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(Simple) Epidemiologist looks to the past to predict second post-pandemic 'roaring 20s'

Dr Nicholas Christakis writes that after this pandemic people will seek extensive social interactions and predicts a second “roaring 20s”. Will privacy concerns and willingness to share data also change after the current pandemic is over?

(Intermediate) Data Collaboration in the Age of COVID

On Thursday, December 10, 2020, the GovLab hosted a panel discussion on “Data Collaboration in the Age of COVID-19” at the MyData Conference 2020. Facilitated by Stefaan Verhulst (Co-Founder and Chief R&D at The GovLab), panelists Kelly Jin (City of New York), Claudia Juench (Cloudera Foundation), Dave Greene (Microsoft), and JoAnn Stonier (Mastercard) discussed ways the COVID-19 response could inform efforts to foster cross-sector data reuse in a responsible, systematic, and sustainable way.

(Advanced) A closer look at the making of our After Dark personas

The recent publication of the After Dark report wrapped up our months long human centered design research with UN Women, which was premised on understanding the experiences of women travelling and using public transportation in the evening time. To better understand these women’s needs, concerns, attitudes and behaviours, we created a set of personas based on insights we gathered across the three cities we surveyed, as well as the anecdotes of women working blue collar, night-shift jobs.

(Intermediate) Applying human-centred design principles to data governance

A democratic approach to policy-making calls for reliable and timely information to ensure effective decision making. The Government of Indonesia in light of this has introduced the Satu Data Initiative to improve the quality of data governance, not just for policy-making but also to increase transparency with open data for citizens.

(Simple) Inside the massive (and unregulated) world of surveillance tech (Video: 11:23min)

Sharon Weinberger asks the question: what is a weapon in the Information Age? From microscopic "smart dust" tracking devices to DNA-tracing tech and advanced facial recognition software, journalist Sharon Weinberger leads a hair-raising tour through the global, unregulated bazaar of privatized mass surveillance. To rein in this growing, multibillion-dollar marketplace that often caters to customers with nefarious intents, Weinberger believes the first step is for governments to classify surveillance tools as dangerous and powerful weapons.

Business & Government Advanced read

The EU’s Digital Markets Act: There Is A Lot To Like, but Room for Improvement

Electronic Frontier Foundation: The European Commission has released its public draft of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which, along with the Digital Services Act (DSA,) represents the first major overhaul of EU Internet legislation in the 21st Century. Like the DSA, the DMA takes aim at the monopolisation of the tech sector and proposes sweeping pro-competition regulations with serious penalties for noncompliance.

(Intermediate) The State of the Platform Revolution 2021

A great summary of the Nine Key Themes one of our invited presenters at MyData 2020 Onlince Conference Sangeet Paul Choudary have been working on during this year.


Individuals Simple read

Your Digital Self

We found that data enrichments companies are using a loophole in GDPR to hide data from a GDPR information request! We are making that information available to our backers in a report featuring approx. 80 highly personal data points.

MyData 내부

Board and Steering Group

  • Jogi put forward a motion for the new chair (Jogi) and vice-chair (Kristina) of the board


  • HumaneAutomation asked in the MyData Operators channel about big-tech companies developing their own chips/processors and gaining the advantage of seeing all data that is being processed by their devices in an unencrypted and readable state
  • Paul asked if there is already a date for the MyData 2021 conference and Sille responded that the next MyData global conference is acutally planned for 2022

2503 (3 new)
290 (38 모니터링된 채널: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, coronadata, coronavalues, data_literacy, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hubs, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, steering-group, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
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