Willkommen beim MyData Weekly Digest, einer Nachrichtenseite, die sich der bestmöglichen Berichterstattung innerhalb des menschen-zentrierten Ansatzes bei der Verwaltung personenbezogener Daten widmet... mehr anzeigen >>

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Interessante Informationen

MyData Webinar #5: Identity in the Digital Era

Latest MyData webinar about Identity (presented by Phil Windley and Andres Kütt) in the Digital Era is now up at mydata.org/webinars and in MyData Global’s Youtube channel.

Zero trust architecture design principles

The design principles around peer DIDs and zero-knowledge proof verifiable credentials.

We Sell Your Data

We Sell Your Data: You give us your data, we sell it. Make data privacy a concern of the past with our innovative new platform!

Do we really want to “sell” ourselves?

Who owns your data? It’s a popular question of late in the identity community, particularly in the wake of Cambridge Analytica, numerous high-profile Equifax-style data breaches, and the GDPR coming into full force and effect.

The Open Patient (Video: 15:50min)

What happens when two brain cancer patients decide to take their futures into their own hands?

Common Endpoints for Personal Data Stores

I'd like to publicly announce a new initiative that was initially started at the MyData 2019 conference: Common Endpoints for Personal data Stores (CEPS). Together with @salmanff and @Dixon we created a document for Personal Data Store (PDS) providers and App developers that will allow interoperability between PDS and using Apps across different PDS.

MyData Interna

Board & Steering Group

  • the financial committee submits this first version of the policies for discussion
  • a process to strategy grounding (i.e., making the Strategy 2020-2022 more tangible and actionable) has been designed by the General Manager and staff (a detailed memo is also available)


1755 (10 new)
231 (30 mitgelesen: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, community, community-meeting, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hub-initiators, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
11 dankten 48

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