
Meetup Usage

Currently, the MyData Global Meetup account has 12 groups with 1,144 members and held 46 events in 2019. The overall cost for this was EUR 1,317. Costwise this is not much but there is a discussion to switch to alternatives (allevents.in, eventbrite.com, or attending.io) because of low attendance despite high sign-ups. It is planned to take a decision in the next Community call on Wed Dec 18, 2019.

Hubs and their status

This presentation is a great visualization of the different types of all current hubs.

Individuals Simple read

Social Programme - MyData 2019

Join us for an amazing MyData after-hours experience: Welcome Gathering, Dinners, Sauna, Afterpart. Eat, Greet - Repeat!

Thematic group: A New Governance

This initiative is a bit particular, with a focus of designing a governance model for a way how to translate GDPR requirements into technical standards. Your contributions on figuring out the governance model are more than welcome - we’ve organised a channel #anewgovernance where you can stay up to date of the developments.

Overview for Q2 membership fee sharing

An overview about the membership fee sharing for the individual hubs. Read more about Financial guidelines for Initiatives here.

MyData 2019 comms and marketing 101 for the community

Anna Ansku Tuomainen has created a folder (linked in the title) to support us in communicating MyData. The 101 doc is currently mostly about the conference but you are encouraged to creatively use the materials also for any comms needs you have. Also important is to remember to tag @mydataorg in your tweets and posts so those can be forwarded in the main channel.

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Hubs & Groups: Check your information

I'm doing some “back office cleaning and freshing up”, and went though also the main website that promotes all hubs: https://mydata.org/hubs/, and groups https://mydata.org/groups
Please check your hubs information there, and let me know in the comment thread if you'd like to update, add anything there.

Hubs/Groups Summaries 2019

Hub-Initiators, please take the time to reflect back and share your comments on the planned actions, share insights what worked / didn’t work and why, and what you’d like to take up next year.


As it's also time of the year for reflections and making summaries - how do you feel Meetup.com is working for you?

How to keep track of local hub members?

I am just wondering, does each hub keep a list of their members? I am assuming that being a MyData Global member is a pre-requisite to being a hub member, which would mean there are members in our #hub-korea channel that are not officially recognized as members by MyData Global.
Are there any guidelines on where to draw the line between active members as opposed to “observers” for local hubs?

Hub Initiators come together

Is there a moment currently planned for hub initiators to discuss together? What works, what doesn't, how they could work better together, etc. I am encountering some success coalition building in Geneva and would want to share those experiences with others. And seek synergies.

@Initiators: Participate to Design Thematic Group

As you might have seen across different MyData conferences, the design has been quite steadily been developed as one of the important tracks. Some are planning to establish now a thematic group around design and will host a session at the MyData conference to raise interest and clarify the goals and action plans for the group together with likeminded people. You are invited to participate in the meetup and also to get to know the initiators and their plans.

Submit Your Hub's / Group's Information for the MyData 2019 Poster

As a recap, we’ve agreed in the previous MyData community calls and online chats, to develop a poster for each active MyData local hub and thematic group which would present the key highlights of your initiative and a possibility to get engaged. Please submit your information by September 1st!

Initiatives Posters

As discussed in the last monthly community telco, we suggest a way how all MyData initiatives could be represented at the MyData 2019 conference to promote themselves - developing a poster that shows the key elements of your hub / thematic group and a way to get engaged.

Should we create posters from all initiatives for the MyData 2019 conference?

@John W. suggested to organise a semi-facilitated networking meeting at the conference, where all MyData initiatives could share what they're up to and learn from each other. Sille added: What do you think of the idea to organise a 'Initiatives lounge' where we could post posters from all Initiatives, what are your ongoings, what are your plans for the coming months, who are the people stewarding the hubs and how to get in contact with you?