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[Simple] Invisible Women

In Invisible Women, campaigner and writer Caroline Criado Perez brings gender data to the fore. Although it sells itself as a book about data bias, it’s more of a book about data on bias, a catalogue of the facts and figures that document persistent gender inequalities in society.

[Intermediate] Schrems II a summary – all you need to know

On 16 July 2020, the European Court of Justice issued the Schrems II judgement with significant implications for the use of US cloud services. Customers of US cloud service providers must now themselves verify the data protection laws of the recipient country, document its risk assessment and confer with its customers. This article will explain what the Schrems II judgement entails for your business.

Business & Government Advanced read

EDPB-EDPS Joint Opinion on Data Governance Proposal

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published their joint opinion on the proposal of the European Parliament and of the Council on Euorpean Data Governance (Data Governance Act). In a nutshell: they don't like it. And here also a great summary of the critique points by Zohar.

[Intermediate] COVID-19 Vaccines vs Variants—Determining How Much Immunity Is Enough

As COVID-19 cases resulting from infection with SARS-CoV-2 variants accumulate in the US and around the world, one question looms large: How well do the COVID-19 vaccines developed so far protect against these novel coronavirus spinoffs?

[Simple] How the West Lost COVID

How did so many rich countries get it so wrong? How did others get it so right?

[Intermediate] The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks

In only a few months the European Commission is set to present a regulation on artificial intelligence (AI). Despite numerous statements from civil society and other actors about the dangers of applying a risk-based approach to regulating AI, the European Commission seems determined to go in this direction. The Commission already said in its 2020 White Paper on Artificial Intelligence that it wanted to apply a risk-based approach.

However, a risk-based approach to regulation is not adequate to protect human rights. Our rights are non-negotiable and they must be respected regardless of a risk level associated with external factors.

[Simple] EU outlines proposed COVID 'vaccine passport'

As the vaccination roll-out accelerates around the world, many countries are starting to think about how they can enable vaccinated citizens to travel and visit public places such as restaurants and sports stadiums. The EU has unveiled its proposed digital vaccine passport in time for the summer tourism season.
Other Vaccine Passport articles this week were:


Individuals Intermediate read

Asking Netflix and Spotify for your data

Alex described his experience with both Netflix and Spotify to get better JSON data formats back that include both human-readable artist/track/show/film title AND the media URL - so that you can uniquely identify/play/bookmark the correct episode/track version AND understand/display what it is. Data portability rights can work, if you refuse to drop it until they give you what you are entitled to!


Open Humans

We’re using Open Humans for managing consent, anonymization and also data management in our Transbiome project.

Individuals Simple read


I would be happy to engage on this topic as we have been working with researchers and parents and a not-for-profit for the past year on developing this platform for kids.


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