Interessante Informationen

MyData operators set to accelerate the proposed European Data Governance Act

This article takes a look at the key takeaways from the Data Governance Act and elaborates on how a MyData operator satisfies the functional and governance needs of a transparent and trustworthy data economy.

FAIR Principles

In 2016, the ‘FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship’ were published in Scientific Data. The authors intended to provide guidelines to improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets.

The technical components of interoperability as a tool for competition regulation

The first paper in this series focused on policy issues. This second paper looks at the technical details and requirements of interoperability in practice. The third paper will analyse the impact of interoperability on phenomena such as disinformation and privacy.


These forward-thinking organisations have chosen to pool their experience and expertise in order to pave the way for responsible personal data ecosystems which are designed from the ground up to empower the people themselves.

Not Fit-for-Purpose - MSI Integrity

Not Fit-For-Purpose reflects on a decade of research and analysis into international standard-setting Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs). It concludes that this grand experiment has failed in its goal of providing effective protection against abuse. While MSIs can play important roles in building trust and generating dialogue, they are not fit-for-purpose to reliably detect abuses, hold corporations to account for harm, or provide access to remedy.

Designing sustainable data institutions

Data institutions are organisations whose purpose involves stewarding data on behalf of others, often towards public, educational or charitable aims. For these institutions to achieve this purpose, they need to be sustainable.

W3C Secure Data Store Standard

Specification to establish a foundational layer for secure data storage (including personal data), specifically data models for storage and transport, syntax, data at rest protection, CRUD API, access control, synchronization, and at least a minimum viable HTTP-based interface compatible with W3C DIDs/VCs.

My Data, My Terms: A Proposal for Personal Data Use Licenses

In this paper, we propose the creation of a system of personal data licenses that will help individuals determine conditions for granting access to their personal data.

Operator Design Questions

It is of limited value to discuss building blocks and reference models of operators in an abstract way. As a way forward, we would like to focus on a number of design questions that touch upon technical, legal, business and societal perspectives. the discussion should clarify how operators can and should adhere to the MyData principles.

On Privacy versus Freedom

There’s been a rather interesting disagreement between two guys from Signal and Matrix recently. Many of the points they make relating to building competitive, privacy/freedom-protecting products and the difficulties are quite relevant. Here is the original post from Signal that lead now to the response from Matrix.

Finland’s first MyData operator

In the cover of biggest Finnish newspaper today Vastuu group announces that they are MyData operator.

Working Paper: What is the MyData Operator?

A first version of the working paper plus different tasks is available. The work to create the working document and create support for its content is not only writing, but also discussion. I propose, therefore, a twofold approach: writing team in parallel with process team to ensure discussion is open and not dominated by the writing team.

Gestellte Fragen

Information request: MyData Operator Project to City of Helsinki

City of Helsinki MyData project goals are to improve services to citizens by enhanced interoperability of the City services. Project is executed together with City of Espoo, Turku and Oulu with Finnish Ministry of Finance funding.
This is a request for information and invitation to market dialogue.

Participate in the “EU Survey on Data Strategy”

It would be important that as many of us as possible could respond to this EC survey related to the data strategy and raise MyData thinking there.

Ihan Rule Book

Sitra recently published the template rulebook for data sharing networks. The suggestion would be to go trough it and think what would it mean from the mydata operator perspective.

Minimum Standard for a MyData Operator

I’m interested in the MyData Operator concept. Particularly interested in the minimum viable protocol that would be required to make person switching from one operator to another seamless. In cases where the person wants to be their own operator, will there be open source code that implements the minimum standards to support that?


MyDataShare is an operator platform. It enables requesting in personal data from different sources, against a digitally documented purpose and legal basis, and doesn’t allow access to personal data without individual’s permission.