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Interessante Informationen

Individuals Simple read

How Many Ads And Trackers Does ONE Page Load?

Some Banking Websites Have Third Party Trackers on Login Pages. Just like the danger of malicious code slipping into ads on mainstream sites, the presence of third party javascript trackers on the login page of the bank means there are increased risk of privacy compromise or worse.

Apply for Ethereum Swarm grant!

Swarm is granting tokens to devlopers for promoting experimental projects using decentralized storage usage for cities.

Personal Data Ownership

Legal, Economic, and Political Reasons For Individuals to Have Ownership Rights over Their Personal Data Triggered responses from different views ('baisc human rights' or 'property rights') in Slack.


These forward-thinking organisations have chosen to pool their experience and expertise in order to pave the way for responsible personal data ecosystems which are designed from the ground up to empower the people themselves.

Ornstein: Players to sue for hundreds of millions over use of their statistics

Lawsuit over the ownership of personal statistics and tracking data. Hundreds of Enlglish football players are taking legal action over the use of their performance and tracking data without consent or compensation.

covid19 policy trackers

A global collection of COVID19 policy trackers and data. It covers a diversity of areas like non-pharamaceutical interventions, economic and social policy responses, public attitudes, politics and media coverage.



Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.

OwnYourData Data-Vault

Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.


Today we celebrate the 16 organisations that emerged as the inaugural wave of awardees of MyData Operator 2020.

MyData Interna

Board and Steering Group

  • Teemu shared meeting video briefing of the July Board meeting. Video available here
  • Sille informed about 3 new individual members.
  • Jogi asked board members and others in the channel to suggest potential keynote presenters for MyData Online 2020 conference. And Iain recommended Doc Searls because there are rising interests in CRM/VRM.


2242 (5 new)
272 (35 mitgelesen: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, coronadata, coronavalues, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hubs, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, steering-group, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
3 dankten 10

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