Witamy w MyData Weekly Digest, serwisie informacyjnym poświęconym tworzeniu najlepszych relacji z podejścia skoncentrowanego na człowieku w zarządzaniu danymi osobowymi. Zawiera informacje pobierane głównie z MyData Global Slack Channel od Czerwca 2019 r. Wpisy i komentarze są własnością odpowiedniego użytkownika podanego przy każdym wpisie. MyData to idea i alternatywna wizja etycznego wykorzystywania danych osobowych. To także ruch i społeczność oraz globalna organizacja non-profit. Przeczytaj więcej tutaj: https://mydata.org

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Godna uwagi informacje

Data Trusts: Ethics, Architecture and Governance for Trustworthy Data Stewardship

A data trust works within the law to provide ethical, architecturaland governancesupport for trustworthy data processing.

Beyond a Human Rights-based approach to AI Governance

This paper discusses the establishment of a governance framework to secure the development and deployment of “good AI”, and describes the quest for a morally objective compass to steer it.

Cluster Headaches - Data to become pain free (Video: 8:00min)

An patient expermiment to setup our own community research and try to find out how effective our treatments are, based on data we collect ourselves.

MyData vs COVID-19

A blog post on MyData vs COVID-19 describing who we are, what we do and why people should join the efforts now!

Zadaj pytanie

Cost for Developing a Personal Data Store

I have been asked to find out what the cost would be to hire developers to create a personal data store.


Quantified Flu

We’ve shared this today with Open Humans.


Dataethics.eu about Zoom: “Many are using Zoom, a US start-up with no specific privacy-focus, and a very complex privacy policy, and thus we can not recommend it.”

MyData Internals

Board & Steering Group

  • Jogi created a SWOT analysis concerning “MyData Global surviving the pandemic”
  • Teemu shared his thoughts on the bigger picture of COVID19 affecting the work of MyData Global
  • Teemu made a video briefing in preparation for the March Board meeting
  • Teemu started a document about “MyData Global in the times of COVID19” that summarizes actions and objectives
  • The March 2020 Board Meeting took place on Thursday, March 26th with the memo available here


1943 (67 new)
251 (31 zauważony: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, community, community-meeting, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hub-initiators, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
17 podziekowali 30

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