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How to Destroy ‘Surveillance Capitalism’

Cory Doctorow published How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism - available to read for free on Medium (109min read)

Democratizing Our Data: A Manifesto

Public data are foundational to our democratic system. People need consistently high-quality information from trustworthy sources. In the new economy, wealth is generated by access to data; government's job is to democratize the data playing field. Yet data produced by the American government are getting worse and costing more. In Democratizing Our Data, Julia Lane argues that good data are essential for democracy. Her book is a wake-up call to America to fix its broken public data system.
Consider to also join the Center for Data Innovation on Friday, October 2, 2020 at 12:00 PM EDT for a conversation with Julia Lane on her new book.

Apple Pay Was Not Disruptive But Apple ID Will Be

If your phone is going to replace your wallet, then someone needs to solve the identity problem.

How Cryptography Lets Down Marginalized Communities

Speaking at a prestigious crypto conference this month, Seny Kamara called on the field to recognize its blind spots—and fix them.
The talk, dubbed Crypto for the People (YouTube Video, 1:04 hours) and given on August 19, examined the question of who really benefits from encryption technologies and advances in cryptographic research.

Preventing future waves of COVID-19

McKinsey's perspectives on the coronavirus outbreak, the twin threats to lives and livelihoods, and how organizations can prepare for the next normal.

Local-first software (PDF)

In this article Ink & Switch propose “local-first software”: a set of principles for software that enables both collaboration and ownership for users. Local-first ideals include the ability to work offline and collaborate across multiple devices, while also improving the security, privacy, long-term preservation, and user control of data.

Overlays Capture Architecture

OCA is a standardised global solution for data capture, providing a positive alternative to current architectures. Primarily devised for data object interoperability and privacy compliant data sharing, OCA promises to significantly enhance the ability to pool data more effectively in terms of simplicity, accuracy, and allocation of resources.

Will the data markets necessarily fail? (PDF)

Abstract: With the billions of Internet of Things devices connected via the 5G and other networks, loads of useful data are produced. However, the majority of these data are disappearing into the silos of cloud and IoT companies. This problem is exacerbated by the current economic system creating perverse incentives that push companies to keep their data private and not to sell or share them. From the society point of view, this leads to severe inefficiencies. More structurally, Adam Smith's invisible hand does not work: in the data markets, the public and private interests are not aligned by the current market forces.
Based on these observations, we present a conjecture wherein we state that any attempts to fix the market failure in the data markets within the current economic structures are bound to be inefficient. Only by redefining fundamental economic concepts, such as ownership and money, we can efficiently align the interests, clear the markets, and gain welfare potential. Furthermore, we briefly suggest an urban community currency experiment wherein this conjecture could be empirically tested.

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