Köszöntünk a MyData Weekly Digest híroldalon, amely elkötelezetten törekszik arra, hogy minőségi híreket szolgáltasson a személyes adatok kezelésének emberközpontú megközelítéséről. A híreket elsősorban az (angol nyelvű) MyData Global Slack Channel -ről gyűjtjük 2019 júniusa óta. A bejegyzések és a hozzászólások a feltüntetett felhasználó tulajdonát képezik. A MyData a jelenlegi gyakorlattól eltérő elképzelés a személyes adatok etikus felhasználásáról. Erre épülő mozgalom és közösség, valamint egy globális nonprofit szervezet is egyben. További információ itt található: mydata.org

Az OwnYourData és a MyData közösség ugyanazokat az értékeket képviseli az igazságos, fenntartható és virágzó digitális társadalommal kapcsolatban. További információ a OwnYourData Mission Statement oldalon található. Kérjük, támogasd a MyData mozgalomat! Amennyiben bármilyen javaslatod van, lépj velünk kapcsolatba az weekly-digest(at)ownyourdata.eu címen.

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Noteworthy Information

In land of big data, China sets individual privacy rights

China's parliament is set to approve a new law enshrining individuals' right to privacy and protection of personal data.

W3C Secure Data Store Standard

Specification to establish a foundational layer for secure data storage (including personal data), specifically data models for storage and transport, syntax, data at rest protection, CRUD API, access control, synchronization, and at least a minimum viable HTTP-based interface compatible with W3C DIDs/VCs.

Business & Government Simple read

People First: A Vision for the Global Urban Age

The People-first vision is a new perspective to how cities can govern and benefit from digital technologies in the global urban age, by developing people’s rights and technologies in harmony.

Why Now Is the Time for “Open Innovation”

Covid-19 has shown how companies can work together to solve problems.

Let’s Talk Privacy

We interviewed 41 people, from privacy experts to everyday people, to understand their views on privacy and the ways that different policies could impact their work (via MIT Media Lab).

Business & Government Intermediate read

IBM ends all facial recognition business as CEO calls out bias and inequality

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna announced today that the company would no longer sell facial recognition services, calling for a “national dialogue” on whether it should be used at all.

Shaping the Terrain of AI Competition

How should democracies effectively compete against authoritarian regimes in the AI space? This report offers a “terrain strategy” for the United States to leverage the malleability of artificial intelligence to offset authoritarians' structural advantages in engineering and deploying AI.

Individuals Simple read

Open Letter on “confidential” dealings in Facebook case

Within hours of the new GDPR being applicable on 25 May 2018, the European non-profit organisation noyb.eu filed three complaints against the Facebook Group (including WhatsApp and Instagram). Since then, the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has declared the contents of the extremely slow procedure “confidential” and asked noyb.eu not to discuss them in public.

Questions Asked

What data governance projects/products inspire you?

Mozilla’s Insights team is on the lookout for innovative data governance projects and products anywhere in the world (and in any language) that manage and share benefits from datasets in new and interesting ways. From data coops and data commons projects, to data trusts, personal data storage solutions and more, we’re interested in learning about models that differ from standard corporate models - that give more power to the people represented within or affected by the data, or that share the value/benefits derived from data.

European Commission launches consultation to seek views on Digital Services Act package

The consultation seeks to gather views, evidence and data from people, businesses, online platforms, academics, civil society and all interested parties to help us shaping the future rulebook for digital services. The consultation, open until 8 September, covers issues such as safety online, freedom of expression, fairness and a level-playing field in the digital economy.



Our product ConsentGrid is on Product Hunt today. It is particularly useful for organizations that collect and exchange personal data.

MyData Internals

Board & Steering Group


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