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Leadership Election Results

Congratulations to @apoikola @Paul-Olivier Dehaye @Katryna Dow @Kristina (IBO) @John W. @madprime @Charlie - AfroLeadership @JulianRanger @Sarah for being elected to MyData Global Board.
Congratulations to @Chris @Ignasi Alcalde @Mehdi Medjaoui @Jsinipuro as new Steering Group members.

Steering Group starts preparing for autumn eletions

In general the current board has good vibes and many would like to continue. We will start the candidate recruitment process by asking officially from all board members if they are willing to stand for re-elections. We will also interview their experiences and opinions on “ideal board composition” and in general seek their guidance for the process. Additionally, other aspects like number of board members were discussed.

Questions posées

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MyData Global Elections

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors or on the Steering Committee, please visit to submit your application! Please keep in mind that the application form will close on September 20!

Questions in Leadership-Elections channel

Viivi started a new channel this week to get to know our leadership candidates in advance of the election. This post summarizes the questions asked and links to the respective answers on Slack:

  • What is your stance towards Data Ownership? see 10 answers
  • MyData’s possible role in the field of regulation & soft regulation, code of coduct and standardization? see 4 answers
  • What will you as MyData representative ask the EU committees to change in the current GDPR regulation? see 3 answers
  • How do you see the relationship between us and the tech giants (e.g. GAFA, Chinese giants) developing in the upcoming years? see 5 answers
  • What about selling and monetisation of personal data, what is your view? see 5 answers
  • What are the values that you hold as non-negotiable? see 10 answers
  • What are your favorite metaphors for (personal) data? see 10 answers
  • Do you believe ‘MyData’ needs to be/ can become a brand known to the mass market of individual’s; or can objectives be met without that? see 7 answers
  • What is the mid to long term vision of MyData? see 4 answers
  • What is your favorite book / publication in the field of MyData? see 1 answer