Noteworthy Information

Developers Intermediate read

Ukraine Health Connector

A European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance - Aliança de Saúde Conectada da Europa) acaba de lançar a "Ukraine Health Connector" para promover ações relacionadas à saúde digital que auxiliem a Ucrânia, empresas ucranianas e/ou refugiados ucranianos. Aqui está a declaração de Brian O'Connor, presidente da ECHAlliance sobre a iniciativa.

Developers Intermediate read

Ukraine Health Connector

The European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) has just launched the "Ukraine Health Connector" to promote actions related to digital health that support Ukraine, Ukrainian companies and/or Ukrainian refugees. Here is the statement from Brian O'Connor, ECHAlliance's chair, about the initiative.

COVID-19: ‘passaporte de saúde’ para viagens e eventos

Picos de coronavírus em todo o mundo estão mais uma vez impactando a indústria do turismo. Mas uma startup tem uma solução possível - um aplicativo que atua como um passaporte de saúde para provar que os viajantes estão livres do vírus.

COVID-19 ‘health passport’ for travel and events

Spikes in coronavirus across the world are once again impacting the tourism industry. But one start-up has a possible solution – an app which acts as a health passport to prove travellers are virus-free.

COVID-19 ‘health passport’ for travel and events

Spikes in coronavirus across the world are once again impacting the tourism industry. But one start-up has a possible solution – an app which acts as a health passport to prove travellers are virus-free.

MyData vs COVID-19

A blog post on MyData vs COVID-19 describing who we are, what we do and why people should join the efforts now!

MyData & A New Governance Forum Session at IGF 2019 (Video: 2:26h)

The recording from the MyData & A New Governance Forum session at IGF 2019 in Berlin is now available.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Declaration from

Declaration on joining forces to boost sustainable digital transformation in cities and communities in the EU: We, decision makers at all levels of government together with organisations and networks of cities and communities of all sizes1, believe that strong cooperation through multi-level governance in the EU and co-creation with citizens are key to our mission of turning our cities and communities into smart and sustainable places where people enjoy living and working.

Privacy Policy of

This year the MyData conference team offer to use the networking app Brella (available in the App Store & Google Play) with the joincode: MyData2019. But you should read the Privacy Policy of since a few people felt not overly comfortable with the terms. It states: 'Our legitimate interest (for attendees) to manage and develop our customer & attendee relationships and further develop our business operations. You have a right to opt-out of direct marketing each time we provide marketing to you.'

Finland’s Top Industry Strives to be the Global Leader in Utilizing Data

The Intelligent Industry Ecosystem of top Finnish companies pursues growth through better utilization of data and AI, leading to tens of thousands of new jobs. Nokia, Konecranes, Cargotec, Tieto and SSAB, among others, launched today the new InDEx Programme, financed by Business Finland and the companies themselves.

SITRA: Open call for startups

Hey #Startups! Do you have a business idea with strong mission and values? @SitraFund's #IHAN project brings startups and #investors together at #MyData2019.

No MyData2020 conference in Helsinki

As you might have already heard, there will be no Helsinki conference in 2020. Instead, MyData is going global with (at least) three regional events - one in Asia (Japan), one in Europe (Germany) and one in Africa (Kenya).

IGF2020 will be in Poland

The Internet Governance Forum next year will be in Poland.

New Data Economy Rainmakers: Where's My Money?

Europe has the potential to become the leader of the new data economy - live stream and recording from the event is available.

Putting end-users in charge of algorithms: Privacy and autonomy by design - QUT Design Lab

Queensland University of Technology will soon be launching Dr Monique Mann's new book Good Data - it's open source:

Questions Asked

[Advanced] Gatekeeper 2nd Open Call launched

The GATEKEEPER project is an EU-funded initiative under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Its main objective is to create a GATEKEEPER that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, elderly citizens and the communities they live in. This connection between stakeholders will promote an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for older adults.

[Advanced] i4Trust Open Calls

i4Trust is building a sustainable ecosystem where companies will be able to create innovative services by means of breaking “data silos” through sharing, re-using and trading of data assets.

[Advanced] Open consultation on the European Health Data Space

The European Commission published the open consultation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) - an important building block of the European Health Union. The EHDS aims to make full use of digital health to provide high-quality healthcare and reduce inequalities. It will promote access to health data for prevention, diagnosis and treatment, research and innovation, as well as for policy-making and legislation. The EHDS will place individuals' rights to control their own personal health data at its core. The consultation will remain open for responses until 26 July 2021.

[Advanced] European Health Data & Evidence Network: 4th Data Partner Call

The European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN) invites Data partners in Europe to apply for funding to map their health data to the OMOP common data model (CDM). The ambitions of the EHDEN project are high: We aim to standardise more than 100 million patient records across Europe from different geographic areas and different data sources.

[Intermediário] The Fair Health Data Challenge

A sua organização tem uma solução de saúde e bem-estar baseada no compartilhamento de dados e princípios justos? Participe do desafio SITRA e inscreva-se até 9 de abril de 2021!

[Intermediate] The Fair Health Data Challenge

Does your organisation have a health and well-being solution based on data sharing and fair principles? Take part in this SITRA challenge and register by 9 April 2021!

O que você gostaria de ver na Conferência MyData Online 2020?

Karolina iniciou um tópico de crowdsourcing para coletar ideias sobre o que tornaria a Conferência MyData Online 2020 divertida de participar.

What you would like to see at MyData Online 2020 Conference?

Karolina started a crowdsourcing thread to collect ideas on what would make the MyData Online 2020 Conference fun to participate.

MyData Online 2020 Conference で何を見たいですか?

MyData Online2020カンファレンスへの参加者により楽しんでもらえるように、 Karolina さんはクラウドソーシングスレッドを開始し、アイデアを募っています。

Shaping Europe’s digital future

The EC would like to hear your views on its European strategy for data. The results of this survey will feed into possible Commission initiatives on access to and re-use of data in the coming months. The aim of the European strategy for data is to create a single European data space – a genuine single market for data, open to data from across the world. Anyone considering contributing to the consultation?

Potential MyData Europe 2020 partners?

There will be a planning workshop on Wed January 22nd in Berlin for the upcoming MyData Europe 2020 conference. Please join brainstorming on organisations, from all over Europe and the world.

Project manger for MyData Europe 2020 event

Changing the world is a tough, but fun job. That’s why we need more people like you on our team! We are looking for Project Manager for #MyData Europe 2020! Send your CV and motivation letter to More Info:

US vs Europe: Difference in City Data use?

I met the Communication Officer for UN Technology Innovation Lab Finland, Dorn Townsend, who is planning to write a story to New York Times and World Economic Forum and he asks: “... I’m trying to understand why North American cities use aggregated social data for city planning whereas it hasn’t caught on so much here, and was wondering if it’s because of the new digital privacy laws ... If you have any articles you'd recommend I’d be grateful.”

Spread the Message

Are you coming to #MyData2019 conference? Let's spread the message and let's be proud of this awesome event MyData Community is putting together!

Volunteer for MyData 2019

We are looking for fantastic and enthusiastic people to help us 25-27 September. If you are MyData-minded already or want to get to know MyData better, be part of dynamic community and get your ticket to #MyData2019 for free: fill in the volunteer form!

Do you have a knowledge about any big conferences, festivals etc relevant for us happening in March 2020?

The spring community meeting is planned for March 2020 in Amsterdam and we want to find the best dates possible and avoid the situation where a big event happening at the same time.


The board would like to meet and interact with the community, discuss the future, celebrate the successes and hear the concerns - let's make it possible through networking get together, networking app Brella and the MyData booth at the conference.

Qiqo Chat

In the preparation for MyData Online 2020 conference, we are looking for the best possible virtual venue. We are now considering Qiqochat and Hopin.


In the preparation for MyData Online 2020 conference, we are looking for the best possible virtual venue. We are now considering Qiqochat and Hopin.