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[Simple] FDA’s Data Modernization Action Plan: Putting Data to Work for Public Health

Data modernization is the next step in the agency’s overhaul of its approach to technology and data, and we are pleased today to announce the Data Modernization Action Plan.

[Simple] FDA’s Data Modernization Action Plan: Putting Data to Work for Public Health

Data modernization is the next step in the agency’s overhaul of its approach to technology and data, and we are pleased today to announce the Data Modernization Action Plan.

[Simple] Yuval Noah Harari: Lessons from a year of Covid

In a year of scientific breakthroughs — and political failures — what can we learn for the future?

[Simple] FDA’s Data Modernization Action Plan: Putting Data to Work for Public Health

Data modernization is the next step in the agency’s overhaul of its approach to technology and data, and we are pleased today to announce the Data Modernization Action Plan.

[Simple] Yuval Noah Harari: Lessons from a year of Covid

In a year of scientific breakthroughs — and political failures — what can we learn for the future?

[Simple] Backed by Google, epidemiologists launch a sweeping Covid-19 data platform

Global.health enables open access to more than 5 million anonymized Covid-19 records from 160 countries. Each record can contain dozens of data points about the case, including demographics, travel history, testing dates, and outcomes.

[Simple] Backed by Google, epidemiologists launch a sweeping Covid-19 data platform

Global.health enables open access to more than 5 million anonymized Covid-19 records from 160 countries. Each record can contain dozens of data points about the case, including demographics, travel history, testing dates, and outcomes.

[Simple] Gig economy workers score historic digital rights victory against Uber and Ola Cabs

A group of UK drivers and a driver from Portugal have won a historic victory in their legal battle for greater transparency of algorithmic management practices used by Uber and Ola Cabs. The drivers were seeking to access their personal data from Ola and Uber as well as the right to transparency to algorithmic management. The cases were taken before the Amsterdam District Court as both Ola and Uber control driver data from the Netherlands.

[Intermediate] The UK is secretly testing a controversial web snooping tool

The Investigatory Powers Act, or Snooper’s Charter, was introduced in 2016. Now one of its most contentious surveillance tools is being secretly trialled by internet firms.

[Advanced] Health data poverty: an assailable barrier to equitable digital health care

Data-driven digital health technologies have the power to transform health care. If these tools could be sustainably delivered at scale, they might have the potential to provide everyone, everywhere, with equitable access to expert-level care, narrowing the global health and wellbeing gap. Conversely, it is highly possible that these transformative technologies could exacerbate existing health-care inequalities instead.


[Advanced] Pilot Project — Digital European Platform of Quality Content Providers

This call for tenders is for the production of a feasibility study identifying the challenges and opportunities in the creation of data space(s) with the aim of fostering data and digital transition across the European news (and content) sectors.

[Advanced] European Health Data & Evidence Network: 4th Data Partner Call

The European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN) invites Data partners in Europe to apply for funding to map their health data to the OMOP common data model (CDM). The ambitions of the EHDEN project are high: We aim to standardise more than 100 million patient records across Europe from different geographic areas and different data sources.


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