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The Coming Battle for Customer Information

A vintage article from 1997 about personal data in HBR: "As consumers take control of information about themselves, companies will have to pay for it."

All the Ways Slack Tracks You—and How to Stop It

From changing privacy settings to putting limits on those infuriating notifications, here’s how to take control of Slack.

Algorithm spots 'Covid cough' inaudible to humans

An algorithm built in the US correctly identified people with Covid-19 by the sound of their coughs.

Trade Desk's Unified ID 2.0

Thanks to GDPR, big tech is phasing out third party cookies and advertising identifiers - the technologies that ad tech companies use to track our actions online, share data with one another and build profiles about us without our knowledge or consent. That is good news for privacy and transparency, but the ad industry is coming out with cookie ‘alternatives’ that still allow companies to share our personal data. The one that is gaining traction now is Unified ID 2.0 which uses hashed emails as a way of identifying users across domains and devices.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Unfounded Closing of Adtech Complaint

The UK’s data watchdog is facing a legal challenge after it took the decision to quietly close a complaint against the adtech industry’s high velocity background trading of personal data. The legal challenge was reported earlier by Politico.

MyData view on the leaked EU Data Governance Act

More than 20 experts from the MyData community compiled a collective response to the act. Many of them representing personal data intermediaries. The official publication of the European Commission proposal is expected within a few weeks.


Trust :: Data

Sandy Pentland (of social physics fame) is now interested in 'Developing privacy-preserving identity systems and safe distributed computation, enabling an Internet of Trusted Data.'

MyData コミュニティからの情報


Disclaimer: I'm also a candidate in the current MyData election process

  • Profiles of the candidates for leadership positions: Google Slides
  • Sille wrote that the candidacy form for MyData Global leadership team elections is now closed
  • Jogi asked: "If you think the board or steering group as teams, what kind of role you think you would like to take in the team?"
  • Dixon asked: What do you suggest to increase members' interests and involvement for next election?

2386 (14 new)
279 (37 チャンネルモニター中: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, coronadata, coronavalues, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hubs, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, steering-group, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
6 thanked 42


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