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Business & Government Intermediate read

Study Discovers Workers Maintained the Same Productivity With Shorter Work Weeks

Researchers in Iceland conducted two trials of a shorter work week that involved about 2,500 workers. They found that the experiment was an "overwhelming success"— workers were able to work less, get paid the same, while maintaining productivity and improving personal well-being: Participants in the study reduced their hours by three to five hours per week without losing pay.

Individuals Simple read

Neighbour wins privacy row over smart doorbell and cameras

A judge has ruled that security cameras and a Ring doorbell installed in a house in Oxfordshire "unjustifiably invaded" the privacy of a neighbour.

Individuals Simple read

MyData matters: Empowering Children and Families Online

The recent release of the Facebook Files by the Wall Street Journal and whistleblower Frances Haugen has bought the issue of children’s data rights to global attention. In opposition to this and previous actions, MyData4Children has been working with UNICEF and others to strengthen children’s data rights.

Business & Government Intermediate read

99.9% of Scientists Agree Climate Emergency Caused by Humans

It may still be fuel for hot debate on social media, but 99.9% of scientist actually agree on the fact that humans are altering the climate. "It is really case closed. There is nobody of significance in the scientific community who doubts human-cased climate change," said the lead author, Mark Lynas, a visiting fellow at Cornell University, based on a survey of nearly 90,000 climate-related studies.

Developers Simple read

FIDO Authentication Barometer Shows Rise of Biometrics

The FIDO Alliance has launched a new Online Authentication Barometer to better understand what the world thinks about different authentication methods. The initial barometer is based on the feedback of 10,000 consumers in 10 countries all over the world, and will be updated in the future to track changes in people’s attitudes over time.

Developers Simple read

What is Data Science?

The phrase “data science” is used every day, including in this very publication. We feel like we have an idea what it is. But what exactly is it?

Individuals Simple read

Amazon's Alexa Collects More of Your Data Than Any Other Smart Assistant

According to a survey from Reviews.org, Amazon's Alexa collects more data from users than any of the other digital assistants analyzed, which included the Google Assistant, Siri, Bixby, and Cortana.


Developers Advanced read

Tech Ethics Lab: Call for Proposals

The Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab is pleased to release this inaugural Call for Proposals as we seek to fund practical and applied interdisciplinary projects focused on six core themes. The Lab welcomes a broad interpretation of these themes to potentially cover a wide range of ethical questions and challenges. Deadline: November 23rd, 2021


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