
Developers Intermediate read

Datasphere Initiative

The Datasphere Initiative’s mission is to responsibly unlock the value of data for all. They have been mapping all of the different organisations working on data governance. (Early access of the publication here with password: "Atlas62501" - MyData is on page 52)

Developers Intermediate read

Iniciativa Datasphere

A missão da Iniciativa Datasphere (Datasphere Initiative) é desbloquear o valor dos dados para todos de forma responsável. Eles vêm mapeando todas as diferentes organizações que trabalham com governança de dados. (Acesse antecipadamente a publicação aqui utilizando a senha: "Atlas62501" - O MyData está na página 52)

Individuals Intermediate read

Possua seus dados de saúde

Enquanto o futuro de nossos sistemas de saúde se dirigem cada vez mais rumo a registros sanitários eletrônicos, precisamos de direitos de propriedade de dados para proteger o atendimento aos pacientes.

Individuals Intermediate read

Own Your Health Data

As the future of our healthcare system moves towards electronic healthcare records, we need patient data ownership rights to protect patient care.

Individuals Advanced read

Digital Services Act: A Game Changer for our Fundamental Rights? (Recording, 1:37 hours)

With the Digital Services Act (DSA), the European Union is to adopt landmark legislation that will create a framework to regulate online platforms around the world. This event hosted by MEP Patrick Breyer brought together experts from the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Fundamental Rights Agency and civil society.

Individuals Advanced read

Lei dos Serviços Digitais: uma grande mudança para nossos Direitos Fundamentais? (Gravação, 1h37min)

Com a Lei dos Serviços Digitais (Digital Services Act), a União Europeia adotará uma legislação marco que criará um quadro regulatório para plataformas online ao redor do mundo. Esse evento, sediado pelo Parlamentar Europeu Patrick Breyer, reuniu especialistas do Parlamento Europeu, da Comissão Europeia, da Agência de Direitos Fundamentais e da sociedade civil.

Developers Advanced read

Privacidade e Proteção de identidade no Ecossistema Licenças de Direção Móveis (PDF, 51 páginas)

A associação sem fins lucrativos Kantara Initiative divulgou um relatório que aborda as preocupações com a identidade digital e a privacidade no que diz respeito à carteira de motorista móvel.

Developers Advanced read

Privacy & Identity protection in mobile Driving License ecosystems (PDF, 51 pages)

The non-profit Kantara Initiative association has released a report addressing concerns about digital identity and privacy concerning mobile drivers’ licenses.

O papel surpreendente da linguagem compartilhada na inclusão

Com muita frequência empresas bem intencionadas abrem grupos para celebrar diferenças, como grupos focados em mulheres ou minorias étnicas. Alguns estudos mostram que isso só piora a situação. Um aritgo de 2015 revela que iniciativas tomadas para se celebrar as diferenças pode levar os membros dessas "minorias" a se sentirem desconfortáveis com suas identidades. Eles se sentem mais marginalizados, não menos.

[Intermediate] The Surprising Role of Shared Language in Inclusion

Too often, well-intentioned companies start groups to celebrate these differences, such as those focused on women or minority ethnic groups. Studies have shown this only makes things worse. One 2015 review found that efforts to celebrate differences can lead non-dominant members to feel uncomfortably aware of their group identities. They feel more marginalized, not less.

O conceito de "Plataforma Segura" para a Europa

O artigo discute os requisitos técnicos necessários para proteger nossos dados pessoais e garantir um mundo digital mais seguro. Ele apresenta soluções para se criar uma infraestrutura de TI aberta e segura onde a privacidade de dados possa sempre ser garantida.

[Intermediate] The “Secure Platform” concept for Europe

The article discusses the technical requirements needed to protect our personal data and to ensure a safer digital world. It presents solutions for creating an open and secure IT infrastructure where data privacy can always be guaranteed.

What has MyData Global achieved thus far and why join our journey

MyData Global organisation is 2 years old and regardless of the exceptional circumstances, we have made significant progress towards our vision! Read more about the achievements from the blog post by our amazing general manager Teemu Ropponen.

O que MyData Global alcançou até agora e por que participar de nossa jornada

A organização MyData Global tem 2 anos e, independentemente das circunstâncias excepcionais, fizemos um progresso significativo em direção à nossa visão! Leia mais sobre as conquistas na postagem do blog de nosso incrível gerente geral Teemu Ropponen.

MyData Globalがこれまでに達成したこと、そしてなぜ私たちの旅に参加するのか。

MyData Global organisation is 2 years old and regardless of the exceptional circumstances, we have made significant progress towards our vision! Read more about the achievements from the blog post by our amazing general manager Teemu Ropponen.

Esta semana: colaboração radical para projetar a nova conferência normal @ MyData Online 2020
  • Quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro - Sábado, 12 de dezembro
  • 1.000 profissionais de dados pessoais e pessoas interessadas na economia de dados
  • Mais de 130 apresentadores de mais de 50 países
  • Emocionante local virtual Qiqo - saiba mais

Encontre todos os detalhes na página da MyData Online 2020 Conference

This Week: Radical collaboration for designing the new normal @ MyData Online 2020 Conference
  • Thursday Dec 10th - Satuday Dec 12th
  • 1.000 personal data professionals and people interested in the data economy
  • 130+ Presenters from over 50 countries
  • exciting virtual venue Qiqo - learn more

Find all the details on the MyData Online 2020 Conference page

今週は ニューノーマルをデザインするためのラディカルなコラボレーション @ MyData Online 2020カンファレンス
  • Thursday Dec 10th - Satuday Dec 12th
  • 1.000 personal data professionals and people interested in the data economy
  • 130+ Presenters from over 50 countries
  • exciting virtual venue Qiqo - learn more

Find all the details on the MyData Online 2020 Conference page

Join the MyData Online 2020 Conference - Register Here

10 – 12 December 2020: Radical collaboration for designing the new normal

  • 1.000 personal data professionals and people interested in the data economy
  • 130+ Presenters from over 50 countries
  • exciting virtual venue Qiqo - learn more

Find all the details on the MyData Online 2020 Conference page - and let's meet in 2 weeks!

Junte-se à Conferência MyData Online 2020 - Cadastre-se aqui

10 - 12 de dezembro de 2020: colaboração radical para projetar o novo normal

  • 1.000 profissionais de dados pessoais e pessoas interessadas na economia de dados
  • Mais de 130 apresentadores de mais de 50 países
  • Incrível local virtual Qiqo - saiba mais

Encontre todos os detalhes na página da Conferência MyData Online 2020 - e vamos nos encontrar em 2 semanas!

Novo vídeo da marca global MyData (YouTube: 1:47min)

Confira nosso novo MyData Global brand video - por favor, compartilhe com suas redes com uma call-to-action, junte-se a nós em dezembro na MyData Online 2020 Conference!

New MyData Global Brand Video (YouTube: 1:47min)

Check out our fresh new MyData Global BRAND VIDEO - please share it to your networks with a call-to-action join us on December at the MyData Online 2020 Conference!

MyData view on the leaked EU Data Governance Act

More than 20 experts from the MyData community compiled a collective response to the act. Many of them representing personal data intermediaries. The official publication of the European Commission proposal is expected within a few weeks.

Visão do MyData sobre o vazamento da Lei de Governança de Dados da UE

Mais de 20 especialistas da comunidade MyData compilaram uma resposta coletiva ao ato. Muitos deles representam intermediários de dados pessoais. A publicação oficial da proposta da Comissão Europeia está prevista para dentro de algumas semanas.

MyData view on the leaked EU Data Governance Act

More than 20 experts from the MyData community compiled a collective response to the act. Many of them representing personal data intermediaries. The official publication of the European Commission proposal is expected within a few weeks.


These forward-thinking organisations have chosen to pool their experience and expertise in order to pave the way for responsible personal data ecosystems which are designed from the ground up to empower the people themselves.

世界 16 の企業・団体が MYDATA OPERATOR 2020 の座に輝く


Status do Operador MyData 2020 premia 16 organizações ao redor do mundo

Essas organizações com perspectiva visionária optaram por reunir suas experiências e conhecimentos, a fim de pavimentar o caminho para ecossistemas de dados pessoais responsáveis, que projetados desde seu início para capacitar as próprias pessoas.

Anúncio da Conferência Online MyData 2020 (Vídeo: 6:02min)

Salve as datas de 10 a 12 de dezembro de 2020 para a conferência Conferência MyData Online 2020, com o tema "Colaboração Radical para Projetar o Novo Normal".

MyData Online 2020 Conferenceのご案内 (動画約6分)

2020年12月10日から12日にかけて、MyData Online 2020 Conference がオンライン開催されます。テーマは、「Radical collaboration for designing the new normal」。新型コロナウイルスの拡大、パーソナルデータを取り巻く環境。私たちの暮らしは激変しています。課題解決に向けてどのように協働していけばよいでしょうか。カンファレンスには企業、非営利団体、教育・研究機関、政府など幅広い分野から参加者が集い、意見を交わす予定です。詳細はMyData Online 2020 Conference公式サイトをご覧ください。

Announcement for the MyData Online 2020 Conference (Video: 6:02min)

Save the dates 10 - 12 December 2020 for the MyData Online 2020 Conference themed: Radical collaboration for designing the new normal

MyData mentioned in the Guardian

Not so long ago we searched Google. Now we seem quite happy to let Google search us. Will we just accept our loss of privacy, or has the techlash already begun?

Personal data innovation: sharing power to build trust

Welcome to the new series of blogs created in collaboration with Digi.me. In the #MyDataTalks series we will be exploring the guiding beliefs and motivations of some of the people in the MyData movement. In the very first post you can read about @Alex Bowyer’s research on personal data and the (im)balance of power.

Community Blog: Trust-based data-sharing models

Trust must be integrated into all aspects of business, data sharing included. A data economy based on trust is an essential part of socially responsible activities.

MyData Gold Partner: Sitra

We wish to express our ever growing gratitude in here also to our long time supporter and partner the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Without them the road toward realizing the MyData vision would be much harder.

MyData 2019 Presenter Highlights

We are extremely happy to have these acclaimed people coming to the #MyData2019 conference and helping us make better use of #PersonalData a reality.

Keynote presenter: Audrey Tang (Digital Minister of Taiwan)

Keynote presenter at the MyData2019: Audrey Tang, the Digital Minister of Taiwan is a free software programmer who has been described as one of the 'ten greats of Taiwanese computing personalities'.

Keynote presenter: Alexander Stubb (former Prime Minister of Finland)

Keynote presenter at the MyData2019: Alexander Stubb is the former Prime Minister of Finland and currently the Vice President of the European Investment Bank.

MyData 2019 comms and marketing 101 for the community

Anna Ansku Tuomainen has created a folder (linked in the title) to support us in communicating MyData. The 101 doc is currently mostly about the conference but you are encouraged to creatively use the materials also for any comms needs you have. Also important is to remember to tag @mydataorg in your tweets and posts so those can be forwarded in the main channel.

MyData 2019 conference prgoramme launch & the Hub Finland Kickoff on 10th June 2019

Tune in to the Twitter livestream (@mydataorg) of the MyData 2019 programme launch and if you are in Helsinki join us in person for the celebration.

MyData in the Finnish Government Agenda

Finland had the new Government Agenda agreed on MyData (omadata) is mentioned 3 times in the new programme.

질문 목록

Individuals Intermediate read

BOLT Grant Program

The Internet Society Foundation takes a futurist approach to support the development of innovative methods, technologies, and infrastructure that seek to enhance Internet connectivity and access. The Foundation aims to support teams of creatives, technologists, researchers, and social/cultural workers to design and build prototypes and pilots that will bring into reality innovative solutions to Internet connectivity particularly among communities where current technologies are unavailable or not readily accessible.

Individuals Intermediate read

Programa de Bolsas BOLT

A Internet Society Foundation toma uma abordagem futurista para apoiar o desenvolvimento de métodos, tecnologias e infraestruturas inovativas que busquem aumentar a conectividade e o acesso à Internet. A Fundação busca apoiar equipes de inovadores, tecnologistas, pesquisadores e trabalhadores sociais/da cultura para planejar e construir protótipos e projetos piloto que criem soluções inovadoras para a conectividade à Internet, especialmente entre comunidades onde as atuais tecnologias não estão disponíveis ou não são facilmente acessíveis.

Business & Government Advanced read

Aplique para a Chamada Aberta 3# NGI DAPSI

O Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI) oferece um dinâmico programa de apoio de 9 meses, impulsionado pela Comissão Europeia, com um fundo de 2,5 milhões de euros para inovadores da Internet que estejam desenvolvendo soluções no campo da Portabilidade de Dados.

Business & Government Advanced read

Apply to NGI DAPSI Open Call #3

The Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI) offers a vibrant 9-month supporting programme, powered by the European Commission, with a €2.5 million fund for internet innovators developing solutions in the Data Portability field.

Formato da Conferência MyData Online 2020

Ajude-nos a decidir sobre a duração do programa para a Conferência MyData Online 2020:

  • Programa mais leve, 5 dias;
  • Programa intensivo, 3 dias.

Format of the MyData Online 2020 Conference

Help us decide about the programme length for MyData Online 2020 Conference:

  • Lighter program, 5 days
  • Intensive program, 3 days

Call for webinar topics 2020

After 4 succesful webinars in 2019, we would like to give you the opportunity to have your say on what we should present in 2020. Click the link to find a few suggestions and a place to add your own suggestion. What topics would you like learn more?

Challenge from Carole Cadwalladr (Video: 1:10min)

@carolecadwalla from the Guardian wants to find out what acutally happend inside Facebook during Brexit and US elections. And how can we make the underlying data public?

Short video clips during conference

Does anyone have experience and/or interest to make short video clips during the conference? Or do you know anyone who could do this? The idea is to do short interviews with participants and post them on the social media. Similar to the interview with Kaliya Yount at MyData2018

Please share MyData2019 message on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn

This year we have thrilling possibilities to reach influence on political level because The MyData 2019 conference is officially an associated event of Finland's EU Presidency!

Newsletter Topics

Have you or your organisation done something remarkable that the MyData Global community should know about?


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.

OwnYourData Data-Vault

Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.