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Individuals Intermediate read

Facebook Whistleblower Speaks

An Iowa data scientist with a computer engineering degree and a Harvard MBA has come forward as the whistleblower leaking damaging information about Facebook. They've now also filed at least eight complaints with America's Securities and Exchange Commission, which has broad oversight over financial markets and has the power to bring charges against companies suspected of misleading investors. To buttress the complaints, the whistleblower secretly copied "tens of thousands" of pages of internal Facebook research, which summarizes her ultimate conclusion: "that the company is lying to the public about making significant progress against hate, violence and misinformation.

Individuals Simple read

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus Have Been Suffering Global Outage

Facebook is back online after a six-hour outage due to DNS routing problems. The outage took down Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger, and Oculus VR as well.

Business & Government Simple read

Chinese AI Gets Ethical Guidelines For the First Time, Aligning With Beijing's Goal of Reining in Big Tech

China has revealed its first set of ethical guidelines governing artificial intelligence, placing emphasis on protecting user rights and preventing risks in ways that align with Beijing's goals of reining in Big Tech's influence and becoming the global AI leader by 2030.

Developers Simple read

Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded To Scientists Whose Work Helps Predict Global Warming

The Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded half of the Nobel Prize in physics jointly to Syukuro Manabe of the United States and Klaus Hasselmann of Germany for modeling Earth's climate and predicting global warming.

Individuals Intermediate read

Own Your Health Data

As the future of our healthcare system moves towards electronic healthcare records, we need patient data ownership rights to protect patient care.

Individuals Advanced read

Patient data ownership: Who owns your health?

This article answers two questions from the perspective of United Kingdom law and policy: (i) is health information property? and (ii) should it be? We argue that special features of health information make it unsuitable for conferral of property rights without an extensive system of data-specific rules, like those that govern intellectual property.

Individuals Simple read

What is the metaverse? A simple definition

Mark Zuckerberg recently dedicated a long interview to the subject, so the metaverse must be a thing. I want to share my definition, because I think it is simple, and useful.


Individuals Simple read


Nice way to document all automations - with video here.

Developers Simple read

Mnemonic Identity

We joined #decentralised-identity as Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited that we set up in UK. There is also a new blog post on LinkedIn.

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