Willkommen beim MyData Weekly Digest, einer Nachrichtenseite, die sich der bestmöglichen Berichterstattung innerhalb des menschen-zentrierten Ansatzes bei der Verwaltung personenbezogener Daten widmet... mehr anzeigen >>
Willkommen beim MyData Weekly Digest, einer Nachrichtenseite, die sich der bestmöglichen Berichterstattung innerhalb des menschen-zentrierten Ansatzes bei der Verwaltung personenbezogener Daten widmet. Es enthält Informationen, die seit Juni 2019 hauptsächlich aus dem MyData Global Slack Channel (in englischer Sprache) abgerufen wurden. Beiträge und Kommentare stammen vom jeweiligen Benutzer, der mit jedem Eintrag angegeben wird. MyData ist eine Idee und eine alternative Vision für den ethischen Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten. Es ist gleichzeitig auch eine Bewegung, eine Gemeinschaft und eine globale gemeinnützige Organisation. Lies mehr darüber hier: https://mydata.org
OwnYourData und die MyData-Community teilen dieselben Werte für eine gerechte, nachhaltige und prosperierende digitale Gesellschaft. Weitere Informationen findest du im OwnYourData-Leitbild und eventuell möchtest du die MyData-Bewegung unterstützen. Wenn du Vorschläge zur Verbesserung hast, zögere nicht, uns zu kontaktieren: weekly-digest(at)ownyourdata.eu. << weniger anzeigen
Individuals Intermediate read
Pandemic ending is more of a question of lived experience, and thus is more of a sociological phenomenon than a biological one. And thus dashboards—which do not measure mental health, educational impact, and the denial of close social bonds—are not the tool that will tell us when the pandemic will end.
Business & Government Simple read
The traditional idea of going to the office five days a week or working 9 to 5 may be dying. Some companies are making room for more creative and flexible approaches to getting workers to do their jobs.
Business & Government Advanced read
Europe’s digital transformation of the economy and society is framed by the European strategy for data through the establishment of a common European data space based on domain-specific data spaces in strategic sectors such as environment, agriculture, industry, health and transportation. Acknowledging the key role that emerging technologies and innovative approaches for data sharing and use can play to make European data spaces a reality, this document presents a set of experiments that explore emerging technologies and tools for data-driven innovation, and also deepen in the socio-technical factors and forces that occur in data-driven innovation. Experimental results shed some light in terms of lessons learned and practical recommendations towards the establishment of European data spaces.
Any visit to a website, app download, purchase of a digital service, or use of new software involves legal policies. People typically encounter both a privacy policy and Terms of Use or Terms of Service (TOS/TOU) policy. But do they understand what functions these two types of policies serve? It seems they don’t.
FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts), Google's controversial project for replacing cookies for interest-based advertising by instead grouping users into groups of users with comparable interests, is dead. In its place, Google today announced a new proposal: Topics.
Individuals Simple read
We all know how difficult it can be to close our social media apps and walk away from our devices. Just one more scroll, we tell ourselves. Just one more peek at a link. And then, suddenly, we’re deep down the rabbit hole of yet another feed. So, if we adults are seemingly powerless in the face of such digital temptation, where does that leave our kids?
Business & Government Intermediate read
Meta Platforms' WhatsApp was given a month to answer European Union concerns over new terms and services that sparked outrage among consumers and privacy campaigners: WhatsApp must provide "concrete commitments" to address EU concerns about a possible lack of "sufficiently clear information" to users, or the exchange of user data between WhatsApp and third parties, the European Commission said Thursday. "WhatsApp must ensure that users understand what they agree to and how their personal data is used," EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said in a statement.
The draft declaration on digital rights and principles aims to give everyone a clear reference point about the kind of digital transformation Europe promotes and defends. It will also provide a guide for policy makers and companies when dealing with new technologies. The rights and freedoms enshrined in the EU's legal framework, and the European values expressed by the principles, should be respected online as they are offline. Once jointly endorsed, the Declaration will also define the approach to the digital transformation which the EU will promote throughout the world.
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