Willkommen beim MyData Weekly Digest, einer Nachrichtenseite, die sich der bestmöglichen Berichterstattung innerhalb des menschen-zentrierten Ansatzes bei der Verwaltung personenbezogener Daten widmet... mehr anzeigen >>
Willkommen beim MyData Weekly Digest, einer Nachrichtenseite, die sich der bestmöglichen Berichterstattung innerhalb des menschen-zentrierten Ansatzes bei der Verwaltung personenbezogener Daten widmet. Es enthält Informationen, die seit Juni 2019 hauptsächlich aus dem MyData Global Slack Channel (in englischer Sprache) abgerufen wurden. Beiträge und Kommentare stammen vom jeweiligen Benutzer, der mit jedem Eintrag angegeben wird. MyData ist eine Idee und eine alternative Vision für den ethischen Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten. Es ist gleichzeitig auch eine Bewegung, eine Gemeinschaft und eine globale gemeinnützige Organisation. Lies mehr darüber hier: https://mydata.org
OwnYourData und die MyData-Community teilen dieselben Werte für eine gerechte, nachhaltige und prosperierende digitale Gesellschaft. Weitere Informationen findest du im OwnYourData-Leitbild und eventuell möchtest du die MyData-Bewegung unterstützen. Wenn du Vorschläge zur Verbesserung hast, zögere nicht, uns zu kontaktieren: weekly-digest(at)ownyourdata.eu. << weniger anzeigen
People love convenience and Amazon has prospered by obsessing about how to anticipate our wants before we’re even aware of them. Here is a very detailed news column on how and why Amazon collects data about you.
Andrew Trask from the University of Oxford gave an amazing talk regarding privacy in context.
European governments never fail to surprise the world with their innovative minds. Such registries can empower citizens and give them a way to evaluate, examine, or question governments’ applications of AI.
Huge amount of white papers, researches and conferences had been conveying the same message that protecting personal data is important.
This genius idea of asking you to pay with your data in person makes it really "personal"!
Google will deploy a function that can display color-coded overlays of the concentraiton of COVID-19 positive cases. Such data are mainly open data from Johns Hopkins, the New York times, and Wikipedia.
Individuals Intermediate read
Data protection as a pillar of citizens’ empowerment and the EU’s approach to the digital transition - two years of application of the General Data Protection Regulation.
How to do backward contact tracing is now the question… The key is in the venue-based tracking, which offers quicker and easier returns
This paper describes results of a Covid-19 contact tracing app measurement study carried out on a standard design of European commuter tram. The measurements indicate that in the tram there is little correlation between Bluetooth received signal strength and distance between handsets. The paper applies the detection rules used by the Italian, Swiss and German apps to measurement data and also characterised the impact on performance of changes in the parameters used in these detection rules.
An interest in the Estonian model for digital government service delivery.
It’s a decentralised and digitised model aimed at increasing efficiency and empowering citizens.
Many companies ask you to go through a complicated process. Is there any way to set a limit on how much additional info can be required?
A research paper on How do app vendors respond to subject access requests might answer the question.
Board and Steering Group
Vienna Digital Identity Meetup This guest contribution is shared by Michael Shea.
On Monday, September 28 the 14th Vienna Digital Identity Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Digital-Identity-Meetup/) hosted a focused session on digital identifiers and verifiable credentials in education. We have two great updates from Kim Hamilton Duffy (Architect Digital Credentials Consortium, Chair of the W3C CCG and Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force) and Lluis Arińo (convenor of Diplomas Use Case at European Blockchain Service Infrastructure and CIO Rovira i Virgili University, Spain). Link to recording of event here
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