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[Advanced] Theory of Change

Hivos values working with Theory of Change (ToC) as an appropriate approach to guide its strategic thinking and action, as well as its collaborative action with others. The use of a ToC approach fosters critical questioning of all aspects of change interventions and supports adaptive planning and management in response to diverse and quickly changing contexts. It contributes to the quality and transparency of strategic thinking, and therefore to personal, organisational and social learning. Use of a ToC approach should make Hivos more effective in achieving its goals, and enable it to understand better why and under which conditions specific strategies might work for specific groups in society.

Teoria da Mudança

A Hivos valoriza o trabalho com a Teoria da Mudança (ToC, em inglês) como uma abordagem apropriada para guiar seu pensamento estratégico e suas ações, assim como suas ações de colaboração com terceiros. O uso de uma abordagem que aplique a ToC promove o questionamento crítico de todos os aspectos das intervenções e apoia o planejamento e a administração adaptativas, em resposta a ambientes complexos e que mudam com rapidez. Ela contribui para a qualidade e a transparência do pensamento estratégico, e, portanto, para a aprendizagem pessoal, organizacional e social. O uso de uma abordagem que aplique a ToC deve fazer com que a Hivos seja mais eficiente em alcançar seus objetivos, e permitir que se compreenda melhor por que e sob quais condições estratégias específicas podem funcionar para grupos sociais específicos.

[Intermediate] Cash investigation - Our personal data is worth gold! (Video in French)

Big scandal in France around personal data use in the context of health. Pharmacists are selling without consent data of their clients (for 6 EUR/month for the entire shop!) to an entity that is supposed to act in the public interest, but seems to be engaged in marketing as well.

Programa "Cash investigation" - Nossos dados pessoais valem ouro! (Vídeo em francês)

Um grande escândalo na França sobre o uso de dados pessoais no contexto sanitário: farmacêuticos estão vendendo dados de seus clientes sem o consentimento desses (a € 6 por mês para a farmácia inteira!) para uma entidade que supostamente age em prol do interesse público, mas que aparentemente também está voltada para o marketing.

[Simple] What a Gambling App Knows About You

Sky Bet, the most popular gambling app in Britain, compiled extensive records about a user, tracking him in ways he never imagined.

[Simple] What a Gambling App Knows About You

Sky Bet, the most popular gambling app in Britain, compiled extensive records about a user, tracking him in ways he never imagined.

[Simple] Gig economy workers score historic digital rights victory against Uber and Ola Cabs

A group of UK drivers and a driver from Portugal have won a historic victory in their legal battle for greater transparency of algorithmic management practices used by Uber and Ola Cabs. The drivers were seeking to access their personal data from Ola and Uber as well as the right to transparency to algorithmic management. The cases were taken before the Amsterdam District Court as both Ola and Uber control driver data from the Netherlands.

Trabalhadores "freelancers" conseguem vitória  histórica nos direitos digitais contra a Uber e a Ola Cabs

Um grupo de motoristas do Reino Unido e um motorista de Portugal tiveram uma vitória histórica em sua batalha legal por maior transparência algorítmica nas medidas administrativas tomadas pela Uber e a Ola Cabs. Os motoristas estão procurando acesso aos seus dados pessoais registrados nos aplicativos, além de maior transparência algorítmica, Os casos foram julgados pela Côrte de Amsterdam.

[Intermediate] Gig Workers Gather Their Own Data to Check the Algorithm’s Math

Drivers for Uber, Lyft, and other firms are building apps to compare their mileage with pay slips. One group is selling the data to government agencies.
Also check out James Farrar's presentation at MyData 2019 on this topic!

[Intermediate] Gig Workers Gather Their Own Data to Check the Algorithm’s Math

Drivers for Uber, Lyft, and other firms are building apps to compare their mileage with pay slips. One group is selling the data to government agencies.
Also check out James Farrar's presentation at MyData 2019 on this topic!

[Intermediate] The Coup We Are Not Talking About

We can have democracy, or we can have a surveillance society, but we cannot have both.

[Intermediário] O golpe do qual não estamos falando

Podemos ter democracia ou podemos ter uma sociedade de vigilância, mas não podemos ter as duas coisas.

Business & Government Advanced read

Digital Services Act

Paul-Olivier writes about the current draft of the Digital Services Act and looks into categories of actors and provisions from a transparency perspective.

[Avançado] Lei de Serviços Digitais

Paul-Olivier escreve sobre o esboço atual da Lei de Serviços Digitais e analisa as categorias de atores e disposições de uma perspectiva de transparência.

Esta variável negligenciada é a chave para a pandemia

Como fazer o rastreamento de contato reverso agora é a questão... A chave está no rastreamento com base no local, que oferece retornos mais rápidos e fáceis.



This Overlooked Variable Is the Key to the Pandemic

How to do backward contact tracing is now the question… The key is in the venue-based tracking, which offers quicker and easier returns

Rastreamento de proximidade em um ecossistema de capitalismo de vigilância

Aplicativos de rastreamento de proximidade foram propostos como um auxiliar no tratamento da crise do COVID-19. Alguns desses aplicativos aproveitam a atenuação de beacons Bluetooth de dispositivos móveis para construir um registro de encontros próximos entre dois proprietários de dispositivos. Os protocolos subjacentes são conhecidos por sofrerem de ataques de falsos positivos e de reidentificação. Apresentamos evidências de que a dificuldade do invasor em montar tais ataques foi superestimada.

Proximity Tracing in an Ecosystem of Surveillance Capitalism

Proximity tracing apps have been proposed as an aide in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Some of those apps leverage attenuation of Bluetooth beacons from mobile devices to build a record of proximate encounters between a pair of device owners. The underlying protocols are known to suffer from false positive and re-identification attacks. We present evidence that the attacker's difficulty in mounting such attacks has been overestimated.


近接追跡アプリは、COVID-19 危機において私たちの助けになるものとして提案されました。その一部のアプリは、モバイルデバイスからのBluetoothビーコンの減衰を計測して、デバイス所有者間の近接遭遇の記録を作成します。 ただ、基礎となるプロトコルは、偽陽性および再識別「攻撃」に悩まされていることが知られています。 しかし、このような「攻撃」の実行の難しさが過大評価されている証拠をこちらの記事では提示しています。


こちらの論文シリーズの1番目では政策問題に焦点を当てましたが、2番目の本論文では実際の相互運用性の技術的な詳細と要件について説明します。 3番目の論文では相互運用性が偽情報やプライバシーなどの現象に与える影響を分析します。

The technical components of interoperability as a tool for competition regulation

The first paper in this series focused on policy issues. This second paper looks at the technical details and requirements of interoperability in practice. The third paper will analyse the impact of interoperability on phenomena such as disinformation and privacy.

Os componentes técnicos da interoperabilidade como ferramenta de regulação da concorrência

O primeiro artigo desta série enfocou questões de política. Este segundo artigo analisa os detalhes técnicos e os requisitos de interoperabilidade na prática. O terceiro artigo analisará o impacto da interoperabilidade em fenômenos como desinformação e privacidade.

Apple からの信じられないほど大胆な動き

Apple(iOS 13.6)によって導入された COVIDリスクスコアは、国のアプリの安全装置が回避されているため、スイスでは違法となる可能性があります。

Incredibly bold move from Apple

COVID risk score introduced by Apple (iOS 13.6) might be illegal in Switzerland because national apps' safteguards are circumvented.

Mudança incrivelmente ousada da Apple

A pontuação de risco COVID19 introduzida pela Apple (iOS 13.6) pode ser ilegal na Suíça porque as salvaguardas dos aplicativos nacionais são contornadas.

Covid-19 na Suíça: uma análise crítica da avaliação de riscos pelas autoridades suíças

Paul-Olivier escreveu um artigo descrevendo os riscos de privacidade e segurança associados à API de Notificação de Exposição do Google / Apple. Isso é muito focado na Suíça, mas é aplicável a muitos países diferentes, é claro.

SwissCovid: a critical analysis of risk assessment by Swiss authorities

Paul-Olivier wrote a paper outlining the privacy and security risks associated to the Google/Apple Exposure Notification API. This is very Swiss centric but applicable to many different countries of course.

“SARS-CoV-2 Tracking under GDPR” by noyb

In the wake of the Corona crisis, many governments and non-governmental institutions consider the usage of infection tracking systems to fight the pandemic. They float different ideas how these systems shall look like. While reviewing some of those ideas, noyb (European Center for Digital Rights) has prepared this ad hoc paper on legal requirements for virus trackingsystems.

We Sell Your Data

We Sell Your Data: You give us your data, we sell it. Make data privacy a concern of the past with our innovative new platform!

The Greta of Data

Turns out that as far as I know Greta Thunberg will have heard of “Own Your Data” before she has heard of “MyData” - see the tweet from Brittany Kaiser.

Off-Facebook Activity

Off-Facebook activity includes information that businesses and organizations share with us about your interactions with them, such as visiting their apps or websites. Paul-Olivier fought for 4 years to make Facebook implement this feature - read more here.

Commerce in Data and the Dynamically Limited Alienability Rule

Commerce in some data is, and should be, limited by the law because some data embody values and interests (in particular, human dignity) that may be detrimentally affected by trade. In this article, drawing on the Roman law principles regarding res extra commercium, we investigate the example of personal data as regulated under the EU Charter and the GDPR. We observe that transactions in personal data are not forbidden but subject to what we call a dynamically limited alienability rule. This rule is based on two dynamic variables: the nature of data and the legal basis for commercially trading such data (at primary or secondary level).

Facebook’s Privacy Tool Launched Months Ago. Or Did It?

Despite promising access, Facebook’s “clear history” tool is MIA for most of the United States, with no clear release date.

2020 Democrats on who controls your data — and who’s at fault when it’s mishandled

Your quick rundown to US politics and data rights: Presidential candidates agree that americans should have more control over their data than they do now.

Perpetual Debt in the Silicon Savannah

Cautionary tale around the language of empowerment: Kenya's poor were among the first to benefit from digital lending apps; now they call it slavery.

Annoying Channel Notifications

If you are annoyed on Slack about too many notifications you are not alone! This thread discussed if it is necessary to establish guidelines to use @channel/@here. For immediate relieve @Sille described a way to turn off all notifications and @Viivi explained how to mute only @channel/@here.

How top health websites are sharing sensitive data with advertisers

Financial Times investigation reveals symptoms and drug names shared with hundreds of third parties including Google and Facebook.

Using Emergence to Take Social Innovation to Scale

Despite current ads and slogans, the world doesn’t change one person at a time. It changes as networks of relationships form among people who discover they share a common cause and vision of what’s possible.

Human Rights-Based Approach to Data

This report aims to provide general guidance and elements of a common understanding on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Data (HRBAD), with a focus on issues of data collection and disaggregation.

The Creators Of Pokémon Go Mapped The World. Now They're Mapping You

Niantic’s apps certainly encourage gamers to get outdoors and get active, but behind the scenes, Wizards Unite is quietly casting another spell: collecting a surprising amount of data about where you go.

GDPR Transparency as a Research Method

Data-driven research is rapidly becoming mainstream across different disciplines in academia and in investigative journalism. One of the key challenges researchers often struggle with is how to obtain good data.

Addiction and technology: Understanding the links

Are addictive features inside digital products causing a public health problem? Is the attention economy’s model threatening our democracies and individuals’ freedom of choice? How can we measure, map and analyze the consequences of the attention economy on our society? To answer these questions, MyData Geneva hosted an event about “Problematic Internet Use”.

Motivation of Tech Platforms

Tech platforms are where public life is increasingly constructed, and their motivations are far from neutral.

Who's making money out of your data? (Video: 3:04min)

Data lawyer Ravi Naik warns we are entering an era where tech companies have as much power as some states.

Lib Dems profile every voter in UK

The Liberal Democrats are profiling every voter in the country by scoring their political preferences out of 100 This includes which party they will vote for in the next election and whether they are a Remainer or Leaver.

A Plurilateral “Single Data Area” Is the Solution to Canada’s Data Trilemma

Canada (and other countries) faces what can be called the data trilemma, whereby it is not possible to have simultaneously data that flows freely across borders, a high-trust data environment and a national data protection regime; one of these three objectives has to give so that only two are effectively possible at the same time. To resolve the data trilemma, Canada should work with its key economic partners — namely the European Union, Japan and the United States — to develop a single data area that would be managed by an international data standards board.

Communication Tools for the Conference

A wiki page that summarizes various communication informations for the MyData2019 conference.

Identity 2019 conference: Indigenous Data Sovereignty (Video: 41:20min)

The talk by Dr Tahu Kukutai is really good. Be sure to read about the Treaty of Waitangi first.
This Video will help to convey to outsiders what the Maori people understand to be giving up exactly when going online, what it is they care to preserve in this transaction (mana), how and why they want to reclaim it (taonga), and how much importance they place in using their own words in formulating this agenda (and why).

Facebook: Charting a Way Forward on Privacy and Data Portability

We’re publishing a white paper that sets forth five questions about data portability and privacy that we hope will help advance a global conversation.

For Ride-Hailing Drivers, Data Is Power

Uber drivers in Europe and the U.S. are fighting for access to their personal data. Whoever wins the lawsuit could get to reframe the terms of the gig economy.

The YouTubers Union Is Not Messing Around

The move is one of the most significant organized labor actions taken by creators on the platform, and puts some actual union power behind what has thus far been a nascent and disorganized movement.

Our Data Future

Privacy International discusses data futures, and encourages people to join their local MyData hub.

Clouded data: Privacy and the promiseof encryption

Interesting paper highlighting the different reconfiguration of the notion of privacy taking place under various technical schemes: blockchain, multiparty computation, fully homomorphic encryption, differential privacy

Stop Surveillance Humanitarianism

Requiring biometric data, like iris and facial scans, sets a dangerous precedent for vital aid.

Looking Beyond Privacy: The Importance of Economic Rights to Our Data

Some interesting thoughts about the role of the US and China vs. other 'stronger developing countries' in respect to the use and ownership of data from an Indian point of view.

Watch 'The Great Hack' Trailer

They took your data. Then they took control. The Great Hack uncovers the dark world of data exploitation through the compelling personal journeys of players on different sides of the explosive Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data scandal. In select theaters and on Netflix July 24.

Why paying people for their data is a bad idea

Paying people for 'data is a bad idea. Not only would it lure the cash-poor into selling their privacy, but it also plays into the hands of those who seek to...avoid a collective response to the increasing power asymmetries in the digital data economy'.

Session Title 'Data Ownership - thanks, but no thanks'

The content of the session sounds great: asking the community for their opinion, given the vacuum left by leadership on this issue. The session title conveys the idea that a decision has already been made, which is a different message of course.

Humanitarian aid in the digital age

I testified yesterday at the UN on 'Humanitarian aid in the digital age'. I was anxious at coming with MyData principles (framed usually for more advanced economies) and trying to apply them to the humanitarian context. Nevertheless the discussion was extremely encouraging, and there was definitely response and even demand for the idea of a bridge on those issues.

UN gives ultimatum to Yemen rebels over reports of aid theft

MyData-like dynamics playing out in high stakes context of famine and humanitarian aid.

Solid chat and comments

A screenshot from a chat of Solid people and talks to reach out form the MyData community.

Empty Uber cabs driving pollution and congestion

Uber drivers get their data to analyse it and show the impact of the business model on congestion (with help from PersonalData.IO).

Adversarial Interoperability: Reviving an Elegant Weapon From a More Civilized Age to Slay Today's Monopolies

Today, Apple is one of the largest, most profitable companies on Earth, but in the early 2000s, the company was fighting for its life. Microsoft's Windows operating system was ascendant, and Microsoft leveraged its dominance to ensure that every Windows user relied on its Microsoft Office suite.

The Clever Cryptography Behind Apple's 'Find My' Feature

An impressive encryption system, only possible through Apple's nontrivial market share in hardware.

Gestellte Fragen

Proposal for Governance of Collaborative Processes

I think some combination of the board, the steering group and the GM should aim to get three structured tracks going for Request for Comments, Call for Proposals and MyData Enhancement Proposals. This of course mirrors in process the way many technical communities structure themselves, with the hope of tapping more effectively into the diverse skills of the community, without having to “ask for permission”.

Hub Initiators come together

Is there a moment currently planned for hub initiators to discuss together? What works, what doesn't, how they could work better together, etc. I am encountering some success coalition building in Geneva and would want to share those experiences with others. And seek synergies.

QR codes for or personalized to your own URI

...printed on laptop sticker or embroidered onto TShirt/badge.


A startup that “helps you collect, summarize, and share your medical records digitally”, focusing on cancer patients. Just be aware that one investor is Google/Alphabet’s Verily which says it “develops tools and devices to collect, organize and activate health data”.

Data Transfer Project

Fortunately there is something called the Data Transfer Project, through which individuals could agree large scale of repurposing of their data through GDPR portability. Oh wait! Unfortunately the code is v badly documented. Could it all just be PR?