Information importante

Why scam calls seem to be on the rise - Wait, There’s More (Audio: 24:41min)

Host Tamara Khandaker is joined in studio by John Wunderlich, a privacy and security consultant, to discuss the uptick in phone call scams, and if there’s any way to actually stop them.

Election Statistics

I did some quick data-crunching yesterday on the election data, you can find it in the attached excel.

Leadership Election Results

Congratulations to @apoikola @Paul-Olivier Dehaye @Katryna Dow @Kristina (IBO) @John W. @madprime @Charlie - AfroLeadership @JulianRanger @Sarah for being elected to MyData Global Board.
Congratulations to @Chris @Ignasi Alcalde @Mehdi Medjaoui @Jsinipuro as new Steering Group members.

Additional MyData Bank Account at Osuuspankki

To make sure we have also a “normal” bank account (we’ve used the modern Holvi and Transferwise, but there are times they don’t work), proposing to set up a new bank account. This will not be our main account, but will be used when other accounts not usable, and for example for storing some cash reserve.

Start into the MyData “Electoral Season”

According to the Association’s Voting and Elections Regulations “First general meeting notification will be delivered to the membership at latest 45 days prior to the general meeting. n the notification are given instructions and 2 weeks time for the willing members to step up and candidate for the Board or for the Steering Group.” The Athens General meeting will be on November 15th and the announcement is out now.

Board Meeting

The board met this week and discussed various topics about upcoming conferences, strategy, bylaws, and others.

Steering Group starts preparing for autumn eletions

In general the current board has good vibes and many would like to continue. We will start the candidate recruitment process by asking officially from all board members if they are willing to stand for re-elections. We will also interview their experiences and opinions on “ideal board composition” and in general seek their guidance for the process. Additionally, other aspects like number of board members were discussed.

Questions posées

MyData position on proposed sale of .org domain

AFollowing widespread protest over the proposed sale of the .ORG domain by the Public Interest Registry to a private equity fund, ICANN posted a response. Should MyData also openly take a stance?

Proposal for Governance of Collaborative Processes

I think some combination of the board, the steering group and the GM should aim to get three structured tracks going for Request for Comments, Call for Proposals and MyData Enhancement Proposals. This of course mirrors in process the way many technical communities structure themselves, with the hope of tapping more effectively into the diverse skills of the community, without having to “ask for permission”.