Welcome to the MyData Weekly Digest, a news site dedicated to producing the best coverage from within the human centred approach in personal data management... show more >>
Welcome to the MyData Weekly Digest, a news site dedicated to producing the best coverage from within the human centred approach in personal data management. It provides information retrieved mainly from the MyData Global Slack Channel since June 2019. Postings and comments are owned by the respective user stated with each entry. MyData is an idea and an alternative vision for ethical use of personal data. It’s also a movement and a community, and a global non-profit organisation. Read more here: mydata.org
OwnYourData and the MyData community share the same values for a just, sustainable and prosperous digital society. See the OwnYourData Mission Statement for more information, and please consider supporting the MyData movement. If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to contact us at weekly-digest(at)ownyourdata.eu. << show less
It is disappointing—but regrettably unsurprising—that the Chrome team is cloaking Google’s business priorities in disingenuous technical arguments.
The discussions in this documentary are as relevant (if not more) as The Great Hack.
Hey #Startups! Do you have a business idea with strong mission and values? @SitraFund's #IHAN project brings startups and #investors together at #MyData2019.
On May 15, 2019, MyData Japan conference was held in Tokyo, co-organized by Open Knowledge Japan and MyData Japan.
Has anyone needed to add categories for a list of services? (Ie. Finance/Banking, Retail, Transportation, etc.) Trying to see if there's a standardised way to categorise services - if you have any pointers let me know.
@pknowles responded with pointing to the Global Industry Classification Standard.
Airtable is used by the conference team to collect the presentations.
South Korea joined as 22nd Local Hub the MyData Community - Welcome! Again lots of messages about preparing for the conference and another interesting video recommendation.
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