This working paper is intended to stimulate discussion on matters requiring closer investigation when developing the European data economy in the years to come. We want to challenge societal actors and companies to a common debate on the construction of a management model that is fair to all.
The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published it's Preliminary Opinion on European Health Data Space.
In order to achieve the goals of the European data strategy it is necessary to make data sovereignty a design principle and develop a soft infrastructure for data sharing ...
欧州データサミットで発表されたこのレポートはビッグテックを統治するための新しい組織やツールへの推奨事項の提供に焦点を当てています。 Teemu さんは MyData ムーブメントに類似点があるとコメントしました。
Published at the European Data Summit, this report focused on providing recommendations to new organizations and tools to reign big tech. Teemu commented that similarities are found between MyData movements.