy data processing.

Trust :: Data

Developing privacy-preserving identity systems and safe distributed computation, enabling an Internet of Trusted Data.