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Interessante Informationen

MyData mentioned in the Guardian

Not so long ago we searched Google. Now we seem quite happy to let Google search us. Will we just accept our loss of privacy, or has the techlash already begun?

Why the Data Economy Needs Standards to Thrive (Video: 3:26min)

Although not visible or understood by the average customer, standards keep the economy running. Standards describe and define the importance of a process, product, service or system. Standards provide a level playing field for industry and help build trust between participants in supply chains. Read more about this at the Centre for International Governance Innovation.

Shaping a digital future for Europe (Speech by Margrethe Vestager)

As we stand at the start of a new decade, and look ahead to that digital future, the one thing we can say for sure is that none of us – not even the greatest experts – knows exactly how technology is about to change our lives. That’s partly because the digital world is so innovative – and innovation is uncertain by its very nature. But it’s also because the digital future will be powerfully shaped by our own choices and actions.

Developers Intermediate read

Modern Mass Surveillance: Identify, Correlate, Discriminate

Communities across the United States are starting to ban facial recognition technologies. In all cases, modern mass surveillance has three broad components: identification, correlation and discrimination. Read more on Bruce Schneier’s blog on Security.

On Privacy versus Freedom

There’s been a rather interesting disagreement between two guys from Signal and Matrix recently. Many of the points they make relating to building competitive, privacy/freedom-protecting products and the difficulties are quite relevant. Here is the original post from Signal that lead now to the response from Matrix.

Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open

The story of a Wacom user who learned about the device that is essentially a mouse that it makes - with no legitimate reasons - HTTP requests.

How to ’do’ data empowerment

The aim of this article series is to provide those who design, implement, evaluate or fund data for development initiatives with practical guidance on data empowerment.

The benefits of sharing personal data – what can we learn from Open Banking?

Since its launch two years ago, Open Banking requires the UK’s nine largest banks to give customers better control of their data. If people give permission, the banks are obliged to share their data with third party services.

Teens have figured out how to mess with Instagram's tracking algorithm

Teenagers are using group accounts to flood Instagram with random user data that can't be tied to a single person.

Could this plan make Facebook obsolete?

Your digital self is fragmented and wholly owned by third parties – but identity activist Kaliya Young has a plan to help us pull ourselves together, and make tech fairer for all.

Gestellte Fragen

Who should present at the MyData Regional Conferences?

Let us know your wish list of people you’d like to see presenting in one of the four MyData regional conferences taking place this year! As you might have heard already, MyData is going truly global to also meet the regional experience from Asia, Africa, Latin-America and Europe! https://mydata.org/regional-conferences-2020/

MyData Interna

Board & Steering Group


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