Informação relevante

[Intermediate] What I've learned about data recently

Laurie Voss talks about the structure of data teams, based on his experience at npm and more recently Netlify. He suggests that Airflow and dbt are the data world’s equivalent of frameworks like Rails: opinionated tools that solve core problems and which mean that you can now hire people who understand how your data pipelines work on their first day on the job.

O que eu aprendi sobre dados recentemente

Laurie Voss discute a estrutura das equipes de dados baseado em sua experiência na npm e mais recentemente Netlify. Ele sugere que a Airflow e dbt são os equivalentes no mundo dos dados a frameworks como o Rails: ferramentas opinativas que resolvem problemas centrais, o que significa que agora você pode contratar pessoas que entendem como as pipelines de dados funcionam desde o primeiro dia no emprego.

LinkedIn lança o LXP

A maioria das pessoas pensa no LinkedIn como uma empresa que oferece busca de empregos, recrutamentos, networking profissional e ferramentas de marketing para negócios. Bem, baseado no recente anúncio da empresa, ela agora é muito mais do que isso. O LinkedIn está de forma séria no negócio das tecnologias de RH e muito além de "apenas recrutamento", lançando sua Learning Experience Platform (LXP), uma skills taxonomy (taxonomia de habilidades) e uma importante reorganização interna

[Simple] LinkedIn Unleashes LXP

Most people think of LinkedIn as a company that offers job search, recruiting, professional networking, and marketing tools for business. Well, based on today’s announcement, the company is now much more. LinkedIn is seriously in the HR technology business and well beyond ‘just recruiting’, unleashing its Learning Experience Platform (LXP), skills taxonomy, and an important internal reorganization.

Introdução à Economia de API (Universidade Aberta)

Este curso é em nível de Mestrado universitário destinado a pessoas que nunca encontraram API Economy como um modelo de negócios antes, mesmo que tivessem algum conhecimento de APIs como tecnologia.

Introduction to API Economy (Open University)

This course is a university Master's level course meant for people who have not encountered API Economy as a business model before, even if they had some knowledge of APIs as technology.

Data Literacy Project

Educational courses and content to inform, equip and inspire you or your organization to use data as part of your everyday language.

Projeto de Alfabetização de Dados

Cursos e conteúdos educacionais para informar, equipar e inspirar você ou sua organização a usar dados como parte do seu idioma cotidiano.

A free online introduction to artificial intelligence for non-experts

The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can’t) be done with AI, and how to start creating AI methods. The courses combine theory with practical exercises and can be completed at your own pace.

Perguntas feitas

Do you know or want to learn Airtable or Pipedrive CRM?

Anyone happen to be good in Airtable (or want to learn that?) Similarly, if anyone is interested in learning Pipedrive CRM, some help is welcomed!

Open Data Institute

The ODI is a non-profit with a mission to work with companies and governments to build an open, trustworthy data ecosystem. We work with a range of organisations, governments, public bodies and civil society to create a world where data works for everyone.