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Business & Government Simple read

The New Rules of Data Privacy

After two decades of data management being a wild west, consumer mistrust, government action, and competition for customers are bringing in a new era. Firms that generate any value from personal data will need to change the way they acquire it, share it, protect it, and profit from it. They should follow three basic rules: 1) consistently cultivate trust with customers, explaining in common-sense terms how their data is being used and what’s in it for them; 2) focus on extracting insight, not personal identifiable information; and 3) CIOs and CDOs should work together to facilitate the flow of insights, with a common objective of acquiring maximum insight from consented data for the customer’s benefit.

[Simple] The One Number You Need to Grow

If growth is what you’re after, you won’t learn much from complex measurements of customer satisfaction or retention. You simply need to know what your customers tell their friends about you.

O único número que você deve cultivar

Se você está atrás de crescimento, você não aprenderá muito de análises complexas sobre a satisfação dos consumidores ou sua fidelização. Você simplesmente precisa saber o que seus clientes falam com os amigos deles sobre você.

[Simples] Como responsabilizar as mídias sociais por minarem a democracia

O problema com as mídias sociais não é apenas o que os usuários postam - é o que as plataformas decidem fazer com esse conteúdo. Longe de serem neutras, as empresas de mídias sociais estão constantemente tomando decisões sobre qual conteúdo ampliar, elevar e sugerir a outros usuários. Dado seu modelo de negócios, que promove escala acima de tudo, eles frequentemente amplificam ativamente conteúdo extremo e divisivo - incluindo teorias de conspiração perigosas e desinformação. É hora de os reguladores intervirem.

Business & Government Simple read

How to Hold Social Media Accountable for Undermining Democracy

The problem with social media isn’t just what users post — it’s what the platforms decide to do with that content. Far from being neutral, social media companies are constantly making decisions about which content to amplify, elevate, and suggest to other users. Given their business model, which promotes scale above all, they’ve often actively amplified extreme, divisive content — including dangerous conspiracy theories and misinformation. It’s time for regulators to step in.

“Data Trusts” Could Be the Key to Better AI

One of the challenges in developing AI applications is obtaining the vast amount of data that’s required. Making matters worse, regulations and privacy issues pose obstacles to firms’ sharing their data. A possible solution is for firms to form a “data trust.” that serves as a fiduciary for the data providers and governs their data’s proper use. Willis Towers Watson recently piloted a data trust together with several of its clients. This article shared what they learned about how to create such a trust.

“Data Trusts” pode ser a chave para uma IA melhor

Um dos desafios no desenvolvimento de aplicativos de IA é obter a grande quantidade de dados necessária. Para piorar as coisas, as regulamentações e questões de privacidade representam obstáculos para o compartilhamento de dados pelas empresas. Uma possível solução é as empresas formarem um "banco de dados". que serve como fiduciário para os provedores de dados e governa o uso adequado de seus dados. A Willis Towers Watson recentemente pilotou um data trust junto com vários de seus clientes. Este artigo compartilhou o que eles aprenderam sobre como criar tal trust.

Why Google’s Move into Patient Information Is a Big Deal

We are obviously at the beginning of what will likely be a long, contentious, and vital debate over how to manage personal health information in the digital age... patients have an undeniable right to privacy and control over their personal health data.