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Interessante Informationen

[Intermediate] The Coup We Are Not Talking About

We can have democracy, or we can have a surveillance society, but we cannot have both.

Business & Government Simple read

Tim Cook May Have Just Ended Facebook

“If a business is built on misleading users on data exploitation, on choices that are no choices at all, then it does not deserve our praise. It deserves reform.”

Business & Government Simple read

Building Inclusive Smart Cities

Joanna van der Merwe and Hannah wrote a blogpost about the main insights gathered from their session at the MyData Online 2020 Conference: Risks, challenges and solutions for data-driven public-private partnerships.

[Intermediate] Inside Timnit Gebru’s last days at Google

On December 2, after a protracted disagreement over the release of a research paper, Google forced out its ethical AI co-lead, Timnit Gebru. The paper was on the risks of large language models, AI models trained on staggering amounts of text data, which are a line of research core to Google’s business. Gebru, a leading voice in AI ethics, was one of the only Black women at Google Research.

[Advanced] How Contextual Integrity can help us with Research Ethics in Pervasive Data

The growth of research projects relying on pervasive data — big datasets about people’s lives and activities that can be collected without them knowing — are testing the ethical frameworks and assumptions traditionally used by researchers and ethical review boards to ensure adequate protection of human subjects.

[Advanced] Getting to Practical Interop With Verifiable Credentials

Standards compliance is a noble ideal, but by itself, it’s not going to get us to practical interop on verifiable credentials (VCs). That’s because there’s not enough agreement on which standards we’re talking about, and the ones we all like aren’t clear enough to force alignment.

[Intermediate] Women in Tech Report

Where are we now? Understanding the evolution of women in technology.

[Advanced] Datenstrategie der Bundesregierung

Eine Innovationsstrategie für gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt und nachhaltiges Wachstum - Kabinettfassung, 27. Januar 2021

[Simple] French digital envoy explains departure from Facebook and WhatsApp

Henri Verdier, France’s ambassador for digital affairs, said the decision was both personal and political. He decided on February 1 that he would permanently leave the social network and the messaging app it owns.

Gestellte Fragen

[Advanced] Takeda Digital Health Innovation Challenge

We are launching this call for applications to foster collaborations in digital health and redefine the Patient Journey.

[Intermediate] The Fair Health Data Challenge

Does your organisation have a health and well-being solution based on data sharing and fair principles? Take part in this SITRA challenge and register by 9 April 2021!


Data Detox Kit

The Data Detox Kit gives you simple tips and techniques to help you control your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing in ways that feel right to you.

Solving Public Problems

“TheGovLab recently launched a free, online program called “Solving Public Problems” designed to teach the #SolvingPublicProblems skills you need to take a mission driven project from idea to implementation.


Something that can be interesting to improve our data literacy on privacy. I’m following this course from Openmined and it’s well done.


Just discovered „International Certification for Digital Literacy“ when looking into the European Computer Driving Licence at https://www.ecdl.de

MyData Interna

Board and Steering Group


Recurring calls:


Other postings:

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296 (38 mitgelesen: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, coronadata, coronavalues, data_literacy, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hubs, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, steering-group, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
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