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My Data, My Terms: A Proposal for Personal Data Use Licenses

In this paper, we propose the creation of a system of personal data licenses that will help individuals determine conditions for granting access to their personal data.

HHS publishes final regs on info blocking, interoperability

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has finalized two long-awaited sets of rules that will govern how providers, payers and technology vendors must design their systems to give patients safe and secure access to their digital health data.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Book: The Smart Enough City

Why technology is not an end in itself, and how cities can be “smart enough,” using technology to promote democracy and equity.

Operator Design Questions

It is of limited value to discuss building blocks and reference models of operators in an abstract way. As a way forward, we would like to focus on a number of design questions that touch upon technical, legal, business and societal perspectives. the discussion should clarify how operators can and should adhere to the MyData principles.

MyData and Coronavirus

Some thoughts here about how bottom up, human-centric 'MyData' would vastly improve how global pandemics can be managed for all parties. Clearly we won't get to build much for this time around, albeit my prototype only took 20 minutes; but one has to assume there will be a Covid 20 and beyond.

MyData Webinar #6: Interoperability of Health Data

The MyData webinar about Interoperability of Health Data (presented by Paul Knowles and Erwan Médy) moderated bei Ansku Tuomainen is now up at and in MyData Global’s Youtube channel.

Report: Out of Control

A recent extensive whitepaper from the Norwegian Consumer Council that demonstrates the need for alternative ecosystems to connect merchants with consumers.

Controlling coronavirus with apps

Smartphone tracking of the pandemic - a help or a threat to privacy?

The Status of the Sovrin Foundation

The recent economic climate has forced the Sovrin Foundation to make some changes to our operations.

질문 목록

Topic Tracks for MyData European 2020 Conference

We're preparing for the CfP launch for Europe 2020 conference next week, and drafting the topic tracks currently. We aim to give a palette of different topics that submitters can choose from, and elaborate these to concrete tracks later on:

  • Protection, (Cyber)security & empowerment combined
  • Data Governance - from ideas to reality
  • Data-driven cities - with and for whom?
  • Ethical/MyData AI for
  • Ethical alternative business models
  • What can Policy offer us?
  • Human-centric Verticals

Do you see something important missing? Do you see something as irrelevant to the current state of MyData and the discussions you'd like to see taking place in the European conference?

MyData 내부

Board & Steering Group


1829 (13 new)
242 (31 모니터링된 채널: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, community, community-meeting, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hub-initiators, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
12 고마움을 표시함 37

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