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[Simple] NHS data strategy: Patients will get more control over data

NHS patients in England will get greater control over their health and social care data under plans set out by the government. Critics fear data could be misused but the health secretary says a new strategy will make it more secure.

[Simple] Major Ocean-Observing Satellite Starts Providing Science Data

After six months of check-out and calibration in orbit, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite will make its first two data streams available to the public on June 22. It launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on Nov. 21, 2020, and is a U.S.-European collaboration to measure sea surface height and other key ocean features, such as ocean surface wind speed and wave height.

[Intermediate] What I've learned about data recently

Laurie Voss talks about the structure of data teams, based on his experience at npm and more recently Netlify. He suggests that Airflow and dbt are the data world’s equivalent of frameworks like Rails: opinionated tools that solve core problems and which mean that you can now hire people who understand how your data pipelines work on their first day on the job.

[Intermediate] The Surprising Role of Shared Language in Inclusion

Too often, well-intentioned companies start groups to celebrate these differences, such as those focused on women or minority ethnic groups. Studies have shown this only makes things worse. One 2015 review found that efforts to celebrate differences can lead non-dominant members to feel uncomfortably aware of their group identities. They feel more marginalized, not less.

질문 목록

[Intermediate] Personal Data deletion over time

I'm writing an article for the BBC Future website about the large amounts of personal data that people lose access to, or which gradually gets deleted over time. We're thinking about how much information / memories / historical data gets lost in this way and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the extent of this problem - and what can be done about it.

[Simple] MyData community & membership survey

MyData Global exists to serve the community around MyData. We consider you also a part of the extended community and we want to understand what it is that you want and need. (You can answer anonymously if you want.)



Brave, the maker of a popular ad blocking browser, opened on Tuesday a public beta of its privacy-focused search engine, a first step in creating a product that could compete with market titan Google.

Individuals Intermediate read

Location History Visualizer Pro

I’m trying to gather a collection of good tools for getting quick insights/visualisations from the data you get back from GDPR requests, e.g., things like "Location History Visualizer".

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