MyData Weekly Digest をご覧いただきありがとうございます。 show more >>
MyData Weekly Digest をご覧いただきありがとうございます。 MyData Weekly Digest は、人間を基軸としてアプローチする個人情報管理の取り組みに関して、広範囲で最良の情報を提供することに特化したニュースサイトです。MyData Global Slack Channel から取得した情報を中心に、2019年6月から提供しています。投稿とコメントは各エントリに表示されている各ユーザーに帰属しています。 MyDataとは個人情報の倫理的使用についてのアイデアであり、そして革新的なヴィジョンです。また、MyData は社会を変えるムーブメントとコミュニティ活動でもあり、同時に世界的に拡がりつつある非営利組織です。詳しくはこちらのmydata.orgをご覧ください。
OwnYourData と MyDataコミュニティは、持続可能かつ発展し続けるデジタル社会の価値をともに認めています。OwnYourData Mission Statement についての詳細はこちらを参照していただき、MyData ムーブメントへのご支持とご参加をご検討ください。そして提案がありましたら、気兼ねなくweekly-digest(at) までご連絡ください。 << show less
The need to regulate online privacy is a truth so universally acknowledged that even Facebook and Google have joined the chorus of voices crying for change.
The UK Parliament's Human Rights Committee on protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information.
MyData-like dynamics playing out in high stakes context of famine and humanitarian aid.
Business & Government Intermediate read
An interesting development shared by the UK Information Commissioner.
Have you or your organisation done something remarkable that the MyData Global community should know about?
Could be another potential candidate for the MyData Case Library.
AI company in the news.
Somebody give me a quick rundown of what the difference between jolocom and mydata is?
Great news for Idka: EADPP (European association for Privacy Professionals) choses Idka as their communication, collaboration sharing and storing platform for the members, boards, workgroups etc.
Last week a discussion started if the Greetbot and introductions should move to a separate channel and this Monday an anonymous poll was held: 21 were in favour, 4 against it. So @Viivi is now making the necessary changes.
This week I start collecting information in the Apps & Services section. After being interviewed by @Kata about MyData's Vision of Success 2022 and also reading a question from @apoikola I sense that a catalog for the Personal Data Ecosystem is really necessary. There are a few ideas I have about how this can develop and right now it is just a simple list of apps mentioned on Slack. Stay tuned for upcoming changes and don't hesitate to let me know what you think: write me at
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