Noteworthy Information

Business & Government Intermediate read

Personal Digital Twins

The European Commission has already issued (and is working on) several documents that set the stage for data policies, from the basic General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) specifically looking at Personal Data, to the Data Governance Act (DGA), to the definition of European Data Spaces (Gaia-X) and the European Digital Identity Wallets (eIDAS 2.0). The EU is now starting to work on Personal Digital Twins governance as a way to protect the individual (privacy) and the whole society in accordance with western values of societal wellbeing.

Business & Government Simple read

Acesso governamental aos dados de saúde de propriedade do setor privado: Declaração do Comitê da OCDE sobre Políticas para a economia Digital

O Comitê da OCDE sobre Políticas para a Economia Digital decidiu conduzir mais trabalhos e examinar a possibilidade de desenvolver, como questão prioritária, diretrizes para políticas de alto-nível para que governos possam acessar dados pessoais de propriedade do setor privado. No dia 22 de dezembro de 2020, o Comitê divulgou uma declaração que expõe sua visão e suas preocupações relacionadas a essa questão, e seus planos para o futuro próximo. Leia mais sobre o trabalho da OCDE sobre economia digital aqui.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Government access to personal data held by the private sector: Statement by the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy - OECD

The OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy decided to conduct further work and examine the possibility of developing, as a matter of priority, high-level policy guidance for government access to personal data held by the private sector. On 22 December 2020, it issued a statement that reflects its views and concerns related to this issue, and plans for the near future. Read more about OECDs work on the digital economy here.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Lei de Dados da UE – tornando material a portabilidade de dados

A Comissão Europeia publicou a muito aguardada Lei de Dados em 23 de fevereiro de 2022. Esta é uma proposta legislativa progressista que busca aumentar o acesso aos dados pelos usuários de produtos conectados como dispositivos de Internet das Coisas e serviços relacionados. É uma mudança significativa rumo à realização do princípio do MyData de portabilidade, acesso e reutilização, assim como o princípio da interoperabilidade. Ela também tem o potencial de apontar rumo a uma mudança de um direito formal a um direito material no que se refere à portabilidade de dados. Com um objetivo tão progressista, a proposta certamente enfrentará uma significativa oposição e lobbys contrários vindos daqueles que se beneficiam do status quo.

O MyData Global apoia a proposta de Lei de Dados como um todo. E mesmo em uma boa proposta existe espaço para melhora: aqui estão nossos principais apontamentos para fazer com que a Lei de Dados alcance seu potencial para criar sociedades digitais centradas em seres humanos, justas, sustentáveis e prósperas na Europa e além.

Business & Government Intermediate read

EU Data Act – making data portability actionable

The EU Commission published the long-awaited Data Act on February 23, 2022. This is a progressive legislative proposal to increase access to data for the users of connected products suchs as Iot devices and related services. It is a significant move towards realising the MyData principle of portability, access, and re-use as well as the principle of interoperability. It will potentially also move the needle towards the shift from formal to actionable rights in terms of the right of data portability. With such a progressive agenda, the proposal will certainly also face significant opposition and counter-lobbying from those who stand to benefit from the status quo.

MyData Global is supportive of the Data Act proposal as a whole. And even in a good proposal, there is always room for some improvements, and here are our top picks to make the Data Act live up to its potential to create more human-centric, fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital societies for Europe and beyond

Business & Government Advanced read

Arquitetura de Identidade Digital Europeia e Quadro de Referência

Este documento apresenta uma descrição inicial sobre o entendimento do conceito de EUDI Wallet pelo grupo de especialistas eIDAS.

Business & Government Advanced read

European Digital Identity Architecture and Reference Framework

This document provides a summary description of the eIDAS expert group’s understanding of the EUDI Wallet concept.

Individuals Intermediate read

Commission puts forward declaration on digital rights and principles for everyone in the EU

The draft declaration on digital rights and principles aims to give everyone a clear reference point about the kind of digital transformation Europe promotes and defends. It will also provide a guide for policy makers and companies when dealing with new technologies. The rights and freedoms enshrined in the EU's legal framework, and the European values expressed by the principles, should be respected online as they are offline. Once jointly endorsed, the Declaration will also define the approach to the digital transformation which the EU will promote throughout the world.

Individuals Intermediate read

Comissão apresenta declaração sobre direitos e princípios digitais para todos na UE

O projeto de declaração sobre direitos e princípios digitais visa dotar todos os cidadãos de um ponto de referência claro sobre o tipo de transformação digital que a Europa promove e defende. Também constituirá um guia para os decisores políticos e as empresas no respeitante a novas tecnologias. Os direitos, as liberdades e os princípios consagrados no quadro jurídico da UE, bem como os valores europeus expressos nos princípios, devem ser respeitados tanto em linha como fora de linha. Uma vez aprovada conjuntamente, a declaração definirá também a abordagem da transformação digital que a UE promoverá em todo o mundo.

Business & Government Advanced read

EU Parliament and Council agree on Data Governance Act

It’s just over a year since the European Union’s executive proposed legislation aimed at encouraging widespread sharing and reuse of industrial data and protected public sector data-sets — such as health data, environment, energy, agriculture, mobility, finance, manufacturing, public administration and skills. Now co-legislators reached agreement on the DGA after trilogue discussions, paving the way for formal adoption once the Council and Parliament vote to approval the final text.

The latest update on the trilogue negotiations for the Data Governance Act is available here.

Business & Government Advanced read

Parlamento e Conselho Europeu concordam sobre Lei de Governança de Dados

Faz pouco mais de um ano que o executivo da União Europeia propôs uma legislação com o objetivo de encorajar o amplo compartilhamento e reutilização de dados industriais e sets de dados protegidos do setor público - como dados de saúde, meio ambiente, energia, agricultura, mobilidade, finanças, manufaturas, administração pública e habilidades. Agora os co-legisladores alcançaram um acordo sobre a Lei de Governança de Dados após discussões tripartido, traçando o caminho para a adoção formal após o Conselho e o Parlamento votarem o texto final. A última atualização sobre as negociações tripartido para A Lei de Governança de Dados está disponível aqui.

Business & Government Advanced read

CE investirá quase 2 bilhões de euros do Programa Digital Europe para avançar na transição digital

A Comissão Europeia publicou três programas de trabalho (WPs, em inglês) para o Programa Digital Europe:

WP Principal do Programa para 2021-2022 WP sobre Cibersegurança para 2021-2022 WP sobre Hubs de Inovação Digital para 2021-2023

Developers Intermediate read

The Membership Guide

Although membership in news is fairly new beyond public radio, it is not new to other movements for public good. That’s why Membership Puzzle Project studied churches, Burning Man camps, citizen science projects, and other member-driven movements for clues to survival. That research revealed five insights applicable to journalism.

Developers Intermediate read

O Guia da Associação

Apesar das associações no ramo das notícias serem novidade para além das rádios públicas, elas não são novidade em outros movimentos pelo bem comum. É por isso que o Membership Puzzle Project estudou igrejas, acampamentos do Burning Man, projetos de ciência cidadã e outros movimentos sustentados por membros para descobrir dicas para a sobrevivência. Essa pesquisa revelou cinco insights aplicáveis ao jornalismo.

Business & Government Advanced read

MyData and the European Union’s latest data developments

The European Union (EU) is a global regulatory powerhouse in the data rights space, with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) being the most well known example. The upcoming Data Governance Act may be the next globally influential, data-related regulation benefiting citizens at home and abroad. In this blog, MyData Chair, Antti “Jogi” Poikola explains the EU Data Governance Act and how it supports achieving the goals in the MyData Declaration.
As a reference here the original commission proposal (from Nov 25, 2020), the parliament proposal (from July 2021), and the current council proposal (from Sep 24, 2021).

Business & Government Advanced read

Últimos desenvolvimentos em dados do MyData e da União Europeia

A União Europeia (UE) é um centro global na criação de regulações no mundo dos direitos sobre dados, com a GDPR sendo o exemplo mais conhecido. A iminente Lei de Governança de Dados deve se tornar a próxima regulação sobre dados com influência global, beneficiando cidadãos em casa e no estrangeiro. Neste blog, o MyData Chair Antti “Jogi” Poikola explica a Lei de Governança de Dados da UE e como ela dará suporte ao alcance de objetivos presentes na MyData Declaration. Como referências, aqui estão a proposta original da comissão (de 25 nov, 2020), a proposta do parlamento (de julho de 2021), e a atual proposta do Conselho (de 24 de set, 2021).

Business & Government Advanced read

Latest compromise on the Data Governance Act

Here is the 5th Council presidency compromise on the Data Governance Act, from a few days ago.

Business & Government Advanced read

Último acordo acerca da Lei de Governança de Dados

Aqui está o 5° acordo da Presidência do Conselho da União Europeia acerca da Lei de Governança de Dados.

Business & Government Advanced read

White Paper sobre a Lei de Governança de Dados (PDF, 62 páginas)

Esse White Paper apresenta uma perspectiva acadêmica sobre a proposta de Lei de Governança de Dados (“DGA proposal”), adotada pela Comissão Europeia em novembro de 2020. Ele contém uma análise legal da "DGA proposal" e inclui recomendações para cobrir suas lacunas.

Business & Government Advanced read

Whitepaper on the Data Governance Act (PDF, 62 pages)

This White Paper offers an academic perspective to the discussion on the Data Governance Act proposal (“DGA proposal”), as adopted by the European Commission in November 2020. It contains a legal analysis of the DGA proposal and includes recommendations to amend its shortcomings.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Parliament committee adopts act ‘to build up a European data economy’

The legislative proposal that will define data governance rules for industrial data across the EU received the green light in the relevant European Parliament committee on Friday (16 July).
Read the European Parliaments press release and get the current version of the Data Governance Act here.

Comitê Parlamentar da UE adota lei para 'desenvolver uma economia de dados europeia'

A proposta legislativa que definirá regras de governança de dados para dados industriais ao redor da UE recebeu a luz verde no Comitê do Parlamento Europeu na sexta-feira, 16 de julho. Leia o Comunicado de Imprensa do Parlamento Europeu e leia a versão atual da Lei de Governança de Dados aqui.

[Intermediate] European Digital Identity

The European Digital Identity will be available to EU citizens, residents, and businesses who want to identify themselves or provide confirmation of certain personal information. It can be used for both online and offline public and private services across the EU. Every EU citizen and resident in the Union will be able to use a personal digital wallet.

[Intermediate] European Digital Identity

The European Digital Identity will be available to EU citizens, residents, and businesses who want to identify themselves or provide confirmation of certain personal information. It can be used for both online and offline public and private services across the EU. Every EU citizen and resident in the Union will be able to use a personal digital wallet.

[Simple] LinkedIn Unleashes LXP

Most people think of LinkedIn as a company that offers job search, recruiting, professional networking, and marketing tools for business. Well, based on today’s announcement, the company is now much more. LinkedIn is seriously in the HR technology business and well beyond ‘just recruiting’, unleashing its Learning Experience Platform (LXP), skills taxonomy, and an important internal reorganization.

LinkedIn lança o LXP

A maioria das pessoas pensa no LinkedIn como uma empresa que oferece busca de empregos, recrutamentos, networking profissional e ferramentas de marketing para negócios. Bem, baseado no recente anúncio da empresa, ela agora é muito mais do que isso. O LinkedIn está de forma séria no negócio das tecnologias de RH e muito além de "apenas recrutamento", lançando sua Learning Experience Platform (LXP), uma skills taxonomy (taxonomia de habilidades) e uma importante reorganização interna

A Opinião Conjunta do EDPB e EDPS sobre a Proposta de Data Governance

O Comitê Europeu para Proteção de Dados (EDPB) e a Autoridade Europeia para a Proteção de Dados (EDPS) publicaram sua opinião conjunta sobre a proposta do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho Europeu de Data Governance, o Data Governance Act. Em resumo, a opinião não é favorável. E aqui há um sumário sobre suas críticas: ( by Zohar.

Business & Government Advanced read

EDPB-EDPS Joint Opinion on Data Governance Proposal

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published their joint opinion on the proposal of the European Parliament and of the Council on Euorpean Data Governance (Data Governance Act). In a nutshell: they don't like it. And here also a great summary of the critique points by Zohar.

Individuals Intermediate read

Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea

Google is leading the charge to replace third-party cookies with a new suite of technologies to target ads on the Web. And some of its proposals show that it hasn’t learned the right lessons from the ongoing backlash to the surveillance business model: Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) is potentially the most harmful of those new technologies.
read also: article on TechCrunch, Github W3C - Improving Web Advertising Business Group, and Google's framing as Privacy Sandbox

[Simple] The Great Unbundling

From Ben Evans: "Covid brought shock and a lot of broken habits to tech, but mostly, it accelerates everything that was already changing. For that and lots of other reasons, tech is becoming a regulated industry, but if we step over the slogans, what does that actually mean? Tech is entering its second 50 years."

Business & Government Advanced read

MyData's View on EU Data Governance Act

Towards interconnected and human-centric data intermediaries: MyData Global response to Data Governance Act on February 8th 2021.

[Avançado] Visão de MyData sobre a Lei de Governança de Dados da UE

Rumo a intermediários de dados interconectados e centrados no ser humano: a resposta global da MyData à Lei de Governança de Dados em 8 de fevereiro de 2021.

[Advanced] Palantir and GAIA-X

GAIA-X was envisioned as data infrastructure and an open digital ecosystem “initiated by Europe, for Europe” to support the global competitiveness of European companies and in November 2020, Palantir joined GAIA-X. One might ask why a company like Palantir Technologies, founded in Silicon Valley with global headquarters in Denver, Colorado, should consider its participation in the project as important, appropriate, and consistent with the stated goals of promoting European “data sovereignty and data availability.”

[Avançado] Palantir e GAIA-X

GAIA-X foi concebido como uma infraestrutura de dados e um ecossistema digital aberto “iniciado pela Europa, para a Europa” para apoiar a competitividade global das empresas europeias e em novembro de 2020, Palantir juntou-se ao GAIA-X. Pode-se perguntar por que uma empresa como a Palantir Technologies, fundada no Vale do Silício com sede global em Denver, Colorado, deve considerar sua participação no projeto como importante, apropriada e consistente com os objetivos declarados de promover a “soberania e disponibilidade de dados na Europa.”

[Simple] Tech giants may face billions of pounds in fines from new UK watchdog

Competition regulator wants Digital Markets Unit to have power to levy huge penalties if firms abuse code of conduct

[Simples] Gigantes da tecnologia podem enfrentar bilhões de libras em multas do novo cão de guarda do Reino Unido

O regulador da concorrência quer que a Unidade de Mercados Digitais tenha o poder de aplicar penalidades pesadas se as empresas abusarem do código de conduta.

[Simples] Conferência MyData 2020

A edição 2020 da conferência MyData # MyDataOnline2020 aconteceu de 10 a 12 de dezembro.

[Simple] MyData Conference 2020

The 2020 edition of MyData conference #MyDataOnline2020 took place from December 10th-12th.

Paper: Usage Control in the International Data Spaces

The paper is related to by Fraunhofer IESE Usage Control group. From the Abstract:

In the age of Industry 4.0, data exchange between different organizations is an essential prerequisite to add more value to data and to develop modern business models. However, we have to solve several challenges to facilitate a secure and trustworthy data exchange between different organizations. Data sovereignty is a key success factor for data-driven business models. In the Industrial Data Space, we provide solutions to realize a secure and trustworthy data exchange as well as data sovereignty.

Artigo: Controle de Uso nos Espaços de Dados Internacionais

O documento está relacionado a, do grupo Fraunhofer IESE Usage Control. Do Resumo:

Na era do Industry 4.0, a troca de dados entre diferentes organizações é um pré-requisito essencial para agregar mais valor aos dados e desenvolver modelos de negócios modernos. No entanto, temos que resolver vários desafios para facilitar uma troca de dados segura e confiável entre diferentes organizações. A soberania dos dados é um fator chave de sucesso para modelos de negócios baseados em dados. No Industrial Data Space, oferecemos soluções para realizar uma troca de dados segura e confiável, bem como a soberania de dados.

Artigo: Soberania de dados e infraestruturas de software são os principais capacitadores para a próxima fase da economia de dados europeia

Para atingir os objetivos da estratégia europeia de dados, é necessário fazer da soberania dos dados um princípio de design e desenvolver uma infraestrutura leve para o compartilhamento de dados.

White paper: Data sovereignty and soft infrastructures are key enablers for the next phase of the European data economy

In order to achieve the goals of the European data strategy it is necessary to make data sovereignty a design principle and develop a soft infrastructure for data sharing ...

ホワイトペーパー:欧州におけるデータ経済進展の鍵を握るのは、データ主権(Data sovereignty)およびデータ共有のためのインフラストラクチャ


規則、 インターネットの方法 (白書)

私たちは産業社会から情報社会へと移行しつつあります。 Webを使った生活の最初の25年間から学んだように、ネットワーク化された情報の世界では、問題は以前とは異なる方法で(ほぼ逆に)解決されます。

Regulamento, o caminho da Internet (Livro Branco)

Estamos na transição de uma sociedade industrial para uma sociedade da informação. Como aprendemos nos primeiros 25 anos de vida com a web, no mundo da informação em rede, os problemas são resolvidos de maneira diferente - quase oposta - do que antes.

Regulation, the Internet Way (White Paper)

We are in the transition from an industrial society to an information society. As we've learned from the first 25 years of the life with the web, in the world of networked information, problems get solved differently – almost oppositely – than they did previously.

Data Trusts and the EU Data Strategy

O projeto de estratégia de dados da UE estabeleceu o objetivo de promover uma economia europeia de dados, protegendo os direitos individuais e incorporando considerações éticas na governança de dados. Os fundos de confiança de dados oferecem uma ferramenta para preencher a lacuna entre as aspirações de compartilhar dados e as preocupações com os direitos individuais. E Viivi compartilhou um artigo com a visão dos EUA sobre o financiamento espaços de dados pessoais como um fundo pela União Europeia, que está lançando um mercado para dados pessoais. Isso é o que significa privacidade.

Data Trusts and the EU Data Strategy

The EU’s draft data strategy set out its aim to promote a European data economy, while protecting individual rights and embedding ethical considerations in data governance. Data trusts offer a tool for bridging the gap between aspirations to share data and concerns about individual rights.
And Viivi shared an article with the US view on the EU funding personal data spaces as a trust: The EU is launching a market for personal data. Here’s what that means for privacy.

Data Trusts and the EU Data Strategy

The EU’s draft data strategy set out its aim to promote a European data economy, while protecting individual rights and embedding ethical considerations in data governance. Data trusts offer a tool for bridging the gap between aspirations to share data and concerns about individual rights.
And Viivi shared an article with the US view on the EU funding personal data spaces as a trust: The EU is launching a market for personal data. Here’s what that means for privacy.

Cooperativas de dados no mundo real: progresso e desafios (Vídeo: 51:36min)

Bom painel sobre cooperativas de dados com Anouk Ruhaak, Kobbi Nissim e Katrina Ligett.

Data Commons & Data Trust

How do data trusts relate to data commons? When trying to make sense of the many data governance models and data sharing arrangements in existence this question comes up a lot. This article gives some basic insights into the relationship between a data commons and a data trust.
And the author (Anouk Ruhaak) also compiled a comprehensive reading list about the topic of Data Trusts.

Data Cooperatives in the Real World: Progress and Challenges (Video: 51:36min)

Good panel on data cooperatives with Anouk Ruhaak, Kobbi Nissim, and Katrina Ligett

Data Commons & Data Trust

Como as relações de confiança de dados se relacionam com os dados comuns? Ao tentar entender os muitos modelos de governança de dados e acordos de compartilhamento de dados existentes, essa pergunta é muito frequente. Este artigo fornece alguns insights básicos sobre a relação entre um data commons e um data trust. E o autor (Anouk Ruhaak) também compilou uma lista de leituras abrangente sobre o tema Data Trusts.

Data Commons & Data Trust

How do data trusts relate to data commons? When trying to make sense of the many data governance models and data sharing arrangements in existence this question comes up a lot. This article gives some basic insights into the relationship between a data commons and a data trust.
And the author (Anouk Ruhaak) also compiled a comprehensive reading list about the topic of Data Trusts.

Data Cooperatives in the Real World: Progress and Challenges (Video: 51:36min)

Good panel on data cooperatives with Anouk Ruhaak, Kobbi Nissim, and Katrina Ligett

Operator Design Questions

It is of limited value to discuss building blocks and reference models of operators in an abstract way. As a way forward, we would like to focus on a number of design questions that touch upon technical, legal, business and societal perspectives. the discussion should clarify how operators can and should adhere to the MyData principles.

Could this plan make Facebook obsolete?

Your digital self is fragmented and wholly owned by third parties – but identity activist Kaliya Young has a plan to help us pull ourselves together, and make tech fairer for all.

Finland’s first MyData operator

In the cover of biggest Finnish newspaper today Vastuu group announces that they are MyData operator.

Vake launches a MyData Accelerator

The Finnish State Development Company Vake launches the MyData Accelerator during autumn 2019 in collaboration with the Technology Industries of Finland. We invite companies, public organisations and others to join the Accelerator – everyone who has enthusiasm and true interest in developing a MyData service or data resources as well as user validation at the end of the accelerator period.

Slovak Republic works with to lead the way in citizen centricity

Citizen centricity, which enables people living in a country to easily opt in to government and third party services by owning and controlling their own digital footprint, is taking off around the world.

A Human-Centric Digital Manifesto for Europe

The digital revolution is radically changing every aspect of human life in the 21st century and it’s essential that regulators address the challenges this transformation brings. The new European Commission should look beyond digital single market issues, and focus on creating new rights-based policies and regulations based on freedom, democracy, equality, and rule of law to ensure that existing offline rights are protected online.

Start into the MyData “Electoral Season”

According to the Association’s Voting and Elections Regulations “First general meeting notification will be delivered to the membership at latest 45 days prior to the general meeting. n the notification are given instructions and 2 weeks time for the willing members to step up and candidate for the Board or for the Steering Group.” The Athens General meeting will be on November 15th and the announcement is out now.

MyData Operator

Some interesting drawings about the different dimensions and approaches of PIMS (Personal Information Management System).

Steering Group starts preparing for autumn eletions

In general the current board has good vibes and many would like to continue. We will start the candidate recruitment process by asking officially from all board members if they are willing to stand for re-elections. We will also interview their experiences and opinions on “ideal board composition” and in general seek their guidance for the process. Additionally, other aspects like number of board members were discussed.

Bottom-Up Data Trusts: Disturbing the ‘One Size Fits All’ Approach to Data Governance

Delacroix and Lawrence emphasize the limits inherent in an ownership approach to data: at most, data ownership confers the kind of access rights that are similar to water rights.

Can you own your data?

Arguments about data ownership... ”you can’t own legally, but ownership is also a social construct... more rights you have closer to ownership you feel”

AI Needs Your Data—and You Should Get Paid for It

A new approach to training artificial intelligence algorithms involves paying people to submit medical data, and storing it in a blockchain-protected system.

Introducing Personal Data Exchanges & the Personal Data Economy

The next big technological shift is to a world where every individual can manage and (optionally) monetise their personal data. Companies like Facebook and Google already make billions because they know everything about us via our online habits. What if we could take a cut? What if we could own and sell our data directly?

Business & Government Intermediate read

Tech companies organize two efforts to support personal data management

...and both are called Open GDPR. Though unrelated, the initiatives reflect some of the ways the ad and marketing industry is organizing itself around its personal data responsibilities.

1st Reading Club Took Place

This week the first reading club was held on Thursday and a number of interesting things were posted subsequently: @Fredrik Löfman posted an Economis article (Is Google an evil genius?) and an interesting article series on data-rights related issues. @Antti 'Jogi' Poikola proposed to read and discuss Laron Lanier, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now next.

IHAN Pilot Projects

Sitra implemented the call for funding applications as part of Sitra’s IHAN® – Human-Driven Data Economy focus area, which will run until 2021. Some projects started in 2018 and the rest will start in spring 2019. All projects will be finished in 2021.

Interview Template for Case Library

An interesting project from MyData is the Case Library and this is a template based on one of the first interviews with Tilaajavastuu.

Data Portability Sandbox Reports

This document is the final report on Data Mobility: the data portability growth opportunity for the UK economy, carried out for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) by Ctrl-Shift.

Paper about 'Return on Data'

Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply - 'return on data' (ROD) - remains largely unexplored.

Reading Club - Shoshana Zuboff: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

The first reading club chat is in the coming week on July 11th.

MyData in Finland's Government Agenda

The official english translation of the Finland's Government Agenda with several mentions of MyData has been published.

Presenter Cards for MyData2019 are available

We are doing individual "presenter cards" for all presenters. Idea is that you can share in twitter etc.

LEDGER selects 16 human centric projects

...working on decentralised technologies to enter its Venture Builder programme.

Questions Asked

Participate in the “EU Survey on Data Strategy”

It would be important that as many of us as possible could respond to this EC survey related to the data strategy and raise MyData thinking there.

Ihan Rule Book

Sitra recently published the template rulebook for data sharing networks. The suggestion would be to go trough it and think what would it mean from the mydata operator perspective.

Do you host an Athens Community Satellite meeting?

I can host a satellite meeting in Helsinki Finland. I challenge at least 10 other locations to do their satellites, we can get there!

Which personal data sources would be most useful to get easily portable?

Here's a try for quick crowdsourcing the above question. The aim is to crate a top-20 list.

If there were 7 weeks time [...] who should one try to meet with MyData agenda?

Focus on learning and building meaningful relationships, not in selling or money raising.


We have been speaking of more open community (visible in web without login). This is open source and has also Slack connection. With Patreon or Memberful it could be made also the platform for the Academy.

Could be another potential candidate for the MyData Case Library.


New FB killer from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales.