
Matt Hancock silenciosamente pediu para que seu médico entregue seus dados de saúde

Caso você more na Inglaterra, todas as informações sobre sua saúde física, mental e sexual discutidas com um Clínico Geral do sistema de saúde pública (NHS) podem ser 'vendidas' para terceiros

[Simple] Matt Hancock has quietly told your GP to hand over your health data

If you live in England, all your encounters with your GP – information about your physical, mental and sexual health – could be ‘sold’ to third parties.

[Intermediate] The UK is secretly testing a controversial web snooping tool

The Investigatory Powers Act, or Snooper’s Charter, was introduced in 2016. Now one of its most contentious surveillance tools is being secretly trialled by internet firms.

O Reino Unido está secretamente testando uma ferramenta controversa de espionagem online

O Investigatory Powers Act, ou Snooper’s Charter, foi introduzido em 2016. Atualmente, uma das ferramentas de vigilância online mais controversa está sendo testada por grandes empresas de internet.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Iconified Representations of PrivacyPolicies: A GDPR Perspective

Privacy policies inform on personal data collection and processing practices, allowing people to make informed decisions about agiven service. However, they are difficult to understand due to theirlength and use of legal terminology. To address this issue, regulatory bod-ies propose the use of graphical representations for privacy policies. Thispaper reviews the development of current graphical and iconified repre-sentations for privacy policies

Representações Iconificadas de Políticas de Privacida: Uma Perspectiva do RGPD

As políticas de privacidade informam sobre a coleta de dados pessoais e as práticas de processamento, permitindo que as pessoas tomem decisões informadas sobre serviços prestados. No entanto, elas são difíceis de entender devido ao sua extensão e uso da terminologia legal. Para resolver esse problema, os órgãos reguladores propõem o uso de representações gráficas para políticas de privacidade. Este artigo analisa o desenvolvimento de representações gráficas e iconificadas atuais para políticas de privacidade.

Teens have figured out how to mess with Instagram's tracking algorithm

Teenagers are using group accounts to flood Instagram with random user data that can't be tied to a single person.

Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open

The story of a Wacom user who learned about the device that is essentially a mouse that it makes - with no legitimate reasons - HTTP requests.

Cloud extraction technology: the secret tech that lets government agencies collect masses of data from your apps

Mobile phones remain the most frequently used and most important digital source for law enforcement investigations. Yet it is not just what is physically stored on the phone that law enforcement are after, but what can be accessed from it, primarily data stored in the Cloud.


Individuals Intermediate read

Asking Netflix and Spotify for your data

Alex described his experience with both Netflix and Spotify to get better JSON data formats back that include both human-readable artist/track/show/film title AND the media URL - so that you can uniquely identify/play/bookmark the correct episode/track version AND understand/display what it is. Data portability rights can work, if you refuse to drop it until they give you what you are entitled to!

Location History Visualizer Pro

I’m trying to gather a collection of good tools for getting quick insights/visualisations from the data you get back from GDPR requests, e.g., things like "Location History Visualizer".