Noteworthy Information

[Intermediate] 10 Design Considerations for Vaccine Credentials

This blog post describes ten separable concerns for COVID-19 vaccine credentials, and responsive design strategies.

10 considerações relativas a design para credenciais de vacina

Esse post de blog descreve dez questões individuais sobre as credenciais de vacina para COVID-19, e oferece estratégias de design adequadas.

[Intermediate] What COVID-19 testing will look like in a post-vaccine world (Video: 42min)

Too many groups put digital business ahead of public health: Axios hosted a virtual event on what COVID-19 testing will look like in a post-vaccine world, featuring conversations with Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Dr. Michael Mina, Johns Hopkins senior scholar Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota Dr. Michael Osterholm.

[Intermediate] COVID-19 Vaccines vs Variants—Determining How Much Immunity Is Enough

As COVID-19 cases resulting from infection with SARS-CoV-2 variants accumulate in the US and around the world, one question looms large: How well do the COVID-19 vaccines developed so far protect against these novel coronavirus spinoffs?

Vacinas de COVID-19 vs Variantes—Determinando Quanta Imunidade É Suficiente

Com os casos de COVID-19 resultantes da infecção pelas variantes da SARS-CoV-2 acumulando por todo o Reino Unido e ao redor do mundo, uma questão surge: Como podemos afirmar que as vacinas de COVID-19 desenvolvidas até o momento são eficazes para nos proteger dessas novas variações?

[Advanced] Privacy Without Monopoly: Data Protection and Interoperability

The problems of corporate concentration and privacy on the Internet are inextricably linked. A new regime of interoperability can revitalize competition in the space, encourage innovation, and give users more agency over their data; it may also create new risks to user privacy and data security. This paper considers those risks and argues that they are outweighed by the benefits. New interoperability, done correctly, will not just foster competition, it can be a net benefit for user privacy rights.

Business & Government Advanced read

The EU’s Digital Markets Act: There Is A Lot To Like, but Room for Improvement

Electronic Frontier Foundation: The European Commission has released its public draft of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which, along with the Digital Services Act (DSA,) represents the first major overhaul of EU Internet legislation in the 21st Century. Like the DSA, the DMA takes aim at the monopolisation of the tech sector and proposes sweeping pro-competition regulations with serious penalties for noncompliance.

[Intermediário] Lei dos Mercados Digitais da UE: Há muito para gostar, mas espaço para melhorias

Electronic Frontier Foundation: A Comissão Europeia lançou seu projeto público da Lei de Mercados Digitais (DMA), que, junto com a Lei de Serviços Digitais (DSA), representa a primeira grande revisão da legislação da Internet da UE no século 21. Como o DSA, o DMA visa a monopolização do setor de tecnologia e propõe regulamentações pró-concorrência abrangentes, com penalidades graves para o descumprimento.

[Simple] Living Under Surveillance Capitalism (Podcast: 23:35min)

To understand the damage being wrought by Big Tech, we must recognize a vast, sinister matrix that not only exploits markets and human frailty, but steals our very selves as fuel for the machine. It's what Zuboff calls “surveillance capitalism" — and it’s not just Facebook, or even just the tech companies. It’s, increasingly, and broadly, the economic world we live in.

[Simples] Vivendo sob o Capitalismo de Vigilância (Podcast: 23:35 min)

Para entender os danos causados ​​pela Big Tech, devemos reconhecer uma vasta e sinistra matriz que não apenas explora os mercados e a fragilidade humana, mas rouba a nós mesmos como combustível para a máquina. É o que Zuboff chama de "capitalismo de vigilância" - e não é apenas o Facebook, ou mesmo apenas as empresas de tecnologia. É, cada vez mais e amplamente, o mundo econômico em que vivemos.

[Advanced] India National Digital Health Mission: Health Data Management Policy

In a first, India #healthIT regs mandate Separation of Concerns (#APIneutrality) between processors and patient-directed controllers.

[Avançado] Missão Nacional de Saúde Digital da Índia: Política de Gerenciamento de Dados de Saúde

In a first, India #healthIT regs mandate Separation of Concerns (#APIneutrality) between processors and patient-directed controllers. Em um primeiro momento, as regulamentações da #healthIT indiana exige Separação de Preocupações (Separation of Concerns, #APIneutrality) entre processadores e controladores direcionados ao paciente.

A UE ativa a interoperabilidade transfronteiriça para o primeiro lote de aplicativos de rastreamento de contatos COVID-19

Os aplicativos nacionais cujos back-ends agora estão vinculados por meio do serviço de gateway são o Corona-Warn-App da Alemanha, o rastreador COVID da República da Irlanda e o aplicativo Immuni da Itália.

EU switches on cross-border interoperability for first batch of COVID-19 contacts tracing apps

National apps whose backends are now linked through the gateway service are Germany’s Corona-Warn-App, the Republic of Ireland’s COVID tracker, and Italy’s Immuni app.

Como a UE planeja reescrever as regras para a internet

A Lei de Serviços Digitais da UE provavelmente se tornará um campo de batalha para a política digital europeia e pode ser uma lei que estabelece padrões para a esfera digital global.

Business & Government Intermediate read

How the EU plans to rewrite the rules for the internet

The EU’s Digital Services Act is likely to become a battlefield for European digital policy and could be a standard-setting law for the global digital sphere.

Vigilância abusiva em nome da saúde pública

A crise de saúde pública está lançando uma base perigosa para o futuro estado de vigilância.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Abusive Surveillance in the Name of Public Health

The public health crisis is laying a dangerous foundation for the future surveillance state.

OpenMined Privacy Conference (1日目ライブストリーム)

オックスフォード大学のAndrew Trask氏が、文脈におけるプライバシーに関して素晴らしい講演をしてくれました。

Conferência de privacidade OpenMined (transmissão ao vivo do dia 1)

Andrew Trask, da Universidade de Oxford, deu uma palestra incrível sobre privacidade.

OpenMined Privacy Conference (Day 1 Livestream)

Andrew Trask from the University of Oxford gave an amazing talk regarding privacy in context.

Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data

The eHealth Initiative & Foundation (eHI) and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) released A Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data. The Framework includes a description of the health data that warrant protection, as well as the standards and rules that should govern them.
Note that the Draft does not say whether the Framework will be CC-licensed so that un-audited community open source and non-commercial entities could still use it as a voluntary assertion without paying for the certification audits.


eHealth Initiative & Foundation(eHI)およびCenter for Democracy and Technology(CDT)は、健康データ向けの消費者プライバシーフレームワーク草案をリリースしました。 フレームワークには、保護を保証する健康データの説明、およびそれらを管理するための基準と規則が含まれています。

該当草案では、フレームワークがCCライセンス(Creative Commons License)で提供されるかどうかについては触れられていないため、未監査のコミュニティオープンソースおよび非営利団体は、認証監査の費用を支払うことなく自主的なアサーションとして使用できます。

Projeto de estrutura de privacidade do consumidor para dados de saúde

A eHealth Initiative & Foundation (eHI) e o Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) publicaram um esboço da estrutura de privacidade do consumidor para dados de saúde. A Estrutura inclui uma descrição dos dados de saúde que garantem proteção, bem como os padrões e regras que devem regê-los. Observe que o Rascunho não diz se a Estrutura será licenciada por CC para que a comunidade não auditada de código aberto e entidades não comerciais ainda possam usá-la como uma afirmação voluntária sem pagar pelas auditorias de certificação.


プライバシー保護を訴えるPrivacy Internationalの記事。Covid19への感染、回復、ワクチン接種の有無などを記したデジタル証明書としての免疫パスポート。内容が改ざんされていないことを第三者に証明するためにデジタルIDなどの技術が用いられています。パンデミックと経済危機に対処する上で注目されていますが、そもそも獲得免疫やワクチンの効果に対する疫学的な疑義、また免疫パスポートの濫用により職場での解雇といった不当な差別や不利益を助長する懸念があります。デジタルIDを推進する産業界が十分な解決策を提示しないまま免疫パスポートを推すことに、記事は批判的です。

O desastre iminente de passaportes de imunidade e identidade digital

Os Passaportes de Imunidade tornaram-se uma ferramenta muito popular para lidar com esta pandemia e a crise econômica. Essencialmente, com passaportes de imunidade, aqueles que são "imunes" ao vírus teriam algum tipo de documento certificado - físico ou digital.

The looming disaster of immunity passports and digital identity

Immunity Passports have become a much hyped tool to cope with this pandemic and the economic crisis. Essentially, with immunity passports those who are 'immune' to the virus would have some kind of certified document - whether physical or digital.

How Traditional Health Records Bolster Structural Racism

As the U.S. reckons with centuries of structural racism, an important step toward making health care more equitable will require transferring control of health records to patients and patient groups.

Como os registros tradicionais de saúde reforçam o racismo estrutural

Conforme os EUA reconhecem séculos de prática de racismo estrutural, um passo importante para tornar os cuidados de saúde mais equitativos exigirá a transferência do controle dos registros de saúde para pacientes e grupos de pacientes.

You Are Now Remotely Controlled

In an opinion piece Shoshana Zuboff writes about surveillance capitalists who control the science and the scientists, the secrets and the truth.

Inconvenient Truth for Tech: A New Agenda for Tech (Video: 43:53min)

Learn how the extractive attention economy is tearing apart our shared social fabric and causing human downgrading. Find out how to build humane technology.

Federated Learning

Federated learning means that I can learn and that I can share that learning with others. When it comes to data about me, the elephants in the room are the data brokers. They are the entities, mostly hidden from us as subjects, that set the value and profit strictly from brokering data about me to what I would call the principals. Principals are the entities that I actually want to do business with, airlines, auto manufacturers, publishers, pharmaceutical companies, Lyft drivers,...

Questions Asked

Minimum Standard for a MyData Operator

I’m interested in the MyData Operator concept. Particularly interested in the minimum viable protocol that would be required to make person switching from one operator to another seamless. In cases where the person wants to be their own operator, will there be open source code that implements the minimum standards to support that?

Vaccine Diary

MIT Conference on Tuesday Jan 19th: Can a new vaccination card simplify the user vaccination journey and yet create a data-rich monitoring of the progress in vaccination? Google Slide deck