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MyData는 개인데이터의 윤리적 사용을 위한 철학이자 사상이며 혁신적인 비전입니다. 아울러 MyData는 비영리 단체로서 사회운동을 펼치고 있는 커뮤니티이기도 합니다. 더 자세한 정보는 mydata.org에서 읽어보실 수 있습니다.

OwnYourData는 MyData 커뮤니티와 같은 비전을 공유하는 기업으로서 공정하고 지속가능하게 번창하는 디지털 사회를 구현하기 위해 열심히 활동하고 있습니다. OwnYourData 사이트에 기재된 미션문을 읽어보시고 MyData 혁신에 동참해 주시면 좋겠습니다. 문의사항 또는 의견이 있으신 분께서는 언제든지 weekly-digest(at) 로 연락 주시면 적극 도와드리겠습니다.

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This Week: Radical collaboration for designing the new normal @ MyData Online 2020 Conference
  • Thursday Dec 10th - Satuday Dec 12th
  • 1.000 personal data professionals and people interested in the data economy
  • 130+ Presenters from over 50 countries
  • exciting virtual venue Qiqo - learn more

Find all the details on the MyData Online 2020 Conference page

Transforming Data Flow Diagram for Privacy Compliance

In this paper, weprovide an explicit algorithm and a proof-of-concept implementation to transform Data Flow Diagrams into Privacy-Aware DataFlow Diagrams. Our tool assists software engineers in the critical but error-prone task of systematically inserting privacy checksduring design (they are automatically added by our tool) while still allowing them to inspect and edit if necessary.

MyData operators set to accelerate the proposed European Data Governance Act

This article takes a look at the key takeaways from the Data Governance Act and elaborates on how a MyData operator satisfies the functional and governance needs of a transparent and trustworthy data economy.

Slack sold to business software giant for $27.7bn

Salesforce has agreed to buy workplace messaging app Slack for $27.7bn (€22.3bn) in what would be one of the biggest tech mergers in recent years.

What has MyData Global achieved thus far and why join our journey

MyData Global organisation is 2 years old and regardless of the exceptional circumstances, we have made significant progress towards our vision! Read more about the achievements from the blog post by our amazing general manager Teemu Ropponen.

The UK has approved a COVID vaccine — here’s what scientists now want to know

The Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine has passed safety and efficacy tests — but scientists still have many questions about how this and other vaccines will perform as they’re rolled out to millions of people.


Individuals Simple read

MyData Global awarded four world-leading organisations from three different countries with the status of MyData Operator 2020.

MyData 내부

Board and Steering Group

  • Jogi posted his thoughts on decisions about joining / endorsing / co-publishing with other organisations


2449 (17 new)
281 (37 모니터링된 채널: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, coronadata, coronavalues, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hubs, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, steering-group, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
3 고마움을 표시함 24

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