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Noteworthy Information

Business & Government Advanced read

Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR

The long-awaited report "Assessment of the EU Member States' Rules on Health Data in the Light of GDPR" has finally been published. Based on a string of workshops and consultations in the first half of 2020, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the fragmented approach on the use and re-use of health data across Member States. (also available: Country fiches for all EU member states)

[Intermediate] Gig Workers Gather Their Own Data to Check the Algorithm’s Math

Drivers for Uber, Lyft, and other firms are building apps to compare their mileage with pay slips. One group is selling the data to government agencies.
Also check out James Farrar's presentation at MyData 2019 on this topic!

[Simple] The HyperClick Podcast (Audio: 23:02min)

Interesting podcast about clicking the "yes, I accept" by Julia Janssen. (Shared by Schluss).

[Simple] European leaders to debate EU-wide vaccine passports

As governments roll-out mass COVID-19 vaccination programmes, debate has grown on the issue of vaccine passports and status apps.

[Intermediate] Augmented Intelligence

This is what a human-centred approach to AI technology could look like.

[Intermediate] Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter for Nonprofits

For some organizations, simply doing what is right may be enough to spur action. Others may be moved by data showing that diversity can boost the quality of decision-making and that a diverse workplace can encourage people to be “more creative, more diligent, and harder-working.” Studies have also shown that a more diverse staff can foster enhanced innovation. And when board members, employees, donors, and others who shape the values and activities of a nonprofit come from a wide array of backgrounds, they bring unique perspectives that influence how the nonprofit approaches its mission in more inclusive and innovative ways.


Cookie Control

The company I was using as a cookie management system is pivoting their business model and closing the cookie consent portion. Any recommendations of cookie consent management? I’m thinking of CIVIC (https://www.civicuk.com/cookie-control/) as their UI is clean but looking to make an informed decision and check others.

MyData Internals

Board and Steering Commitee


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