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ABC to inclusive and gender-sensitive communication

We all have our unique way of communicating and that is what makes us individuals. Along with caring, sharing is one of Wunder’s core values and learning is always beneficial – especially in cases where it can lead to a greater level of empathy and understanding. The following content is for everyone who wishes to learn to communicate in a more inclusive manner.

[Intermediate] The Surprising Role of Shared Language in Inclusion

Too often, well-intentioned companies start groups to celebrate these differences, such as those focused on women or minority ethnic groups. Studies have shown this only makes things worse. One 2015 review found that efforts to celebrate differences can lead non-dominant members to feel uncomfortably aware of their group identities. They feel more marginalized, not less.

O papel surpreendente da linguagem compartilhada na inclusão

Com muita frequência empresas bem intencionadas abrem grupos para celebrar diferenças, como grupos focados em mulheres ou minorias étnicas. Alguns estudos mostram que isso só piora a situação. Um aritgo de 2015 revela que iniciativas tomadas para se celebrar as diferenças pode levar os membros dessas "minorias" a se sentirem desconfortáveis com suas identidades. Eles se sentem mais marginalizados, não menos.

[Simple] Invisible Women

In Invisible Women, campaigner and writer Caroline Criado Perez brings gender data to the fore. Although it sells itself as a book about data bias, it’s more of a book about data on bias, a catalogue of the facts and figures that document persistent gender inequalities in society.

Mulheres Invisíveis

Em Mulheres Invisíveis, a ativista e escritora Caroline Criado Perez traz o assunto gênero e dados à tona. Embora o livro se venda por abordar o viés dos dados, trata-se mais de um livro sobre dados dos viés, um catálogo de fatos e figuras que documentam a desigualdade de gênero em nossa sociedade.

[Intermediate] Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter for Nonprofits

For some organizations, simply doing what is right may be enough to spur action. Others may be moved by data showing that diversity can boost the quality of decision-making and that a diverse workplace can encourage people to be “more creative, more diligent, and harder-working.” Studies have also shown that a more diverse staff can foster enhanced innovation. And when board members, employees, donors, and others who shape the values and activities of a nonprofit come from a wide array of backgrounds, they bring unique perspectives that influence how the nonprofit approaches its mission in more inclusive and innovative ways.

[Intermediate] Women in Tech Report

Where are we now? Understanding the evolution of women in technology.

[Intermediário] Mulheres no Relatório Técnico

Onde estamos agora? Compreender a evolução das mulheres em tecnologia.

[Intermediate] Inside Timnit Gebru’s last days at Google

On December 2, after a protracted disagreement over the release of a research paper, Google forced out its ethical AI co-lead, Timnit Gebru. The paper was on the risks of large language models, AI models trained on staggering amounts of text data, which are a line of research core to Google’s business. Gebru, a leading voice in AI ethics, was one of the only Black women at Google Research.

[Intermediário] Por dentro dos últimos dias de Timnit Gebru no Google

Em 2 de dezembro, depois de um prolongado desacordo sobre o lançamento de um artigo de pesquisa, o Google expulsou seu co-líder ético de IA, Timnit Gebru. O artigo tratava dos riscos de grandes modelos de linguagem, modelos de IA treinados em enormes quantidades de dados de texto, que são uma linha de pesquisa central para os negócios do Google. Gebru, uma voz importante na ética da IA, foi uma das únicas mulheres negras no Google Research.