
Individuals Simple read

MyData Global em movimento – principais desenvolvimentos em 2022

Nesse post em nosso blog, a recém nomeada vice Gerente Geral Sille Sepp explica os principais desenvolvimentos do MyData Global em 2022 - a formação de sentidos coletiva e os canais para impacto; o fortalecimento da marca MyData; a renovação da infraestrutura do MyData Global e as mudanças no pessoal e na equipe de liderança.

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MyData Global in motion – key developments in 2022

In this blog post, newly appointed Deputy general manager Sille Sepp explains the main developments for MyData Global in 2022 – Collective sensemaking and channels for impact, Strengthening the MyData brand, Renovating the infrastructure of MyData Global, and Changes in the staff and leadership team.

Individuals Intermediate read

Os ditadores do Egito e da Arábia Saudita amam projetos de cidades inteligentes

O que poderia dar errado quando dois dos mais repressivos regimes da região do Oriente Médio-Norte da África começarem a coletar uma quantidade gigantesca de dados? Aqui estão apenas algumas das ameaças que as populações sofrem:

Coleta e processamento massivos de dados Efeitos negativos e ameaças ao livre arbítrio - modificação do nosso comportamento Ameaças às vidas e ao sustento das pessoas Ameaças à segurança cibernética Não há motivo para aceitar a vigilância onipresente como a norma, seja no Oriente Médio, no Norte da África ou em qualquer outro lugar do mundo!

Individuals Intermediate read

Dictators in Egypt and Saudi Arabia love smart cities projects

What could go possibly wrong with two of the most repressive regimes in the MENA region collecting a staggering amount of data? Here are just a few of the threats people face:

  • Mass collection and processing of personal data
  • Chilling effects and threats to free will — modification of our behavior
  • Threats to people’s lives and livelihoods
  • Threats to cybersecurity

There’s no reason to accept ubiquitous surveillance as the norm, in the MENA region or anywhere else!

Business & Government Intermediate read

Ética e Governança da Inteligência Artificial para a Saúde (PDF, 165 páginas)

O relatório identifica os desafios e riscos éticos com o uso da inteligência artificial da saúde, seis princípios consensuais para garantir que a IA funcione para o benefício público de todos os países. Ele também contém um conjunto de recomendações que podem garantir que a governança da inteligência artificial para a saúde maximize a promessa da tecnologia e responsabiliza e responsabiliza todas as partes interessadas - no setor público e privado - pelos trabalhadores da saúde que confiarão nessas tecnologias e pelas comunidades e indivíduos cuja saúde será afetada por seu uso.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health (PDF, 165 pages)

The report identifies the ethical challenges and risks with the use of artificial intelligence of health, six consensus principles to ensure AI works to the public benefit of all countries. It also contains a set of recommendations that can ensure the governance of artificial intelligence for health maximizes the promise of the technology and holds all stakeholders – in the public and private sector – accountable and responsive to the healthcare workers who will rely on these technologies and the communities and individuals whose health will be affected by its use.

State of MyData 2021

Nós recentemente publicamos o documento State of MyData 2021 que apresenta um retrato do caminho rumo a uma abordagem dos dados pessoais centrada em seres humanos, destacando a jornada da interoperabilidade, o #design centrado em humanos e as #cidades como pioneiras chave para o MyData como os principais temas de 2021.

[Simple] State of MyData 2021

We’ve newly released the State of MyData 2021 publication which presents a snapshot of the pathway towards human-centric approach to personal data, highlighting the journey of interoperability, human-centered #design and #cities as key pioneers for MyData as key themes of 2021.

Europa busca limitar o uso da IA na sociedade

O uso de reconhecimento facial para vigilância, ou de algoritmos que manipulem o comportamento humano, serão banidos de acordo com propostas de regulações da UE sobre a inteligência artificial.

[Intermediate] Big Tech’s guide to talking about AI ethics

The tech giants have developed a new vocabulary to use when they want to assure the public that they care deeply about developing AI responsibly—but want to make sure they don’t invite too much scrutiny. Here’s an insider’s guide to decoding their language and challenging the assumptions and values baked in.

O guia da Big Tech para falar sobre ética e IA

As gigantes da tecnologia desenvolveram um novo vocabulário para utilizarem quando querem garantir ao público de que elas se importam profundamente com o desenvolvimento responsável de inteligências artificiais - mas elas também querem garantir que esse público não investigue muito o tema. Aqui está um guia interno para decifrar a linguagem utilizada por essas empresas e confrontar suas suposições e valores.

Business & Government Simple read

Europe seeks to limit use of AI in society

The use of facial recognition for surveillance, or algorithms that manipulate human behaviour, will be banned under proposed EU regulations on artificial intelligence.

[Simple] The Counterintuitive Way to be More Persuasive (Video: 10:19min)

Each of us is trying to convince somebody on something at times. Turns out that when choosing your arguments, less (high quality) is more.

A forma contraintuitiva de ser mais persuasivo (Vídeo)

Cada um de nós está tentando convencer alguém de alguma coisa em determinados momentos. Aparentemente, quando se está escolhendo argumentos, menos (alta qualidade) é mais. 

[Simple] How technology changes our sense of right and wrong (Video: 7:17min)

What drives society's understanding of right and wrong? In this thought-provoking talk, futurist Juan Enriquez offers a historical outlook on what humanity once deemed acceptable -- from human sacrifice and public executions to slavery and eating meat -- and makes a surprising case that exponential advances in technology leads to more ethical behavior.

Business & Government Simple read

Building Inclusive Smart Cities

Joanna van der Merwe and Hannah wrote a blogpost about the main insights gathered from their session at the MyData Online 2020 Conference: Risks, challenges and solutions for data-driven public-private partnerships.

[Intermediate] Inside Timnit Gebru’s last days at Google

On December 2, after a protracted disagreement over the release of a research paper, Google forced out its ethical AI co-lead, Timnit Gebru. The paper was on the risks of large language models, AI models trained on staggering amounts of text data, which are a line of research core to Google’s business. Gebru, a leading voice in AI ethics, was one of the only Black women at Google Research.

[Simples] Construindo Cidades Inteligentes Inclusivas

Joanna van der Merwe e Hannah escreveram uma postagem no blog sobre as principais percepções coletadas em sua sessão na Conferência MyData Online 2020: riscos, desafios e soluções para parcerias público-privadas baseadas em dados.

[Intermediário] Por dentro dos últimos dias de Timnit Gebru no Google

Em 2 de dezembro, depois de um prolongado desacordo sobre o lançamento de um artigo de pesquisa, o Google expulsou seu co-líder ético de IA, Timnit Gebru. O artigo tratava dos riscos de grandes modelos de linguagem, modelos de IA treinados em enormes quantidades de dados de texto, que são uma linha de pesquisa central para os negócios do Google. Gebru, uma voz importante na ética da IA, foi uma das únicas mulheres negras no Google Research.

[Intermediário] Quais dados médicos Israel está compartilhando com a Pfizer - e estão protegidos?

Israel é considerado um líder mundial em dados médicos, o que é em parte o motivo pelo qual recebeu acesso prioritário às vacinas COVID-19. Os especialistas concordam que o acordo da Pfizer oferece proteção razoável aos dados pessoais dos cidadãos - mas algumas partes do acordo levantam questões que precisam de resposta.

[Intermediate] What Medical Data Is Israel Sharing With Pfizer - and Is It Protected?

Israel is considered a world leader in medical data, which is partly why it has received priority access to the COVID-19 vaccines. Experts agree that the Pfizer deal offers reasonable protection of citizens’ personal data - but some parts of the deal prompt questions that need answering.

[Simples] Cingapura revela dados de privacidade da Covid disponíveis para a polícia

Cingapura admitiu que os dados de seu programa de rastreamento de contatos Covid também podem ser acessados ​​pela polícia, revertendo as garantias de privacidade anteriores. Tal abordagem irá desgastar a confiança do público nas respostas de saúde futuras e, portanto, impedir sua eficácia.

[Simple] Singapore reveals Covid privacy data available to police

Singapore has admitted data from its Covid contact tracing programme can also be accessed by police, reversing earlier privacy assurances. Such an approach will erode public trust in future health responses and therefore impede their efficacy.

(Intermediate) The State of the Platform Revolution 2021

A great summary of the Nine Key Themes one of our invited presenters at MyData 2020 Onlince Conference Sangeet Paul Choudary have been working on during this year.

[Intermediário] O Estado da Revolução da Plataforma 2021

Um ótimo resumo dos nove temas-chave que um de nossos apresentadores convidados na Conferência Online MyData 2020 em que Sangeet Paul Choudary tem trabalhado durante este ano.

(Intermediate) Data Collaboration in the Age of COVID

On Thursday, December 10, 2020, the GovLab hosted a panel discussion on “Data Collaboration in the Age of COVID-19” at the MyData Conference 2020. Facilitated by Stefaan Verhulst (Co-Founder and Chief R&D at The GovLab), panelists Kelly Jin (City of New York), Claudia Juench (Cloudera Foundation), Dave Greene (Microsoft), and JoAnn Stonier (Mastercard) discussed ways the COVID-19 response could inform efforts to foster cross-sector data reuse in a responsible, systematic, and sustainable way.

[Intermediário] Colaboração de dados na era do COVID

Na quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2020, o GovLab organizou um painel de discussão sobre "Colaboração de dados na era do COVID-19" na MyData Conference 2020. Facilitado por Stefaan Verhulst (cofundador e chefe de P&D do GovLab), os painelistas Kelly Jin (cidade de Nova York), Claudia Juench (Fundação Cloudera), Dave Greene (Microsoft) e JoAnn Stonier (Mastercard) discutiram maneiras como a resposta ao COVID-19 poderia informar os esforços para promover a reutilização de dados intersetoriais de forma responsável, sistemática e sustentável.

[Intermediário] Estratégia chinesa de país como plataforma da para influência global

À medida que as plataformas continuam a crescer, o controle sobre o comércio de bens e serviços está mudando dos países para as plataformas digitais. E, à medida que o comércio, a mão-de-obra e o dinheiro se tornam cada vez mais digitalizados e trocados em plataformas, os países precisam repensar suas posições no fluxo global desses bens. Para obter uma vantagem competitiva, os países precisam buscar cada vez mais uma estratégia de plataforma.

[Intermediate] China’s country-as-platform strategy for global influence

As platforms continue to grow, control over the trade in goods and services is shifting from countries to digital platforms. And as trade, labor, and money grow increasingly digitized and are exchanged on platforms, countries need to rethink their positions in the global flow of these goods. If they are to gain a competitive advantage, countries need to increasingly pursue a platform strategy.

MyData白書 - 第三版、修正版(PDS)

MyData白書の新しい英語版が公開されました。 最後の英語の白書は5年前にリリースされたです。進化するMyDataの考えと行動をすべて新しい白書にまとめるときがきました。

この作業に貢献してくださった皆さん、おめでとうございます。これを実現してくださったViivi Lähteenoja氏とフィンランド運輸通信省に感謝します。

MyData White Paper - 3rd, revised edition (PDF)

A new English version of the MyData white paper was published! The last white paper in English was released 5years ago, and it was about time to package all the everevolving MyData's thinking and doing into a new paper.
Congratulations to everybody who contributed to this work, and thank you Viivi Lähteenoja and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland for making this happen.

Artigo MyData - 3ª edição revisada (PDF)

Uma nova versão em inglês do white paper MyData foi publicada! O último white paper em inglês foi lançado há 5 anos, e era hora de agrupar todas as idéias e ações em constante evolução do MyData em um novo jornal. Parabéns a todos que contribuíram para este trabalho, e obrigado Viivi Lähteenoja e o Ministério dos Transportes e Comunicações da Finlândia por fazerem isso acontecer.

Projeto de Alfabetização de Dados

Cursos e conteúdos educacionais para informar, equipar e inspirar você ou sua organização a usar dados como parte do seu idioma cotidiano.

Data Literacy Project

Educational courses and content to inform, equip and inspire you or your organization to use data as part of your everyday language.

Vamos conversar sobre privacidade

Entrevistamos 41 pessoas, de especialistas em privacidade a pessoas comuns, para entender seus pontos de vista sobre privacidade e de que formas as diferentes políticas podem impactar seu trabalho. (via MIT Media Lab)

Let’s Talk Privacy

We interviewed 41 people, from privacy experts to everyday people, to understand their views on privacy and the ways that different policies could impact their work (via MIT Media Lab).

MyData Webinar #7: Personal APIs

The MyData Webinar about Personal APIs (presented by Lal Chandran from iGrant.io) moderated bei Ansku is now up at https://mydata.org/webinars and in MyData Global’s Youtube channel.

MyData Webinar #6: Interoperability of Health Data

The MyData webinar about Interoperability of Health Data (presented by Paul Knowles and Erwan Médy) moderated bei Ansku Tuomainen is now up at https://mydata.org/webinars and in MyData Global’s Youtube channel.

MyData Webinar #5: Identity in the Digital Era

Latest MyData webinar about Identity (presented by Phil Windley and Andres Kütt) in the Digital Era is now up at mydata.org/webinars and in MyData Global’s Youtube channel.

Thought Leadership Guidebook

This week a call took place about the MyData Thought Leadership and how reshaping the Thematic Groups can work. Be sure to check out the slide-deck!

Product Development with Consequence Scanning

Digital technologies introduce change rapidly and their potential for impact comes with responsibility. Introducing a dedicated agile practice for considering the consequences of technology within an iterative development cycle.

MyData Strategy on Campaigns

The strategy of MyData Org is that the organisation won’t start doing citizen campaigns or direct activities targeted towards “regular” people in the coming 3 years but rather focus on the professionals.

MyData Webinar #4: Consent Mechanisms

The MyData Webinar about Consent Mechanisms is now available at https://mydata.org/webinars/ and in our YouTube channel. Presenters are Jim Pasquale from the Kantara Initiative and Crt Ahlin from Datafund.

MyData Webinar #3: Digital Wallets and Vaults

The MyData Webinar about Digital Wallets and Vaults is now available at https://mydata.org/webinars/ and in our YouTube channel. Presenters are Marie-Jose Hoefmans from Schluss and Robert Mitwicki demonstrating Minerva.

MyData Community - what is it all about?

We conducted tens of community interviews in the past half a year with the main goal to understand the MyData community better. We’ve now finalised with the analysis, and results are available at https://mydata-global.org/understanding-community-2019.

Meetup Usage

Currently, the MyData Global Meetup account has 12 groups with 1,144 members and held 46 events in 2019. The overall cost for this was EUR 1,317. Costwise this is not much but there is a discussion to switch to alternatives (allevents.in, eventbrite.com, or attending.io) because of low attendance despite high sign-ups. It is planned to take a decision in the next Community call on Wed Dec 18, 2019.

Case Library is online

Let me introduce you the MVP version of the long-awaited Case Library that we’d like to test now with the MyData community members.

People-Centered Internet

This is a network we could look into. @Iain added: That group is led by Mei Lin Fung (based in California) and is already engaged with Project VRM and Me2B.

Data Protection Laws of the World

Provides an overview of the key privacy and data protection laws and regulations across the globe.

MyData Webinar #2: Design

The #2 MyData Webinar about Design is now available at https://mydata.org/webinars/ and in our YouTube channel.

Athens General Meeting (Video: 3:44 hours)

If you missed the AGM but would like to hear / see the presentations and discussions about motions put up at the GM, you can view the meeting in this video.

Hubs and their status

This presentation is a great visualization of the different types of all current hubs.

MyData Webinar #1: Data Governance (Video: 1h13min)

The very first MyData Webinar took place on October 25th, 2019 and covered A New Governance and Me2B Alliance, that both touch upon the topic of building a trustworthy personal data ecosystem.

MyData Webinars

We're starting a series of webinars this fall, with the aim to present different initiatives, projects and services that are contributing to MyData's mission in empowering individuals by improving their right to self-determination regarding their personal data.
The webinars will take place regularly on 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. First one is already coming up next week on 25th Oct, and will present A New Governance's and Me2B Alliance's work on building a more trustworthy data ecosystem.

De-google-ify Internet - List of alternatives

The whole web is occupied by centralized services… Well… not entirely. One small village of indomitable Free Software lovers still holds out against the invaders.

Call for Papers: Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference

The CPDP2020 Call for Papers is addressed to all researchers who wish to present their papers at the next Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference. CPDP is an annual three-day conference devoted to privacy and data protection. The 13th edition of CPDP will be held on 22-24 January 2020 in Brussels. Whilst a number of speakers are specifically invited by the conference, several slots remain open to application through an annual call for papers.

Individuals Simple read

Social Programme - MyData 2019

Join us for an amazing MyData after-hours experience: Welcome Gathering, Dinners, Sauna, Afterpart. Eat, Greet - Repeat!

A road map for a fair data economy offers a new foundation for Europe’s sustainable growth

Digitisation and artificial intelligence, data and the platform economy are key to accelerating European productivity and growth in the global context. Europe could build a human-centric model for a data economy based on the fair use of data, according to a policy brief released by the Lisbon Council and Sitra.

Thematic group: A New Governance

This initiative is a bit particular, with a focus of designing a governance model for a way how to translate GDPR requirements into technical standards. Your contributions on figuring out the governance model are more than welcome - we’ve organised a channel #anewgovernance where you can stay up to date of the developments.

Artificial Intelligence Governance and Ethics: Global Perspectives

AI is increasingly being embedded in our lives, supplementing our pervasive use of digital technologies. But this is being accompanied by disquiet over problematic and dangerous implementations of AI, or indeed, even AI itself deciding to do dangerous and problematic actions, especially in fields such as the military, medicine and criminal justice.

Overview for Q2 membership fee sharing

An overview about the membership fee sharing for the individual hubs. Read more about Financial guidelines for Initiatives here.

Individuals Intermediate read

Building Collective Momentum to Challenge the Ad Tech Industry

This story is the first of a series on how civil society organisations and activists are using the GDPR (and similar data protection legislation) to advance rights and strengthen their work.

Data Protection and Digital Agency for Refugees

For the millions of refugees fleeing conflict and persecution every year, access to information about their rights and control over their personal data are crucial for their ability to assess risk and navigate the asylum process. While asylum seekers are required to provide significant amounts of personal information on their journey to safety, they are rarely fully informed of their data rights by UN agencies or local border control and law enforcement staff tasked with obtaining and processing their personal information. Despite recent improvements in data protection mechanisms in the European Union, refugees’ informed consent for the collection and use of their personal data is rarely sought.

Call for Papers for the 2020 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT 2020)

The third annual ACM FAT Conference brings together researchers and practitioners interested in fairness, accountability, and transparency in socio-technical systems. FAT 2020 has 5 submission tracks reflecting its disciplinary diversity, each with a separate call for papers: #1 - Computer Science; #2 - Law; #3 - Social Sciences and Humanities; #4 - Practice and Experience; #5 - Education. Full paper submission deadline: Aug 22, 2019; Notification date: Oct 31, 2019; Conference: Jan 27-30, 2020

Making the most of your session - Tips & Tricks

Sille has put together some tips & tricks that you can use in the preparation of your sessions for MyData 2019 conference.

질문 목록

Business & Government Intermediate read

MyData 2022 Conference: Call for Proposals

One-third of the MyData 2022 conference programme showcases content from the broad community of professionals representing business, legal, tech, and social perspectives. Proposals should align to the thematic focuses of the conference programme (list available at the programme page), although suggestions for additional topics can be made. Submit your proposal through this form latest by 24 April (midnight UTC).

Business & Government Intermediate read

MyData Operator Awards 2022

The MyData Operator Awards recognise companies that have shown leadership by creating solutions that empower individuals to manage their data and make it easier for personal data to be shared and used safely. Find more information on the MyData Operator Award page.

Business & Government Advanced read

MyData Operator 2021 Applications Open

Do you wish to be among the organisations to be officially recognised as a MyData Operator?
The application round for the MyData Operator 2021 award is open as of today, 1 Sep 2021. The application deadline is 30 September and the awards are announced on 17 November. You can find the application process and guidance on the process here and the online application form here.

Business & Government Advanced read

Aplicações abertas para Operadores do MyData 2021

Você deseja estar entre as organizações a serem oficialmente reconhecidas como Operadoras do MyData? As aplicações para o prêmio MyData Operator 2021 estão abertas a partir do dia 1 de setembro. A data limite de inscrição é dia 30 de setembro, e os prêmios serão anunciados no dia 17 de novembro. O processo de aplicação e as orientações para ele podem ser acessadas aqui e o formulário de aplicação online aqui.

Developers Advanced read

Data Collection Research Grant 2021

If you are planning on carrying out innovative and impactful research in the 2021-2022 academic year then apply for the new SurveyCTO Data Collection Research Grant: This grant is available to research graduates from all across the world. Your application will be assessed on the potential impact of your research, whether you are taking an innovative approach to data collection, and the feasibility of your study.

Developers Advanced read

Data Collection Research Grant 2021

Se você está planejando realizar pesquisas inovadoras e de impacto no ano acadêmico de 2021-2022 então inscreva-se para o novo SurveyCTO Data Collection Research Grant: Esta bolsa está disponível para pesquisadores graduados de todo o mundo. Sua solicitação será avaliada quanto ao impacto potencial de sua pesquisa, se você está adotando uma abordagem inovadora na coleta de dados e a viabilidade de seu estudo.

[Intermediate] Open NGI Calls: Ontochain and Trublo

ONTOCHAIN 2nd open call is open!
ONTOCHAIN is a project funded by the European Commission to empower internet innovators to develop blockchain-based knowledge management solutions that form part of its novel protocol suite and software ecosystem.

Apply to Trublo Open Call #2
We are looking for the most innovative research projects which aim to develop new software, platforms or tools for distributed trust. The TRUBLO Programme invites academics and R&D research teams, startups and SMEs to develop blockchain based solutions and applications ensuring the exchange of trustworthy and reliable content on social networks and media.

[Advanced] Horizon Europe Calls Calendar now available

We have developed a definitive Horizon Europe calendar, the only one that includes all the call dates of the new Framework Programme. Download it now!

[Advanced] Latin American edition of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference

The CPDP LatAm 2021 edition focuses on data protection in Latin America and its relationship with the themes of democracy, innovation and regulation. The event will serve as a platform to foster the discussion and elaboration of solutions regarding the issues raised by legislative productions, business and government practices, new concepts, recent events and much more.

[Avançado] Conferência Data for Policy 2021

A série de conferências Data for Policy é o principal fórum global para várias discussões disciplinares e intersetoriais em torno das teorias, aplicações e implicações da inovação da ciência de dados na governança e no setor público.

Todas as contribuições da conferência serão consideradas para publicação revisada por pares em Data & Policy, uma colaboração Data for Policy - Cambridge University Press, apoiada pelo Alan Turing Institute, Office for National Statistics e UCL.

[Advanced] Data for Policy 2021

The Data for Policy conference series is the premier global forum for multiple disciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the theories, applications and implications of data science innovation in governance and the public sector.

All conference contributions will be considered for peer-reviewed publication in Data & Policy, a Data for Policy – Cambridge University Press collaboration supported by the Alan Turing Institute, Office for National Statistics and UCL.

Business & Government Advanced read

ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities

In this call 16 national research and innovation funding agencies have earmarked a global budget of about 18.4 M€, in order to support transnational R&I projects. A broad range of research and innovation projects are invited to enable capacity building for urban transformations around three main topics, which address a wide variety of urban challenges:

  • Topic 1: Urban circular economies
  • Topic 2: Community-based developments and urban innovation ecosystems
  • Topic 3: Robust and resilient urban infrastructure and built environment

[Avançado] Capacidades de transformação urbana do Fundo ERA-NET

Nesta convocatória, 16 agências nacionais de fomento à investigação e inovação reservaram um orçamento global de cerca de 18,4 milhões de euros, para apoiar projectos transnacionais de I&I. Uma ampla gama de projetos de pesquisa e inovação são convidados para permitir a capacitação para transformações urbanas em torno de três tópicos principais, que abordam uma ampla variedade de desafios urbanos:

  • Tópico 1: Economias circulares urbanas
  • Tópico 2: Desenvolvimentos baseados na comunidade e ecossistemas de inovação urbana
  • Tópico 3: Infraestrutura urbana robusta e resiliente e ambiente construído

Chamada de propostas: comparando efeitos e respostas ao GDPR e CCPA editar adicionar tradução

O Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity da UC Berkeley está hospedando um workshop interdisciplinar em 30 de julho de 2021 para examinar e comparar como empresas e consumidores responderam ao Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados da UE (GDPR) e ao Ato de Proteção ao Consumidor da Califórnia (CCPA ) Esta RFP busca propostas para conduzir pesquisas acadêmicas sobre esses tópicos para informar o workshop e, mais amplamente, para construir o corpo de conhecimento científico fundamental para essas questões. As propostas selecionadas serão convidadas a apresentar e discutir suas pesquisas em andamento no workshop.

Business & Government Advanced read

Call for Proposals: Comparing Effects and Responses to GDPR and CCPA

The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at UC Berkeley is hosting an interdisciplinary workshop on July 30, 2021 to examine and compare how firms and consumers have responded to the E.U.’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). This RFP seeks proposals to conduct scholarly inquiry into these topics to inform the workshop and, more broadly, to build the body of scientific knowledge foundational to these issues. Selected proposals will be invited to present and discuss their research-in-progress at the workshop.

Business & Government Advanced read

Smart City Challenge

Taltech has opened an idea competition to find research-based solutions targeting urban challenges of local governments. The best ideas will be implemented by them as large-scale pilots together with at least two cities (one has to be from Estonia). One pilot can be allocated with up to 1.5 million euros, the total budget of the challenge is 15 million euros over the next 7 years (first ones funded by the European Regional Fund and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research).

Desafio Smart City

A Taltech abriu um concurso de ideias para encontrar soluções baseadas em pesquisa voltadas para os desafios urbanos dos governos locais. As melhores ideias serão implementadas por eles como pilotos em grande escala em conjunto com pelo menos duas cidades (uma tem que ser da Estônia). Um piloto pode ser alocado com até 1,5 milhões de euros, o orçamento total do desafio é de 15 milhões de euros para os próximos 7 anos (os primeiros financiados pelo Fundo Regional Europeu e pelo Ministério da Educação e Pesquisa da Estônia).


2021 ACM Conference on Fairness、Accountability、and Transparency(FAccT、以前はFAT)は、現在、コンピュータサイエンス、統計学、法律、社会科学、人文科学、教育など、さまざまな分野からの研究を募集している学際的な会議です。公平性、説明責任、透明性のトピックに関する提案は、2020年10月7日まで提出が必要です。

2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency

The 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT, formerly known as FAT*) is an interdisciplinary conference currently soliciting work from a wide variety of disciplines, including computer science, statistics, law, social sciences, the humanities, and education. Submissions around the topics of fairness, accountability and transparency to be submitted until October 7th, 2020.

Conferência ACM 2021 sobre justiça, responsabilidade e transparência

A 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT, anteriormente conhecida como FAT*) é uma conferência interdisciplinar que atualmente solicita trabalhos de uma ampla variedade de disciplinas, incluindo ciência da computação, estatística, direito, ciências sociais, humanidades e educação . Submissões em torno dos tópicos de justiça, responsabilidade e transparência devem ser enviadas até 7 de outubro de 2020.

Participe do MyData Online 2020 Programme Team

Parte do sucesso dos eventos MyData sempre foi uma abordagem aberta e colaborativa à criação de conteúdo. A ampla participação da comunidade cria uma atmosfera única, propriedade compartilhada e espírito MyData. Atualmente, estamos procurando de 10 a 20 organizadores de programas voluntários para se juntar à equipe do programa. Como administrador do programa, você estará em uma posição privilegiada para influenciar o conteúdo da conferência e receberá entrada gratuita na conferência.

Join the MyData Online 2020 Programme Team

Part of the success of the MyData events has always been an open and collaborative approach to content creation. Wide participation of the community creates the unique atmosphere, shared ownership and MyData-spirit.
We are currently looking for 10-20 volunteer programme stewards to join the programme team with us. As one of the programme stewards, you’ll be in a prime position to influence the content of the conference and will receive free entrance to the conference.

What data governance projects/products inspire you?

Mozilla’s Insights team is on the lookout for innovative data governance projects and products anywhere in the world (and in any language) that manage and share benefits from datasets in new and interesting ways. From data coops and data commons projects, to data trusts, personal data storage solutions and more, we’re interested in learning about models that differ from standard corporate models - that give more power to the people represented within or affected by the data, or that share the value/benefits derived from data.

Quais projetos e/ou produtos de governança de dados inspiram você?

A equipe do Mozilla Insights está à procura de projetos inovadores de governança de dados em qualquer lugar do mundo (e em qualquer idioma) que gerenciem e compartilhem benefícios dos conjuntos de dados de maneiras novas e interessantes. Desde projetos de cooperativas de dados e de bens comuns a dados, relações de confiança de dados, soluções de armazenamento de dados pessoais e muito mais, estamos interessados em aprender sobre modelos que diferem dos modelos corporativos padrão - que dão mais poder às pessoas representadas ou afetadas pelos dados, ou que compartilham os benefícios derivados dos dados.

Topic Tracks for MyData European 2020 Conference

We're preparing for the CfP launch for Europe 2020 conference next week, and drafting the topic tracks currently. We aim to give a palette of different topics that submitters can choose from, and elaborate these to concrete tracks later on:

  • Protection, (Cyber)security & empowerment combined
  • Data Governance - from ideas to reality
  • Data-driven cities - with and for whom?
  • Ethical/MyData AI for
  • Ethical alternative business models
  • What can Policy offer us?
  • Human-centric Verticals

Do you see something important missing? Do you see something as irrelevant to the current state of MyData and the discussions you'd like to see taking place in the European conference?

Help secure partnership for Europe 2020 conference

We organise (collectively) this year 4 regional conferences, out of which Europe 2020 conference in Berlin in September is the biggest one. We need your support and offer 20% of every partnership agreement you help to secure. This is a great way to earn some revenue for the hub’s activities!

Share insights that pave the path for MyData

It occurred to me that many are asking for news/insights about government & policy programs that pave the path for MyData. Please share interesting work from your countries and gather these inputs and discussions in the channel #policy!

Review for Architecture specification for a Consent Service

The Information System Authority of the Estonian Republic has developed a Architecture specification for a Consent Service. Feedback is welcomed!

Hubs & Groups: Check your information

I'm doing some “back office cleaning and freshing up”, and went though also the main website that promotes all hubs: https://mydata.org/hubs/, and groups https://mydata.org/groups
Please check your hubs information there, and let me know in the comment thread if you'd like to update, add anything there.

Hubs/Groups Summaries 2019

Hub-Initiators, please take the time to reflect back and share your comments on the planned actions, share insights what worked / didn’t work and why, and what you’d like to take up next year.

Contribute to Article in 'Medical Writing'

Some time ago we got a request for writing an article about MyData and its goals, with the connection to health data. The article is for the June 2020 issue of Medical Writing which is the official journal of the European Medical Writers Association. The journal is peer-reviewed and open access. There are no charges or any other hidden fees. Authors retain copyright.


As it's also time of the year for reflections and making summaries - how do you feel Meetup.com is working for you?


Does anybody of you know more of publiccode.net's work?

@Initiators: Participate to Design Thematic Group

As you might have seen across different MyData conferences, the design has been quite steadily been developed as one of the important tracks. Some are planning to establish now a thematic group around design and will host a session at the MyData conference to raise interest and clarify the goals and action plans for the group together with likeminded people. You are invited to participate in the meetup and also to get to know the initiators and their plans.

Job opportunity for Finnish speakers in Barcelona

I’m writing from Ipsos Spain, in Barcelona, we’re a market research company and now we’re running a big project in which we need native people from Finland. The project consists in watching Youtube adverts and then classify them according to variables related to the brand, and other creative elements like music, colors, framing of shots, and so on. We need natives because we have ads from Finland that need to be coded.

Submit Your Hub's / Group's Information for the MyData 2019 Poster

As a recap, we’ve agreed in the previous MyData community calls and online chats, to develop a poster for each active MyData local hub and thematic group which would present the key highlights of your initiative and a possibility to get engaged. Please submit your information by September 1st!

Topics for monthly community call

Our next monthly community call is on Aug 16th - time TBD. Would anybody of you like to present some recent developments with others?

Would it be beneficial to the MyData community to develop a Collaborative Documentation Site?

After reading this article from the NY Times Sille asked: Although using GDocs or not, is a totally separate question, while we still do… would it be beneficial to the MyData community to develop something similar for us based on the Library source?

Initiatives Posters

As discussed in the last monthly community telco, we suggest a way how all MyData initiatives could be represented at the MyData 2019 conference to promote themselves - developing a poster that shows the key elements of your hub / thematic group and a way to get engaged.

Who joins Community Call about Japanese Information Banking?

Many of you've heard about the developments in Japan around Information Banking. We'll have the chance to hear more in depth presentations about it at MyData 2019 conference, while we wish to already share insights in the next community telco on July 19th.

How to make the most of our guiding principles?

Sille was listening to the Boss Level podcast and among other things they were talking about corporate values. This could be an interesting input to think about the MyData Guiding Principles!

Should we create posters from all initiatives for the MyData 2019 conference?

@John W. suggested to organise a semi-facilitated networking meeting at the conference, where all MyData initiatives could share what they're up to and learn from each other. Sille added: What do you think of the idea to organise a 'Initiatives lounge' where we could post posters from all Initiatives, what are your ongoings, what are your plans for the coming months, who are the people stewarding the hubs and how to get in contact with you?

@programme-stewards: Can you help facilitating sessions of various formats?

We are planning to build a team of 5-6 facilitators who could support some picked session teams with interactiveness of the session. Do you have experience in facilitating sessions of various formats, and would be interested in taking this additional role during the conference?

Smash Hit

SmashHit project contributes to the data economy by creating new and better services by using the data from the connected car.


At MyData 2019, we will use an audience engagement system Screen.io in all sessions.

AI Ethics: Global Perspectives

The Governance Lab (The GovLab), NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Global AI Ethics Consortium (GAIEC), Center for Responsible AI @ NYU (R/AI), and Technical University of Munich (TUM) Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (IEAI) jointly launched a free, online course, AI Ethics: Global Perspectives, on February 1, 2021.

Solving Public Problems

“TheGovLab recently launched a free, online program called “Solving Public Problems” designed to teach the #SolvingPublicProblems skills you need to take a mission driven project from idea to implementation.

Foundations of Humane Technology

The course by Center for Humane Technology:

  • Designed for professionals shaping tomorrow’s technology
  • Self-paced, taking ~4-8 hours to complete
  • Grounded in systems thinking, integrating lessons from sociology, psychology, economics, history with interactive exercises and reflections
  • Part of a community of practice, workshops, happy hours, and guest speakers
  • Currently free of charge, thanks to our generous donors
Data Detox Kit

The Data Detox Kit gives you simple tips and techniques to help you control your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing in ways that feel right to you.

AI Ethics: Global Perspectives

Kan Suzuki apresentou uma palestra sobre AI e o Futuro da Educação, parte do curso online gratuito do GovLab AI Ethics: Global Perspectives. A palestra é baseada na idéia de que "há uma necessidade urgente de reformar os sistemas educacionais em todo o mundo para desenvolver capacidades de recursos humanos que possam enfrentar com sucesso os riscos e oportunidades associados aos avanços nas tecnologias de IA".


MyData Global awarded four world-leading organisations from three different countries with the status of MyData Operator 2020.