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A road map for a fair data economy offers a new foundation for Europe’s sustainable growth

Digitisation and artificial intelligence, data and the platform economy are key to accelerating European productivity and growth in the global context. Europe could build a human-centric model for a data economy based on the fair use of data, according to a policy brief released by the Lisbon Council and Sitra.

‘Social Credit’ May Come to America

The Wall Street Journal has an opinion piece that it no longer seems paranoid to worry about surveillance and facial recognition. And also several scores related services are active in Japan.

Business & Government Advanced read

Advertising: Real-Time Bidding vs. General Data Protection Regulation

As soon as 2020, the media industry could find itself with its main monetization channel shut down, yet few seem to be working on an alternative. The seeming inaction of most media owners, despite continuing and specific warnings from regulators, is dangerous and hard to comprehend.

What happened to Hadoop

For nearly a decade, Hadoop was the poster child for “big data.” But something happened within the big data world to erode Hadoop’s foundation of a distributed file system (HDFS) coupled with a compute engine for running MapReduce (the original Hadoop programming model) jobs. Well, many things happened - read more here.

MyData Operator

Some interesting drawings about the different dimensions and approaches of PIMS (Personal Information Management System).

Board Meeting

The board met this week and discussed various topics about upcoming conferences, strategy, bylaws, and others.

Updated MyData Eco-system View

For info, I have improved the 'big eco-system diagram' I posted a a few weeks back.

Facebook: Charting a Way Forward on Privacy and Data Portability

We’re publishing a white paper that sets forth five questions about data portability and privacy that we hope will help advance a global conversation.

질문 목록

MyData view towards Web 3.0

What is MyData global view towards Web 3.0? This term (sometimes called 'the intelligent web') has some history challenges of misuse in vague ways in past due to not really having place to belong and marketing/biz side trying to establish it to mean different things.

Wanted: Policy Advisor!

EDRi's Brussels office is looking for a Policy Advisor to support the Policy Team on issues such as platform regulation, cross-border access to data, privacy, data retention, Artificial Intelligence (AI), copyright and data protection.

Job opportunity for Finnish speakers in Barcelona

I’m writing from Ipsos Spain, in Barcelona, we’re a market research company and now we’re running a big project in which we need native people from Finland. The project consists in watching Youtube adverts and then classify them according to variables related to the brand, and other creative elements like music, colors, framing of shots, and so on. We need natives because we have ads from Finland that need to be coded.



Dick Eastman who runs 'The Privacy Blog' wrote a blog post about

Facebook App

Phone numbers for as many as 220 million Facebook users were reportedly found sitting online in a file where anybody could have found them.


The board would like to meet and interact with the community, discuss the future, celebrate the successes and hear the concerns - let's make it possible through networking get together, networking app Brella and the MyData booth at the conference.

MyData 내부

Less than 3 weeks to the conference, a board meeting, and Facebook released a white paper about their view on data portability.

1426 (13 new)
193 (26 모니터링된 채널: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, community, conference-2019, conference-programme, decisions, economy, general, hub-initiators, ihan, interoperability, make-it-happen, mapping, media, my-ai, mydata-volunteers, mydata-wild-ideas, new-digital-rights, random, reading, startups, thank-you, tools, visionofsuccess2022, welcome)
5 고마움을 표시함 16

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