Bem-vindo ao MyData Weekly Digest, um site de notícias dedicado a produzir a melhor cobertura de dentro da abordagem centrada no ser humano no gerenciamento de dados pessoais... show more >>
Bem-vindo ao MyData Weekly Digest, um site de notícias dedicado a produzir a melhor cobertura de dentro da abordagem centrada no ser humano no gerenciamento de dados pessoais. Ele fornece informações recuperadas principalmente do MyData Global Slack Channel desde junho de 2019. Postagens e comentários são de propriedade do respectivo usuário indicado em cada entrada. MyData é uma idéia e uma visão alternativa para o uso ético de dados pessoais. É também um movimento, uma comunidade e uma organização global sem fins lucrativos. Leia mais aqui:
A OwnYourData e a comunidade MyData compartilham os mesmos valores para uma sociedade digital justa, sustentável e próspera. Veja a declaração de missão OwnYourData para obter mais informações e considere apoiar o movimento MyData. Se você tiver alguma sugestão, não hesite em contactar-me em mdwd (at) << show less
Uber drivers get their data to analyse it and show the impact of the business model on congestion (with help from PersonalData.IO).
Sofia from Numbers team ( shared an article by CEO @Tammy Yang. And @Goeran Waogstroem added an article from the NY Times about 'A Brief History of How Your Privacy Was Stolen'.
A gaping ethical dilemma at the very heart of the data protection ecosystem practically guarantees widespread privacy wrongs.
Develop a business concept for leading MyData company connecting data-based services with user permissions.
Sille has put together some tips & tricks that you can use in the preparation of your sessions for MyData 2019 conference.
The official english translation of the Finland's Government Agenda with several mentions of MyData has been published.
A screenshot from a chat of Solid people and talks to reach out form the MyData community.
The Internet Governance Forum next year will be in Poland.
Rob van Kranenburg is the founder of the Internet of Things Council and he confirmed to come to the MyData2019 conference.
A punch of people from MyData Global will be at RightsCon in Tunis, Tunisia next week and Teemu asked to retweet RightsCon-related tweets!
Early bird tickets for MyData2019 will only be available until this Sunday, June 16th - so you better be quick! In the meantime also the official MyData2019 Programme Launch took place on Monday, June 10th. Find the programme here:
The MyData Japan hub reports about being now officially incorporated and there will be soon a new thematic group about a Portability Governance Consortium led by Sarah Medjek (@Sarah). Also a new channel was created by @Joesp Aliagas where startups from all over the world and following MyData principles can introduce themselves and share their ideas and projects. Of course this channel will now also be monitored here. And Sille & Viivi are going to Japan - looking forward to your stories!
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