Köszöntünk a MyData Weekly Digest híroldalon, amely elkötelezetten törekszik arra, hogy minőségi híreket szolgáltasson a személyes adatok kezelésének emberközpontú megközelítéséről. A híreket elsősorban az (angol nyelvű) MyData Global Slack Channel -ről gyűjtjük 2019 júniusa óta. A bejegyzések és a hozzászólások a feltüntetett felhasználó tulajdonát képezik. A MyData a jelenlegi gyakorlattól eltérő elképzelés a személyes adatok etikus felhasználásáról. Erre épülő mozgalom és közösség, valamint egy globális nonprofit szervezet is egyben. További információ itt található: mydata.org

Az OwnYourData és a MyData közösség ugyanazokat az értékeket képviseli az igazságos, fenntartható és virágzó digitális társadalommal kapcsolatban. További információ a OwnYourData Mission Statement oldalon található. Kérjük, támogasd a MyData mozgalomat! Amennyiben bármilyen javaslatod van, lépj velünk kapcsolatba az weekly-digest(at)ownyourdata.eu címen.

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Noteworthy Information

[Advanced] Palantir and GAIA-X

GAIA-X was envisioned as data infrastructure and an open digital ecosystem “initiated by Europe, for Europe” to support the global competitiveness of European companies and in November 2020, Palantir joined GAIA-X. One might ask why a company like Palantir Technologies, founded in Silicon Valley with global headquarters in Denver, Colorado, should consider its participation in the project as important, appropriate, and consistent with the stated goals of promoting European “data sovereignty and data availability.”

[Intermediate] IBM and Salesforce Join Forces to Help Organizations and Individuals Verify Vaccine and Health Status

IBM Digital Health Pass and Salesforce Work.com to help businesses, schools and governments as they strive to reopen safely in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet another health pass with organisation centric analytics.

[Simple] Living Under Surveillance Capitalism (Podcast: 23:35min)

To understand the damage being wrought by Big Tech, we must recognize a vast, sinister matrix that not only exploits markets and human frailty, but steals our very selves as fuel for the machine. It's what Zuboff calls “surveillance capitalism" — and it’s not just Facebook, or even just the tech companies. It’s, increasingly, and broadly, the economic world we live in.

[Intermediate] A New Paradigm for Business of Data

The World Economic Forum captures in this paper replicable learnings and practices from organizations leading the way in ushering in a new business paradigm for data that empowers stakeholders, is grounded in ecosystem partnerships and creates sustainable value for all. It provides a starting point for an ongoing programme to develop new playbooks for executive action and share lighthouse innovations.

Questions Asked

[Advanced] MediaFutures Open Call

The MediaFutures support programme is looking for artists and startups eager to reshape the media value chain through innovative, inclusive and participatory applications of data and user-generated content.



We’re launching a tool to help you Find out what Facebook knows about you, and delete it.

MyData Internals


Wish you all a successful and healthy 2021!

2500 (5 new)
290 (38 monitored: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, coronadata, coronavalues, data_literacy, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hubs, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, steering-group, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
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